
看新聞,學英語(102) 中醫有助減肥

David Lee
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Chinese Medicine Helps with Weight Loss

1. herbal remedy:n. 草藥治療
2. acupuncture:n. 針灸
3. travelled halfway around the world:v.phr. 走遍半個地球
4. overweight:adj. 過重的
5. blame for:v.phr. 歸咎於
6. fix:v. 準備(飯菜)
7. and so fort:phr. 等等
8. be determined to:v. 下決心
9. cupping:n. 拔罐
10. work off:發揮功效

A weight loss hospital is attracting locals and foreigners alike. The traditional medicine clinic specializes in a program of herbal remedies and acupuncture, which is apparently very efficient.

American citizen Alonzo Bland travelled halfway around the world with one goal– to lose weight. He hopes the clinic will be able to help him achieve what he has not been able to do back home — shed the pounds and find a cure to the numerous health problems that come with being overweight.
美國公民Alonzo Bland過去走遍了半個地球,只為一個目的—減肥。他希望這間診所,可以幫他做到過去他在家裡所做不到的—削去幾磅、找到無數因過重所帶來的健康問題的治療方法。

32 year-old Bland blames fast food and an unhealthy lifestyle for his weight gain.

[Alonzo Bland, Weight Loss Clinic Patient]:
“I think that fast food has played a big role, just the choices of being able to go in the kitchen and fix something healthy or get in the car and go around the corner to get something that’s fast and that is not healthy and so forth, so yeah, I do think that plays a role as well”
Alonzo Bland說:「我認為速食文化扮演了一個重大角色,其實就是在你能進廚房準備某些健康的食物,或者是上車在街頭轉角處買一些快速但不有益健康的食物..等等之間做選擇,嗯對,我確實認為那也扮演了一個角色。」

Chinese food, mainly green vegetables, tofu and rice, is Bland’s new diet. After he failed to lose weight back home, he says he is determined to reach his goal with strong willpower and the help of traditional Chinese medicine.

The unique treatment includes acupuncture, cupping and massages. They are combined with traditional Chinese herbal medicine, which is also an important part of the therapy. The rest, the patients will have to work it off with a combination of sports and exercise.
獨特的療法包含針灸、拔罐,和按摩。它們都和傳統中國草藥結合著用,而這也是這種療法的一個重要部份。剩下的,就是病人必需要結合鍛鍊和運動使其發揮功效。(translated by Daniel Chen)


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