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【大紀元7月22日訊】澳大利亞總理陸克文先生(Mr.Kevin Rudd)不久前正式表示,要出席08年北京奧運會開幕式。我們強烈反對任何國家的政府領導人出席08年北京奧運會開幕式,包括澳洲總理陸克文。為此,我們已經以中英文起草了致澳洲總理陸克文的信函,表明我們的反對態度。本信已得到很多人的簽名。信函將近日直接送達陸克文總理辦公室,同時投送澳洲參眾兩院及各在野黨,後在媒體上公佈。在信函發出之前,我們向澳洲境內外徵集更多的簽名。凡反對陸克文總理出席08年北京奧運會開幕式者都可以簽名。報名簽名時間至本年七月二十七日止。願意簽名者請把名字(化名也可)發到郵箱:c hina512investigation@hotmail.com 或 frankrrj@hotmail.com.聯繫電話:00614- 21008786(國際),0421008786(澳洲)。








簽名: 名字 組織名稱(可選擇不填) 電話/電郵(可選擇不填)


Dear Prime Minister Kevin Rudd,

Learning of your decision to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, we have to take this disturbing step of writing you to express our opinions. We strongly oppose your attendance at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olmypics.

As it is stated in the Olympic Charter and known widely, the Olympics is a campaign of the sports competition instead of a political event. You are neither an athlete nor an ordinary audience, but a politician , who holds the post as the head of the Australian government. No doubt, the influence of your attendance is entirely to be political, inevitably producing an effect to assist the CCP ( the Chinese Communist Party) to make this opening ceremony a political show. As it is being criticized widely, the CCP is taking the opportunity of this game as a political propaganda campaign to create the impression that its autocratic regime is powerful, supported and recognized. Obviousely, your attendance will be a help for the CCP’s dictatorship rather than any positive significance to the Olympics.

Furthermore, as you know, the granting for the CCP regime to host the 2008 Olympics was based on the CCP’s promise in 2001 to improve the situation of the human rights in China. Seven years have passed, but the abuses of human rights in China are still continuing. Today, there are still thousands of dissidents and religious believers being imprisoned in China. At present, the CCP is stepping up the persecusion of the oppressed groups. Besides the bloody suppression in Tibet this March, five peaceful protesters in Xinjiang province and two monks in Tibet province were reportedly shot dead by the Chinese paramilitary police few days ago. Many of human right activists were recently arrested and sentenced , named as Mr.Hu Jia、Mr .Huang Qi,、Mr. Ru Honglai,、Mr. Xie Changfa etc. while a large number of others are under house arrest or strictly watched. The CCP doesn’t fulfill its promise to give the media freedom neither , but is taking the harshest restrictions. On July 12, 2008, the CCP authority issued a notice to emphasize that all media and websites’ owners must strictly observe the disciplines, otherwise closure and further punishments would be imposed without explanation. It is also exposed that the CCP authorities have installed video cameras and internet filters to monitor the international visitors who attend the Olympics in China. It was thought the Beijing Olympics would impel the CCP to improve the situation of the human rights in China. But the fact is on the contrary. The Beijing Olympics is being used by the CCP as an excuse to abuse the human rights. At the beginning of this May, to ensure the smooth going of the Olympic torch relay round China, the CCP concealed the prediction of the earthquake from general public, causing more than seventy thousands people to have been killed and about a quarter of a million wounded in this quake.

In this circumstances of the CCP’s failure to keep its promise on the human rights, your attendance will not be different from tacitly approving and sanctioning the CCP’s abuse of the human right. For this reason, your attendance would be very depressive and unacceptable for us. We don’t oppose the athletes’ attendance at the Beijing Olympics, but oppose yours.

Dear Prime Minister, we highly appreciate your speech criticizing China’s human right record during your trip to China this April.We don’t want to see your image with sense of justice in our hearts be destroyed. We sincerely wish you would rescind your decision to attend the openning ceremomy of the Beijing Olympics.

Yours sincerely,



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