【大紀元7月12日訊】龍柏動物園(Lone Pine)於7月12日星期六上午11時在昆士蘭台灣中心舉辦攝影展暨繪圖比賽開幕式。
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary is hosting a photo exhibition and drawing contest at Queensland Taiwan Centre in Sunny Park. The official opening is start at 11:00am on Saturday 12th July 2008. Small gifts will be given to people who attending the opening and light refreshment will also be provided. Please invite your friends and bring your family to join the wonderful event with us.
Queensland Taiwan Centre
PO Box 8032 Sunnybank
Shop 36B, Sunny Park Shopping Centre
Sunnybank QLD 4109 Australia
Tel: +61 7 3345 7066
FAX: +61 7 3345 8838