美東南中華學人協會二0 0八年七月年會


人氣 5

【大紀元7月11日訊】由於人類科技和經濟的進步,台灣和美國等諸先進國家皆已進入高齡化社會,且個人對於健康亦日益重視,因此大家對於保健養生的生活飲食的興趣和需求遽增,當然也成為學者專家共同重視的問題。美國東南區中華學人協會(CAPASUS)爰擬於2008年7月25至27日在喬治亞州亞特蘭大 (Marriott Hotel at Gwinnett Place)舉辦年會,並以主題「保健食品和健康生活之創新和契機」展開學術研討會。

全部年會活動都在Marriott Hotel at Gwinnett Place舉行 (地址:1775 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth, Georgia 30096. 電話: 1-770-923-1775)。我們的講演活動全部對僑界開放,歡迎對保健養生有興趣的僑界人士參加。



9:30 AM. Some Recent Developments at Academia Sinica. 中央研究院劉兆漢副院長

10:00 AM. Halfway Between Birth and Death. 台灣海洋大學孫寶年博士

10:30 AM. Application of red mold rice in preventive medicine – 台灣大學潘子明博士

13:00-15:15 Forum A: Healthy Living (Chair: 季蘊華博士)

13:00 PM. Public Attitudes toward Genomic Modified Foods and Genetic Related Technology and Its Application in Taiwan. 中央研究院傅祖壇研究員

13:30 PM. How to Protect Our Cardiovascular System. 陳幼輝博士, University of Alabama at Birmingham.

13:50 PM Prevalence and Control of Hepatitis B in Asia. 陳偉博士, University of Florida

14:10 PM. Sleep and Health. 錢天佐博士, University of Tennessee Medical Unit in Chattanooga.

14:30 PM. How Body Weight Is Gained or Lost? 周清光博士, University of Kentucky

14:50 PM. Are You Getting What You Paid For? 季蘊華博士, Florida State University

15:40-17:30 Forum B: Functional Foods (Chair: 黃耀文博士)

15:40 PM. Bio-Functional Ingredients from Marine Resources. 台灣海洋大學黃登福博士.

16:10 PM. Nutritional, functional, and health benefits of soy and soy-based foods. 蔡天德博士, WhiteWave Foods.

16:30 PM. Anti-Aging and Functional Water. 洪延康博士, University of Georgia.

16:50 PM. Quality Assurance and safety of herbal dietary supplements. 符必成博士, FDA.

17:10 PM. Does Food Color Matter? 黃耀文博士, University of Georgia.

15:40-17:30 Forum C: Enjoying our life (Chair: 詹歷堅博士)

15:40 PM. How to enjoy and appreciate Chinese painting. 詹歷堅博士, State University of West Georgia.

16:30 PM. Toy of the Century – An introduction to modern video games. 曾一平教授, Savannah College of Arts and Design.


09:00-11:00 Healthy Living Medical Panel

9:00 AM. Nutrition and eye. Shunai Jiang, MD and Ph.D., Emory Eye Center Fellow. Emory University.

9:30 AM. Nutrition and chronic disease. Alan Wang, MD. Emory Johns Creek Hospital.

10:00 AM. Nutrition and cancer. Stephen M. Szabo, MD. Emory University.

10:30 AM. Nutrition and diabetes. Mike Turner, MD. Family practice.

美國東南區中華學人協會 (The Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association in Southeastern United State,CAPASUS) 成立於一九七七年六月二十五日。學人協會會員包括美國東南區八州的學人及專業人士。本會以聯繫學人,促使學術交流,以專業技術向中華民國政府提供建議,協助建設,並從事國民外交,增進美國朝野對中華民國之認識為宗旨。我們的網址是 www.capasus.org。有興趣人士可同現任會長洪延康連繫 (770-412-4739 or yhunguga@gmail.com) 。
