我們上次講了兩個由house發展而來的習慣用語。今天繼續學兩個。第一個習慣用語有兩種略有差異的形式。它們是:bring down the house or bring the house down。 Bring down the house和bring the house down,儘管形式不同但是意義完全一樣。 Bring down意思是「使…倒下,」 可能有人因而以為bring down the house 就解釋「推倒房子」了。這想法也有點道理。
一百來年前有個滑稽演員在劇場說了個笑話,但是全場觀眾卻無動於衷,於是他只得自我解嘲地這樣說:Don’t laugh so hard! You’ll bring the house down – it’s an old building, you know。他說:可別笑得太厲害了。要知道這是棟老房子,笑聲太大會把它震坍的。這也許是bring the house down這個習慣用語的出典,但是久而久之bring the house down有點偏離原意了。它解釋贏得雷鳴般的掌聲和震耳慾聾的喝采聲;總之是得到了高度讚賞。
例句-1:That musical number at the end of the first act always brings down the house — the dancers wear beautiful costumes, the song itself is really catchy and the singer has a terrific voice.
這裡的brings down the house意思是令觀眾為之傾倒。
Bring down the house不僅用來說藝術表演引起轟動,也可以指精彩的運動比賽。下面就有個例子。這段話說的是一次扣人心弦的網球錦標賽。
例句-2:The match lasted three hours and it was the best tennis I’ve ever seen. It brought down the house: after the last point the crowd stood up to applaud both players as hard as they could.
這裡的bring down the house意思還是令人傾倒。
我們再學個也有house這個詞的習慣用語:like a house on fire。 習慣用語like a house on fire已經有兩百多年的歷史了。歸根溯源,它是來自早年美國西部的拓荒生活的。當年墾荒的人們砍伐樹木開闢農場,並就地取材用伐下的原木搭房子。
奇怪的是人們卻沒在意這種意外事件的災難性後果,倒是對這種迅雷不及掩耳的火勢印象深刻,於是就採用like a house on fire來比喻迅速地一舉成名。我們來聽個例子,說的是一部傑出的新電影。
例句-3:This movie has everything: an exciting story, fantastic special effects and top popular stars. So it’s going like a house on fire: the first week it was out it took in 25 million dollars.
這裡的like a house on fire用來比喻迅速成名。
Like a house on fire也可以帶有浪漫情調。下面就有這麼個例子。說話的人把Sallie小姐介紹給了弟弟Joe。我們來聽聽進展怎樣。
例句-4:I was worried that Joe and Sally are so different they wouldn’t like each other. But they’re getting along like a house on fire and tonight Joe says he’s going to ask her to marry him.
他說:我起先擔心Joe和Sally全然不同,可能不會相互愛慕,但是他們的愛情卻如同野火春風般地迅速發展。Joe說今晚他要向 Sally 求婚了。
這裡的like a house on fire用來描述愛情的迅速發展。(//www.dajiyuan.com)