
流行美語 第271課

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LL: Hey, Li Hua. You haven’t eaten any of your food. Why so glum?

LH: 如果你說的glum, 是沮喪的意思,那沒錯,我這兩天心情確實很糟糕。

LL: Yes, glum means sad. So, what’s wrong?

LH: 我上星期去面試,本來以為那家公司肯定會要我,結果他們卻選擇了別人,害得我這兩天一點兒食慾也沒有。 Glum可以用來形容我現在的情況嗎?

LL: Yes, but I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t get the job. We use the word ‘glum’ when we are sad and disappointed about something, but not something extremely serious, such as a death in the family.

LH: 我知道了,glum是用來形容情緒低落或是失望,但如果是特別嚴重的事情,就不能用glum了。這兩天煩心事太多,老天爺也不幫忙,連著這麼多天的陰雨天氣。

LL: Don’t worry – this will all pass eventually. Everybody gets glum at times.

LH: 你呢Larry? 有什麼事會讓你心煩意亂嗎?

LL: Well, rainy days can definitely have an effect on me, but I’d have to say that beating the gloominess is more important than what makes me feel glum.

LH: 要想換個好心情可沒那麼容易,有人吃東西會感覺好起來,可是食物對我不起作用。

LL: Well, a lot of times, people resort to things or people they can count on when they’re glum. For instance, I take a walk and listen to my favorite music, but I do this on my own. Others prefer to confide in friends and family.

LH: 我就是;我往往會向朋友傾訴,或是看電視轉移一下注意力,不過你說的出去走走,聽聽音樂好像也不錯,而且還可以鍛練身體。

LL: That’s true! I never thought of that! Maybe I should run and listen to music the next time I’m glum.

LH: (Laughing)只要能讓心情好起來就行!跟你說說我感覺好多了,胃口也好起來了。不好,這飯菜都涼了,我得讓他們幫我熱熱。(To waiter) Excuse me – do you mind heating this up for me? Thanks!


LH: 我以前聽別人說,”Why so glum, chum.” 就是問別人為什麼看上去心情很不好的意思吧?

LL: Oh yes! We use that when we are asking a friend, ‘hey, what’s wrong.’ ‘Chum’ means ‘friend’ or ‘buddy,’ especially when one male is speaking to another male. It’s very informal.

LH: 哦,一般是男孩子之間說的,chum就是哥們兒,兄弟的意思。

LL: We say it this way because it rhymes, and it’s intended to cheer people up!

LH: Why so glum, chum. 確實押韻。你知道嗎Larry, 我真的很喜歡這次沒有被錄用的那份工作,我事先準備了好幾個小時呢。

LL: So tell me what went wrong. Maybe if we talk about it you won’t be so glum.

LH: 我當時特別緊張,可能是話太多了。我到得很準時,還帶去了自己的簡歷和推薦信,現在回想起來,可能是顯得太想得到那份工作了。

LL: Were you friendly with the people who were interviewing you? Were you all ‘chummy’ with them?

LH: 我跟他們很客氣。你說的”chummy”是拉近乎的意思嗎?

LL: Yes. It depends. Some interviewers like that, and others don’t. A lot of it can depend on personality.

LH: 那Larry, 我們一起吃午飯,你幫我排解鬱悶的心情,那咱們倆兒算不算是”acting chummy”呢?

LL: Good question. Since we are already friends, our friendliness comes naturally. Being ‘chummy’ is somewhat artificial, because it’s between two people who don’t know each other that well. So, we’re not being ‘chummy.’

LH: 所以說chummy是指本來不熟的人,好像顯得關係很好,那用在咱們這種老朋友的身上,就不合適了。

LL: That’s right. So, did you act chummy with the interviewer?

LH: 要這麼說,我跟面試的人還真沒有acting chummy. 我沒有像老朋友那樣,把自己的事情告訴他。Actually, he looked quite glum.

LL: It’s a good thing you didn’t say, ‘why so glum, chum?’ I don’t think that would have helped you get the job!

LH: (Laughing)沒錯!你可真厲害,Larry, 被你這麼一說,我的胃口馬上就好起來了。我真得好好謝謝你!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是glum, 指情緒低落。另一個是chum, 指好朋友。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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