

Tina Gionis 譯者:劉心怡

人氣 5

Dear Jacob,

Budapest is awesome! It’s a city with lots of old, baroque architecture and the lovely Danube River. I’ve seen beautiful things like the Royal Palace and the immense fortress of the Citadella.

The great thing about sightseeing in Budapest is that after a long day of walking around, you can relax in a bathhouse. This city is famous for them, and they are so ornate that they are tourist destinations in themselves! You can indulge in luxury for such a cheap price!

I’ve also been spending a lot of time eating delicious Hungarian food like goulash and spiced meat pies. Yum!

I can’t wait to hear from you!









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Dear Jill,

I’m glad you’re having such a great time in Budapest. The bathhouses sound fantastic! I’m not indulging in any bathhouses here in Canada, but I sure have done a lot of swimming! One of the parks here in Vancouver has a wonderful beach and I’ve been hanging out there. It’s so funny to go to a beach that is in the middle of the city!

I’m going to let you go now as I’m meeting someone at a cafe in half an hour.

Enjoy Europe!







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Reading Passage

Being able to unwind in one of Budapest’s many bathhouses makes visiting such a busy city more manageable. For the price of a $2 dollar ticket, you can escape the smog and soot of the city and relax in a clean bathhouse that is often as ornately decorated as a palace. In the chamomile-scented vapor of the steam room, you can sit on one of the carved stone benches until the heat gets unbearable and then jump into an ice-cold pool to cool off. The Hungarians believe that going between the two temperature extremes of hot and cold is good for the circulation and that the vapors cleanse toxins from the skin.



The Hungarians have been indulging in these bathhouses for thousands of years. Baths were first introduced during the Roman Empire around 100 B. c. where emperors and nobility would unwind. When the Ottoman Empire ruled Hungary in the 16th century, bathhouses were built throughout Budapest, four of which still remain standing and used today: Kiraly, Rudas, Csaszar and Rac. These bathhouses were built over mineral-rich springs whose bubbling waters still fill the tubs. Though these bathhouses were reserved for the upper class of society, today they are open to the public, and people from all different segments of society can be seen bathing next to each other.



Each bathhouse has a curved roof, with a hot-water pool shaped like an octagon, surrounded by a vaulted and columned walkway. Light is let in through jewel-like, stained-glas8 skylights that fill the houses with a warm, colorful hue that adds to the relaxed mood. These 400-year-old baths are havens of relaxation for the people of Budapest, and to visit one of them is to get a taste of the local culture. Your experience in a lavish bathhouse might just be the most memorable one you’ll have of the city!


--摘自 寂天文化《寄英文明信片給你(歐非篇)》@


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