
人氣 71


(1)Be sensitive to where you can and cannot smoke. Many businesses, restaurants, and public areas are becoming smoke free(留心在哪里可以吸煙哪里不可以吸煙。許多商店、餐館和公共場所禁煙).

(2)A short, informal thank you note is the most appropriate way to show your gratitude for an invitation to someone’s home. A gift of flowers or a bottle of wine when visiting will be appreciated, but not expected(收到到主人家做客的邀請,最好寫一個簡短和非正式的便條表示感謝。做客時可以帶上類似鮮花、葡萄酒的禮物,主人會很高興,但禮物不是必不可少的).

(3)Americans will often open gifts immediately upon receipt(美國人收到禮物後一般會立刻打開).

(4)You are not obliged to accept food or drinks offered at social gatherings – the host will not usually urge you to eat. You are expected to help yourself to however much you would like(在社交場合吃東西、喝飲料可以隨意,主人一般不會主動建議,你可以按照自己的需要自取適量食物、飲料).

(5)People often exchange compliments, and often use this as a way to start conversations(人們在交往中往往以互相恭維作為談話的開始).

(6)Americans often give and receive items using only one hand(美國人遞東西、接受東西習慣用一隻手).

(7)Two gestures are commonly used to show approval. The “O.K.” sign is a circle made with the thumb and index finger, with the other 3 fingers facing upwards. The “thumbs up” sign is a fist with the thumb pointing upward(美國人習慣用兩種手勢表示贊同:一是用拇指和食指做圓圈示意OK;握拳向前伸出大拇指表示thumb up).

(8)People form lines pay for items in stores, buy theatre tickets, enter clubs and board public transportation. Even if the line is informal, or if no line is made, people rely on a “first come, first served” mindset. Do not jump or push ahead in line(在商店買東西、劇場買票、進入會所、乘坐公共交通都需要排隊。即使隊伍是非正式的,或者根本沒有排隊,人們依然遵循先來後到的次序。不要加賽或者擁擠).


(1)Americans shake hands during business introductions(商務交往初次見面美國人一般用握手致意).

(2)Business cards are not always exchanged immediately upon meeting. They are usually exchanged if future contact is indicated(不一定在會面開始交換名片,一般在確認需要繼續聯繫的情況下才交換名片).

(3)Punctuality is important(守時很重要).

(4)Expect traffic delays in large cities and surrounding suburbs, especially in the ‘rush hours’ between 0700 and 0900 and 1600 to 1900. As these hours may vary by city, feel free to ask your American business partners about the typical commuter traffic(在大城市及其郊區交通擁堵,尤其是早7時到9時、下午4時到7時的“尖峰時刻”。各個城市的具體尖峰時刻有所不同,請注意向當地美國人徵詢).

(5)Business meetings over lunch are commonplace(借午餐進行商業會議很常見).

(6)Breakfast meetings can start as early as 7 AM(早餐會議7點就可能開始).

(7)When meeting for the first time, address the person by relevant title (i.e. Mr., Ms., Mrs. or Dr.) followed by their surname. Many Americans will invite you to call them by their first names after your initial introduction(與美國人第一次見面,以先生、小姐、女士或者博士稱呼對方的姓氏。許多美國人在第一次見面後就會建議你直呼其名).

(8)Business gifts are discouraged by the law. Small gifts for business associates are acceptable around the holiday season (November through January)(按美國的規矩不興贈送商務禮品。在11月至1月份的假日期間送小禮品可以接受).

(9)Negotiations and business in general is done rather quickly as compared to the pace in other countries(與其他國家相比,談判和生意一般在較短的時間內完成).

(10)Small talk may occur prior to business discussions, but is often limited(在正式談判前,雙方往往進行說small talks進行寒暄,但話題有限).

(11)Sitting with legs crossed, knee over knee, is not considered rude. It is common and professionally acceptable(談話間雙腿交叉、翹腿很常見,可以接受,不屬於失禮行為).

爆竹煙火需認可 施放安全才有保障