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Rice Scandal Rocks Japan

本則英語影音新聞及出處:新唐人電視台英語新聞 //english.ntdtv.com/?c=151&a=5005(可線上觀看)

1.resign: v. 辭職
2.scandal: n. 醜聞
3.tainted rice: n. 毒米
4.string: n. 一串
5.undermine: v. 傷害
6.criticism: n. 批評
7.consumer: n. 消費者
8.to make a fuss: v.phr. 小題大作

Anchor: And in Japan, the country’s farm minister resigned today over a scandal involving tainted rice that was fed to hospital patients and schoolchildren. It’s the latest in a string of food industry scares that has undermined the public’s trust in what they eat. Here’s more.

STORY: Seiichi Ota is Japan’s fourth farm minister to step down in two years. He is facing heavy media criticism after saying Japanese consumers should not make a “big fuss” over the tainted rice scandal.

9.responsibility: n. 責任
10.contaminate : v. 污染
11.pesticide: n. 農藥;殺蟲劑
12.mold: n. 黴菌
13.suspend: v. 暫停
14.consumption: n. 消耗

[Seiichi Ota, Japanese Farm Minister]: “I have decided to resign to take responsibility for the Agricultural Ministry as a whole and make the resulting responsibility clear.” 農業部長說:「我決定辭職,以表示對農業部作為一個整體的負責,以及讓後續的責任更清楚。」

The food scandal involves some small companies who sold rice contaminated with pesticides and mold to food, liquor companies, and even schools. 這個食品醜聞包括幾家小公司,他們賣含有農藥及發黴的毒米給食品公司、飲料公司,甚至還有學校。

The government has suspended rice imports and announced new rules to stop the sale of imported rice found to be unfit for consumption.

15.unnerve: v. 使氣餒
16.shatter: v. 粉碎
17.distribution: n. 分佈;銷售量
18.suspend: v. 使中止
19.consumption: n. 消耗
20.previously: adv. 事先
21.fertilizer: n. 肥料

The rice scandal has further unnerved consumers, whose trust in the food industry has been shattered. There have been repeated quality and false labeling scandals in recent years, ranging from sweets to milk and meat.

[Nobutaka Machimura, Government Spokesman]:
“The issue is that because the distribution system is so spread out, tainted rice has been eaten by a very large number of consumers and has fanned fears for the safety of our food products. We are deeply concerned about this and sorry about it.”

The government has suspended rice imports and announced new rules to stop the sale of imported rice found to be unfit for consumption.

Traders previously had the option of selling tainted rice for use in fertilizers and glue, but in the future, this will not be allowed.

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