市長納特說,他希望費爾蒙特公園委員會(Fairmount Park Commission)與市政府的娛樂部(Department of Recreation)合併,這一提案將出現在11月4日選舉的投票中。市長認為,合併將使得官員任免更加透明、責任更加清楚,並能夠振興費城的休閒、娛樂、和公園系統。
11月4日選舉的投票中,費城選民將看到如下問題﹕「Shall the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter be amended to merge the powers and duties of the Fairmount Park Commission and the Department of Recreation into a newly-created Department of Parks and Recreation, to establish a new Commission on Parks and Recreation, and to provide for its powers and duties。」同意合併的選民,可以勾選贊同。 ◇