
流行美語 第260課

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LL: Gosh, there is hardly any one here, Li Hua. This party is really dead!

LH: Larry. 這裡每個人明明都活得好好的,你為什麼說the party is dead呢?

LL: Well, because there aren’t very many people here, there isn’t much conversation and laughter. When a party isn’t lively, we say it is DEAD. And this party is dead.

LH: 噢,你是說這個party不熱鬧,了無生氣啊。現在時間還早,也許一會兒就熱鬧起來了。

LL: I hope so. Speaking of places being dead today, I went into work for a little bit to get some things from my desk. There was no one in the office – it was completely dead.

LH: 那當然了,今天是除夕,沒有什麼人會去辦公室的。

LL: I guess the college campus must be dead now, too.

LH: 不光是今天,期終考試結束後,學生們都回家過年了。The campus has been dead for two weeks.

LL: So, Li Hua, do you mind being on campus when it is dead like it is now?

LH: 確實有點孤單,不過人少也有人少的好處。比方說,圖書館裡就特別安靜。

LL: Oh, I bet the library is completely dead! I mean, who would be studying over the break?

LH: 我啊!不過你說的沒錯,校園裡確實沒有什麼人,可是停車特別方便。

LL: I know what you mean about the convenience. This year I made sure to do my Christmas shopping at a time when the shopping mall was really dead.

LH: 聖誕購物季節,商店裡到處都是人。I cannot imagine a mall being dead during the holidays.

LL: I went early on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. Since most people work during those times, it was pretty dead at the mall.

LH: 這倒是個好辦法,可以避開購物的人群,不用跟別人擠來擠去的。

LL: That’s right, Li Hua. Hey, look, the party isn’t so dead any more! Some more people have shown up, and the music has started.

LH: The party isn’t dead at all. 你想去跳舞嗎?


LL: Sure, I’d love to dance, Li Hua. Now the party is really happening!

LH: 如果我沒猜錯得話,Happening是dead的反義詞吧?

LL: You are right, Li Hua. It is the opposite of a “dead” party. A happening party is one that is lively and exciting – and where lots of different things are happening.

LH: 是啊,這個party好像一下子就熱鬧起來了。

LL: Frank has done a good job. It is because of parties like this that I love the holidays. Christmas and New Year’s are such happening times of the year.

LH: 就是啊,新年聖誕確實熱鬧,大家都跟親朋好友在一起,不過我也很喜歡春天和夏天。

LL: Why do you like spring and summer, Li Hua?

LH: 放春假和暑假我可以到外地去,visit some more happening places.

LL: I can’t imagine a more happening place than New York City. I mean here in New York there is always something going on!

LH: 紐約確實很熱鬧,可是美國還有其他熱鬧的地方啊。

LL: I suppose that is true. I’ve heard San Francisco has a very happening art scene.

LH: 我就很想去舊金山看看。還有,我還特別喜歡美國的布魯斯音樂,所以很想到孟菲斯去。

LL: I don’t know, Li Hua. I visited Memphis once, and I didn’t think it was a very happening place. But then again, I am not a fan of Blues music.

LH: 貓王的雅園就在孟菲斯。我一直想去看看。我想,他當年在雅園一定開過很多熱鬧的派對。

LL: Elvis was famous for his wild parties. Look, the party is really happening now.

LH: Come on, Larry. 我們去跳舞吧,這麼熱鬧的party, 我可不想就站在這兒。Let’s go have some fun!

LL: Okay, Li Hua! Now this is my idea of a happening time!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是dead, 指了無生氣。另一個是happening,指非常熱鬧。

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