
流行美語 第259課

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李華在幫彼得森教授看孩子。她急著打電話給Larry求助。李華今天要學兩個常用語,pee and poo和handful.

LH: Hi, Larry, this is Li Hua. 你能告訴我pee and poo是什麼意思嗎?

LL: Sure, Li Hua, but first you have to tell me why you need to know what pee and poo means.

LH: 我今天幫彼得森教授看孩子。他一直跟我說I need to pee and poo, 可我又不懂是什麼意思。

LL: (Laughs) I remember Professor Jones’ little boy – his name is Scottie, right? What Scottie is trying to tell you by saying he needs to pee and poo’, Li Hua, is that he needs to go to the bathroom.

LH: 哦,原來Scottie是要上廁所啊!你等一下,我馬上帶他去。

LL: It’s no problem, Li Hua. Scottie is only two years old, and he may need some help going pee and poo.

(Flushing sound)

LH: 好了!原來pee是上小號,poo是上大號的意思啊。沒想到,我今天跟個兩歲的小孩學了個新詞。

LL: Scottie is a very good teacher, isn’t he? I have to tell you, Li Hua, dealing with pee and poo is one of the reasons I don’t want to have children.

LH: 就因為小孩要pee and poo, 你就不想要小孩?等你有了自己的孩子,可能就不會嫌小孩子pee and poo噁心了。

LL: That may be so, but I think I’ll just settle for a dog instead.

LH: 養狗?可是狗也要pee and poo啊。

LL: But a dog goes pee and poo outside. It seems a lot easier to deal with than changing diapers.

LH: 即使是在戶外,你不是也得把狗的poo收拾乾淨嗎?否則鄰居一定會對你有意見的。

LL: Then maybe I’ll just have house plants. They don’t pee or poo.


(Child’s laughter and flushing sounds)

LL: It sounds like Scottie might be playing with the toilet, Li Hua. Boy, little Scottie is a real handful, isn’t he?

LH: Scottie確實是在玩抽水馬桶。不過,他可不是一隻手就能抱起來的。他已經兩歲多了。我兩隻手抱他都費勁。

LL: By saying Scottie is a handful, I wasn’t talking about his size. I meant that he was behaving in a way that is wild and hard to handle and that he is keeping you very busy.

LH: 噢,你是說Scottie調皮啊。哎,你再等一下,我得去制止Scottie. (To Scottie) Come on, Scottie, let go watch some cartoons. (To Larry) 好了,卡通片肯定能讓他安靜一會。

LL: So, has Scottie been a handful all day, Li Hua? It sounds like babysitting him has been a lot of work.

LH: 確實挺累的。不過兩歲的孩子可能都是handfuls, 他們剛學會走路,對什麼都好奇,但是又分不清對錯。

LL: So, you are saying you don’t think Scottie is any more of a handful than any other two-year-old.

LH: That’s right, Larry. 我敢打賭,你小的時候一定也很淘氣。

LL: Yeah, my mom tells all sorts of stories about how I was a real handful when I was little boy.

LH: 我能想像你小時候調皮的樣子。你都幹過什麼壞事啊?

LL: Well, my mom tells me that once I got out a box of crayons and drew a rainbow on the wall of our kitchen. Then there was the time I brought a frog with me into bed.

LH: 你用蠟筆在廚房的牆上畫彩虹?還把青蛙帶上床?You really were a handful, Larry.

LL: Okay, I’ve admitted I was a handful when I was a kid. Now, what about you Li Hua?

LH: 我?我媽說我小時候可乖了。I was never a handful.

LL: I should have known! (More children’s laughter) Hey, what is the little handful doing now?

LH: Uh-oh! Scottie拿著廁所裡的手紙在客廳裡到處跑,現在滿地都是手紙。我得趕緊去收拾,不能跟你講電話了。

LL: Well, Li Hua, you better go and deal with Scottie. What a handful! Talk to you later!

天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是pee and poo, 指小孩子上廁所。另一個是handful, 是指小孩子很淘氣。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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