
人氣 3




他稱北京當局是「歷史上殺人最多的政權」,它對7千萬中國人的死亡負有責任。他還指出,中共有300個秘密拘留營,關押著70萬人。麥志德先生還指控,中共當局折磨與謀殺了3千位法輪功學員。中共數年前取締了法輪功。這位歐洲議會議員表示:「只有這些被囚禁的[法輪功學員] 被要求做血液檢查及血壓測量,因為他們身體上的器官,是解放軍急速發展的器官移植業務的來源之一。」聯合國反酷刑特使曼佛瑞德‧諾瓦克先生曾經說過,在中國三分之二遭受酷刑的人是這個佛家團體的追隨者。」








MEP says days of Chinese regime are numbered

6 September 2007

MEP Edward McMillan-Scott believes that the days of the “repressive” Chinese regime are numbered.

Speaking in Taipei, during a 5 day swing through Asia at an international conference on human rights in Tibet, he drew parallels with the collapse of the Communist Eastern Bloc in Europe. Mr. McMillan-Scott, a Vice-President of the European Parliament and a member of its Human Rights and Foreign Affairs Committees, said: “The Cold War left half of the continent in misery – political, economic and social – under the communist system, presided over by successive Soviet despots. This system came to an end without bloodshed and almost overnight in November 1989. It was brought down by Catholics in Poland and Protestants across Central and Eastern Europe.”

Accusing the Chinese authorities of religious persecution, he added: “You cannot kill religious faith and if you try, history tells us so recently, it will kill you.”

Mr. McMillan-Scott described the Beijing regime as the “most murderous in world history”. He said it was responsible for the death of 70 million of its own people. He also claimed China operated 300 secret detention camps containing over 700,000 prisoners. Mr. McMillan-Scott accused the Chinese authorities of torturing and killing 3,000 practitioners of Falun Gong spiritual movement, which is banned in China. The MEP said: “They are the only prisoners to be given a blood and blood pressure test, because they are a source of body parts for the People’s Liberation Army’s booming organ transplant industry.” The UN Rapporteur on torture Mr. Manfred Nowak has said that two thirds of those on “torture row” in China are adherents of the Buddhist group.

Falun Gong practitioners and supporters have also been highlighting their persecution by holding rallies in Sydney on each day of the APEC meeting of world leaders.

Mr. McMillan-Scott said he is convinced, after numerous visits to China and its neighbouring countries, whether Hong Kong, Tibet or Taiwan, that the “endgame” for the Chinese Communist Party is now underway. Despite oppression, the opposition to the regime is large and vocal.

In a speech in Hong Kong – host to the Equestrian Sports Sunday F he also repeated his call for a Europe-wide debate on a boycott of next year’s Beijing Olympics. He said: “Respect for human rights in China falls short of accepted international standards in the areas of both civil and political rights. Freedom of expression, association, religion, internet use, and the press are heavily restricted; ideological debate is strictly limited by the state. In my view, the EU should now begin a debate about a boycott of the 2008 Olympics, unless by Christmas there is significant and profound change.”

Mr. McMillan-Scott said China’s own constitution states: “No state organ, public organisation or individual may compel citizens to believe in, or not to believe in, any religion, nor may they discriminate against citizens who believe in, or do not believe in, any religion.”

He concluded with a speech in Bangkok saying “China and its neighbours could enjoy the freedom, peace and security now being enjoyed by some 500 million Europeans: the model is there, as well as the warnings.”

McMillan-Scott said that his trip was motivated by the arrest and continued torture of Mr. Cao Dong, who he interviewed as a former prisoner of conscience in Beijing last May.



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