
流行美語 第225課

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Larry和李華剛下課。李華告訴Larry一個非常好的消息。李華今天要學會兩個常用語get out of here和burned out。

LM: Larry! 我有個好消息,說了你一定不相信,我買的彩票中獎了!

LL: Really? Get out of here!

LH: 我中了彩票,你不為我高興,還讓我出去?Get out of here? 我們又不在屋子裡,出去上哪兒去呀?

LL: No, listen,when someone tells you some good or exciting news, and you are really surprised, you can say get-out-of-here. It shows that you can barely believe the good news.

LH: 原來get out of here在這裡是表示驚訝和難以相信的意思。按字面來解釋不就是出去嗎。

LL: You are right. So anyway, how much money did you win?

LH: 你說我的彩票呀? 我中獎得了一千美元。

LL: A thousand dollars? Get out of here! You are sooooo lucky! Hey, I’ve got some good news too. Do you remember that summer internship at the museum I applied for?

LH: 你申請暑假到那博物館去實習,當然記得呀!怎麼啦?他們接受你去實習啦?

LL: That’s right! And not only that, but they are going to pay me a good salary too!

LH: 讓你去實習,還給你很好的薪水?Get out of here! 我簡直不能相信。這比中獎還棒。

LL: Heh, well, I don’t know about that… Oh, by the way, you won’t believe who I saw in the coffee shop near my apartment this morning, Jet Li!

LH: 甚麼?你在公寓附近的咖啡店裡看見李連傑了?Get out of here!

LL: He’s a really nice guy. Look, he gave me an autograph.

LH: Whoa, get out of here! 李連傑還給你親筆簽名!你真幸運。


LL: Well, Li Hua, what are you going to do with your lottery winnings?

LH: 我要把大部份存起來, 不過我想請幾個朋友去聽音樂會。你要不要去?

LL: Umm, well… I really appreciate the offer, but I’m kind of burnt out right now. I need to stay home and rest.

LH: 你說你因為burnt out, 所以要在家裏休息?甚麼是burnt out?

LL: I said that I am burnt out. To be burnt out means to become exhausted because of stress or too much activity.

LH: 噢, burnt out是指因為壓力太大, 活動太多而疲憊不堪。 我看你就是活動太多,放假以後你天天都去參加聚會,所以才累成這樣。

LL: That’s right, during the school year I was burnt out from studying and working, and now that school is out, I’m burnt out from partying!

LH: 我知道你的意思。記得去年我本來要上四門課,同時還要當助教。沒到兩個星期,我就已經累壞了。

LL: Good thing you dropped one of those classes. It’s hard to be a good teacher when you are burnt out from studying yourself!

LH: 對,幸虧我放棄了一門課。 自己學習都應付不過來怎麼才能當好老師呢! Larry, 你不能跟我們去聽音樂會, 真是可惜。 你知道還有誰喜歡滾石樂隊嗎?

LL: The Rolling Stones? Get out of here! You have tickets to the Rolling Stones concert? OK, never mind what I said earlier, I’m going with you!

LH: 我就知道你再累也不會錯過滾石樂隊的。 不過,Larry,有的人說滾石樂隊已經演出了四十年,現在已經太疲乏了- burnt out。

LL: I don’t agree. I don’t think they will ever burnt out.

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是get out of here, 意思是難以相信,還有一個是burnt out,意思是累壞了,精疲力盡。

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