
流行美語 第223課

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Larry在告訴李華他公司裡發生的事。 李華今天會學會兩個常用語,trash talking和make waves。

LL: So, Li Hua, yesterday at the office I heard two of my co-workers trash talking my boss.

LH: 什麼是trash talking? 難道他們在談垃圾,垃圾有什麼好談的?

LL: No, it’s not. Trash talking is saying really mean things about someone.

LH: 噢,trash talking就是說別人的壞話。那你的這兩位同事為什麼要說老闆的壞話呢?

LL: I think they were upset because he didn’t like a proposal they submitted. They were saying my boss wasn’t very smart and didn’t make good decisions for the company.

LH: 就因為老闆沒有接受他們的建議,他們就說他笨,作出的決策對公司不利?他們也太自負了吧! Larry,那你是怎麼看的呢?

LL: I am sure he had his reasons for rejecting their proposal. I have a lot of respect for my boss, and that is why their trash talking him bothers me so much.

LH: 老闆拒絕他們的建議總有他的道理。我知道你很尊重你們的老闆,所以聽見別人在背後說他壞話就感到很討厭。我那天也聽到兩個研究生在說一個教授的壞話。我也覺得很討厭。

LL: Did you do anything about their trash talk?

LH: 我當時就為這位教授辯護。 他們不一定會改變看法,但是我不能聽任他們誣蔑這位教授。

LL: Good for you, Li Hua!

LH: 後來別人告訴我那兩個人又在背後說我的壞話 – They trash talked me 。

LL: I guess you made them mad by bringing attention to their trash talking. I just don’t have the courage to deal with my two co-workers who talked trash about my boss.

LH: 你沒有勇氣來對付他們?這有什麼呢?你就對他們說, 你們這樣說老闆的壞話是不對的。

LL: I don’t think it is that easy, Li Hua. After all, I still have to work with these trash talkers.


LH: 你是不是擔心他們會找你的麻煩呀?

LL: It is not so much that I am afraid of them, as it is that I don’t want to make waves at work.

LH: 你不是怕他們,而是不想在工作單位make waves。 Make waves是什麼意思?你不想興風作浪?

LL: No, no. Making waves means to cause a disturbance.

LH: 噢, 你是不想得罪他們,引起糾紛。

LL: I know it would make waves at work. These two co-workers are senior to me, and I know if I talked to them, they’d just cause trouble for me.

LH: 這兩個人資歷都比你深。你要批評他們,他們就會給你找麻煩,你實際上還是有點怕他們。

LL: You know, I also don’t want to make waves at home, too.

LH: 公司裡的事情怎麼會牽涉到你的家人,又怎麼會給家裏製造麻煩呢?

LL: Well, my parents just want me to do well and be successful. It would upset them to know I was having trouble at work.

LH: 我明白了, 你不想讓父母擔心。 Larry,你不愧是個孝子。 我的一個學生可不像你。他暑假回家的時候, 給家裏製造了不少麻煩。

LL: What did he do?

LH: 他在肚臍上穿了一個洞, 帶上了一個金屬環。他要趕新潮。可把他的父母都快要氣瘋了。

LL: Well, that certainly is one way to make waves. Li Hua, you don’t seem to be able to make waves.

LH: 那你就不瞭解我了。幾個月前我也跟我的房東鬧了一場呢。

LL: Really, Li Hua, you didn’t tell me about this. What happened?

LH: 我公寓裡的浴缸漏水了。我跟老闆說了好幾次他都不理我。 後來我實在忍無可忍,就去他辦公室問他為什麼不給修,so I made some waves。

LL: It is too bad you had to make some waves to get your landlord to do what he is supposed to do.

LH: 其實我是不喜歡這樣做的 – I don’t like to make waves。他要早派人修了不就沒事了嘛!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是trash talking, 意思是說別人的壞話。還有一個是make waves, 意思是製造麻煩或糾紛。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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