














Letter on detention of writer Mr LU Gengsong to heads of all states, United Nations, International Human Rights groups and International Olympic Committee

Initiated by China Human Rights Forum (Website: //

With pain and indignation, we write to you in anticipation of human justice, informing that another Chinese writer has been jailed for freedom of speech.

On September29, 2007, Mr LU Gengsong, writer, human rights activist, and founding member and editor of the China Human Rights Forum was formally charged by Hangzhou City Public Security Bureau, Zhejiang Province, China, with 「inciting subversion of state power」, a crime that used to be called 「counter revolutionary propaganda and incitement」 that the Chinese Communist regime used to frame dissidents before 1997. Mr LU is now in the detention centre of the Xihu Division of the Hangzhou City Public Security Bureau.

Mr LU graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in History from Zhejiang University, China. He had been a teacher at the Zhejiang Institute of Public Security and was expelled in 1993 for participating in pro-democracy and human rights campaigns.

For the past 14 years, he has been engaged in legal studies and online writing. He has published a book, A History of Chinese Communist Party Corrupt Officials, and over 100 articles on China』s politics.

In recent years, Mr LU has spent most of his time in publishing his reports on the grassroots civil rights movement. Even on the day before his detention, he reported the unjust trial by authorities against Mr YANG Yunbiao for removing the latter from his own house.

Mr LU is one of the few upright and courageous freelance writers in Mainland China. Since his detention on August 24, 2007 by the authorities, Mr LU has been prohibited from meeting with his lawyer.

Mr Lu is in his fifties (born in 1956) and has high blood pressure and severe toe paronychia. If convicted and sent to prison, he may not bear the heavy labour or torture in a prison. Furthermore, as Mr LU』s daughter is still in school and his wife is unemployed, the family would become totally helpless. We have deep worries over their future.

Mr LU』s suffering is another typical case of a bully against freedom of speech conducted by the Chinese regime in violation of Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which China became a signatory in 1998, and Article 35 of China』s own Constitution and China』s promise in 2001 of improving human rights in exchange for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.

1060 Chinese writers, independent intellectuals and human rights activists wrote an open letter to the 17th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party on August 27, 2007 demanding the release of Mr LU. There has been no response at all from the Chinese regime so far.

Therefore, we have no other choice but to write to you and draw your attention to the fate of Mr LU and hope you can urge the Chinese regime to release Mr LU immediately and unconditionally.

With honour and high respect.(//


浙江作家呂耿松被正式逮捕 家人受監控
呂耿松正式被捕 妻子堅稱無辜