【大紀元4月9日訊】(大紀元英國記者方元報道)中共蘇家屯集中營虐殺法輪功學員幷活體摘除學員器官進行非法買賣的惡行被大紀元披露後,在英國社會引發極大震動。英國不少地區都有民衆持續舉辦各種活動,曝光中共這一慘絕人寰的最新獸行。一些民衆也紛紛寫信給英國政府和國會議員,要求政府出面幹預,聲討中共的法西斯的反人類罪行。英國中部地區的彥女士近日收到她的選區議員布賴恩.詹金斯(BRIAN JENKINS)的回信,信中表示决不能接受在中國發生的對法輪功學員的一系列人權虐待。
感謝你的來信表達你對中國發生的大量摘取器官一事的關注.我很高興收到我代表的轄區公民的信函, 幷認真的考慮你提出的問題.
請放心, 我已經密切關注在中國發生的對法輪功學員的人權虐待情况.大量的報告指出成千上萬的法輪功學員被抓,被打,被開除公職,被歧視,被關進精神病院, 被酷刑折磨和被洗腦, 所發生的這一切是决不能被接受的. 有關最近揭露的 “秘密集中營”一事雖然有待于進一步證實, 但是對于出售死刑犯人器官的報告使我內心受到了衝擊.
我相信,英國政府已經就中國人權狀况向中國政府表達了關注,但是非常遺憾,中國的情况幷沒有一點改善. 英國政府必須推出更加明確的政策來使其人權得到改善.我會不斷的向政府施加壓力使這一政策出臺.
再次感謝你的信函. 歡迎來信
English original
4th April 2006
Dear Yan,
Thank you for taking the time to write to me with your concerns over organ harvesting in China. I am always keen to hear from constituents, and have considered your comments cardfully.
I would like to assure you that I have very serious concerns about the human rights abuses against Falun gong adherents in China. Reports suggest that thousands of followers have been imprisoned, ill-treated, fired from their jobs, ridiculed, locked up in mental hospitals, beaten and “re-educated”, all of which are not acceptable. The latest allegations of a ‘secret concentration camp’ are far from proven, but I was certainly disturbed by the reports that the organ of executed prisoners are being offered for sale.
The British Government, I believe, has voiced its concerns over this matter with the Chinese Government, but unfortunately, the situation does not appear to be any better. The Government must push for a more robust and effective approach and I will continue to put pressure on the Government to do this.
Yours sincerely,
Brian Jenkins MP