
流行美語 第203課

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這是個星期六早上, 李華打電話給Larry,叫他一起去海邊玩。李華今天會學到兩個常用語。一個是,count someone in另一個是,wipeout。

(Li Hua打電話給Larry。電話鈴聲)

LL: (Tired) Hello。

LH: Larry, 該醒啦! 看看外面的天氣有多好呀!我和Jenny要去海邊。你要一起去的話,趕快起來準備好。

LL: Hmma hey! You’re right, the sky is beautiful. So you’re going to Rockaway beach? Count me in!

LH: 你說甚麼?要我數甚麼呀?你要我們等很久可不行!

LL: No, no. I said count me in. That means I want to go too, I want to do this activity.

LH: 噢,count me in就是:也算我一個,也就是說你要一起去。行,我和Jenny一起出去買點吃的,那,我們11:30到你那裏…

LL: Wait, you’re getting lunch before we go? Count me in on that too. I’m hungry!

LH: 你餓了,要跟我們一起吃午飯?我早該知道你會這麼說。只要有吃的,你總是要參加的。

LL: Absolutely! I haven’t had a good hamburger for weeks, so you can definitely count me in!

LH: 怎麼說得這麼可憐!幾個星期沒吃一個像樣的漢堡。好吧,那,你快起來準備,我們過十五分鐘來接你。對了,Jenny還要去滑旱冰,你是不是也要參加?

LL: Count me in on the rollerblading also.

LH: 這你也要玩! 我真有點害怕,特別是幾個星期前我把自行車撞壞了以後 …

LL: Really? I’m surprised. You usually like to try new things. When we plan new, fun things we can usually count you in.

LH: 對,我一般是喜歡嚐試新東西的。凡是有新鮮的,好玩的事,我都去。這回是因為自行車出了事,所以有點特殊。不過,我如果帶安全用具,應該沒事。那,你就算我一個吧!

LL: That’s what I thought! Anyway, count me in for the hamburgers. I’ll be downstairs in fifteen minutes!


(Li Hua and Larry are on the beach.)

LH: 喲,我還從來沒有看人衝浪呢!你看這些人吶!那人從他那衝浪板上掉下去了。他沒事吧?

LL: He just wiped out. It happens all the time.

LH: Wiped out? 那是甚麼意思呀?他這就被沖掉啦?

LL: No, no. Wiped out.If you fall down, fall off of something, or crash, this is a wipe out.

LH: 原來wiped out就是掉下來,或撞壞了。我剛才真是嚇了一跳,我還以為他被沖走了呢! 對了,我想掉在水裡不會像摔在地面上那麼痛吧!

LL: Remember when you wiped out on your bicycle last month?

LH: 你怎麼又提我從自行車上摔下來的事呢!你看,我手臂上的疤還在呢!真痛呀!對了,你頭邊上的疤是哪兒來的?

LL: That? I wiped out on my skateboard when I was a kid and fell down some steps. I was lucky I wasn’t seriously hurt.

LH: 你小時候從滑板上摔下好幾個台階? 你沒有嚴重受傷,真算你運氣。你該帶防護帽。我從自行車上摔下來的時候要是沒帶防護帽,那我就慘了, 很可能會嚴重受傷。

LL: Hey, that reminds me: what about your friend who wiped out while skiing earlier this year? Is he doing OK?

LH: 你在說誰呀?噢,就是今年年初滑雪的時候摔跤的Steve! 他現在很好,幾個星期前把他腿上的石膏取下來了。 Larry,那邊是Jenny嗎?

LL: Hey, there’s Jenny over there. Let’s get our gear on and join her.

LH: Larry,我還是有點害怕。我不想摔倒了受傷。

LL: Don’t worry, Li Hua! We’ll go slowly. Even if you do wipe out, you’ll be OK.

LH: 那好吧,我跟你一起去,可是千萬別太快了。那樣即便摔倒也不會受傷。走吧!

LL: I knew we could count you in!

今天李華學到了兩個常用語。一個是count someone in,意思是把某人包括在某個活動中。李華學到的另一個常用語是wipeout,意思是摔倒。(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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