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The author of the book “Losing the New China” speaks in New York City

新聞來源: //www.ntdtv.com/xtr/big5/aReadArticle.jsp?id=30690

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Seid: The author Ethan Gutmann, talked with readers in New York about his groundbreaking book “Losing the New China” in New York City. Gutmann is the first person to do in-depth research about the place of foreign investment in China- finding that not only do foreign companies fund a communication blockade in China but they also lie about their successes in order to maintain the perks and status of living there.
1. groundbreaking: 開創性的。
2. in-depth research: 深度研究。
3. communication blockade: 溝通障礙。
4. perk: 津貼、好處。

【譯文】:作家葛特曼在紐約與讀者談他開創性的新書─「失去新中國」。葛特曼是第一位對外資在中國的地位進行深度研究的人─ 他發現不僅外國共司在中國資助溝通封鎖,而且他們也對他們的成功說謊,以維持在那裡的生活好處與地位。

Story: “Losing the New China” won an award from the New York Daily Sun in 2004 and is a Forbes Readers Club 2004 recommended book.
1. award: 獎項
2. recommend: 推荐


Drawing on his experiences of working as a consultant in a top public affairs company in Beijing, the book depicts the inside story of how American companies do business in China.
1. consultant: 顧問
2. depict: describe in words. 描畫;描寫。
3. inside story: 內幕


In particular, he shows how the Chinese Communist Party utilizes the adnvanced technology of companies like Cisco, Yahoo and Sun Microsystems to create Internet blockades, blocking words like “democracy” or websites like England’s BBC.
1. utilize: 運用
2. blockade: 封鎖


Gutmann said that foreign companies who intially invested in China with good intentions- to promote democracy and make money- were slowly polluted by the Chinese Communist Party. They now cover up the facts of their investment loses in China, collaborating with the CCP’s efforts to promote their country as a promising economy.
1. initially: 起初
2. good intention: 善意
3. pollute: 污染
4. cover up: 掩蓋
5. collaborate: 合作;共同工作。
6. promising: 有前途的


An inside source from within the American Embassy in China said that only 5% of foreign companies are making a profit in China. The Chinese government reports profits of 50%, and investors dare not report the truth of their failing businesses for fear of losing the status or perks afforded them in China.
1. inside source: 內部消息
2. dare: 敢
3. afford: To supply; produce; yield. 供給;產生;出產。


Gutmann mentioned that the publication of the”Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” by The Epoch Times is having a profound effect on the Chinese government, sees it as a good way to peacefully change society.
1. mention: 提到
2. publication: 出版
3. profound: 深遠的


Gutmann is happy to be putting out a Chinese language version of the book, which he initially wrote only for Western audiences. He hopes the book will help Chinese and foreign people alike realize the country’s true situation.
1. put out: publish=issue, 出版
2. audience: 聽眾


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