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China, at Odds with Vatican, Arrests Bishop


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Sean Seid:Bishop Jia Zhiguo, the underground Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Zheng Ding in Hebei province, was arrested again by two government officials at his house quashing hopes of any reconciliation between Beijing and the Holy See.
1. Catholic : Of, being, of connected with Roman Catholic Church. 天主教的。
2. Bishop:The spiritual head or ruler of a diocese or church district. 主教。
3. Diocese: The district in which a bishop has authority, called the bishop’s see; a bishopric. 主教管轄區。

4. quash: , v.t., To subdue or crush, as a rebellion. 撲滅;弭平(叛變等)。
5. reconcile: , v.t. To restore peace or friendship between. Reconciliation, N., the state of restoring peace or friendship between.
6. Holy See: jurisdiction of the pope. 梵蒂岡羅馬教廷。


• Bishop Jia Zhiguo, 主詞
– the underground Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Zheng Ding in Hebei province, 同位語
• was arrested again 被動語態
– by two government officials 第一組介係詞片語表對象
– at his house第二組介係詞片語表地點
– quashing hopes of any reconciliation 分詞片語
• between Beijing and the Holy See.第三組介係詞片語

China has not had diplomatic relations with the Vatican since 1951 and believers must attend state-sanctioned churches led by bishops who pledge loyalty to Beijing.
1. diplomatic: , adj. related to the management of affairs between two nations. 外交的。diplomatic relations: 外交關係。
2. believer: follower. 信徒。

3. sanction: , vt. =ratify=approve, To give endorsement to; confirm; approve. 認可;核准;同意。
4. pledge: , To bind by a promise. 誓言。
5. loyalty: Faithfulness to country, friend, promise, duty, etc.; 忠誠。


• China has not had diplomatic relations 主要子句
– with the Vatican第一組介係詞片語表對象
– since 1951第二組介係詞片語時間
• and believers must attend state-sanctioned churches對等子句
– led by bishops 分詞片語
• who pledge loyalty 形容詞子句
– to Beijing.第三組介係詞片語表對象

The Vatican has regularly accused China of violating human rights and criticized the government for what it sees as the repression of religion, a charge the government denies.
1. accuse A of B: =charge A with B, 控告A犯有B罪名。
2. repression: crackdown, suppression, oppression. 鎮壓。
3. charge: N. =accusation=indictment=allegation, 控訴


The Vatican estimates it has about 8 million followers in China, compared with about 5 million who follow the state-backed association.
1. estimate: ,To calculate approximately. 估計。
2. state-backed: 國家支持的
3. association: ,A body of persons organized for a common object; a corporation.協會。


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