
----一個多倫多讀者致信加拿大環球郵報(The Globe and Mail)編輯

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【大紀元8月15日訊】加拿大環球郵報(The Globe and Mail)編輯:

讀了貴報(8月6日)的文章 “中共的長手在多倫多”後, 使我一晚睡不著覺, 我感到了一種壓力, 那是來自於中共的獨裁的壓力, 沒有言論和信仰自由……

作為一個加拿大的公民, 一個多倫多的居民, 我1999年從中國大陸移民多倫多, 我深深了解中共的一貫做法, 也深愛著加拿大的人民, 我想說一句: 加拿大是獨立的, 中共沒有權利來控制和影響加拿大人的生活.

回想來加之前, 我和很多中國人一樣, 曾想中國人是偉大的,聰明的. 但中國沒有條件, 人口多,貧窮落後, 資源不豐富, 所以想依靠移民加拿大, 而想辦法幫助中國, 為貧窮的中國民眾出點力. 所以對中共在海外的長手及所作所為從心裡還是沒有反對. 我們以前就是受到中共的奴化教育, 對共產黨是一定要聽從的, 共產黨一定是正確的.

我想很多新移民和我當時的心情是雷同的, 因為我們都想愛國. 但現在我清楚了, 我愛中國但不愛共產黨. 中國的落後正是中共專制制度的結果.

通過這幾年在加拿大的生活和工作, 使我不斷學習和感受到了民主社會的優越性, 人們對神的信仰和良好的道德風尚, 使我為加入加拿大國籍而自豪. 我在入籍宣誓時就決定為維護加拿大的和平和民主而出力.

大紀元網站發表的社論<<九評共產黨>>使我徹底認清中共的邪惡本質, 你們的文章也使我見識了其圖謀通過影響加拿大議員的決定而達到其操控的目的, 這是真正的干涉內政. 雖然這一點在其<<共產黨宣言>>中就可以看出是中共的本性, 但你們的這篇及時的文章是真正給我們加拿大公民敲響了警鐘. 我相信, 還有很多沒有被公開揭露的幕後交易和黑暗構當, 如中共派往加拿大的上千特務正在威脅我們社會的安定. 希望你們能不斷提醒民眾和我們的政治家們, 以保証我們能平靜的生活.

在此也希望在加拿大的中國人和領事館的中共官員們認清形勢, 共產黨的垮臺已指日可待了,而西方的民主才是真正的社會安定的保障.

其實, 領事館應該成為傳播中國傳統文化和學習西方民主經驗的窗口. 而不是靠吃飯拉攏政客來向海外輸出中共的影響. 在全球一浪高一浪的退黨大潮中, 領事館的官員們也不應因其特使的工作而拉下.


To the editor(s) of the Globe and Mail
Dear Sir/Madame Editor(s),

After reading an article dated on August 6, 2005, entitled “Feeling the long arm of China”, I could hardly sleep the whole night. I can feel the pressure, the pressure of the Chinese Communist Party’s dictatorship, which tolerates no freedom of speech or freedom of religion.

As a Canadian citizen and a Torontonian, I immigrated to Canada from Mainland China in 1999. I know very well the way that the Chinese Communist Party handles people. I love the Canadian people so much that I want to say: Canada is an independent county. The Chinese Communist Party has no rights to control or influence the Canadian people’s life.

I recalled before I came to Canada, I thought as many other Chinese did that Chinese People are great and wise. China has too large population, and it is poor and backward, and since its resources are not sufficient, I wanted to immigrate to Canada to find a way to help and make some contributions to China. That is why before from my heart, I did not really go against “the long arms of the Chinese Communist Party”. As a result of being educated and slaved by the Chinese Communist Party, we definitely have to listen to the Chinese Communist Party, which as the way we were educated is forever correct.

I think many Chinese immigrants have the same feelings as me, since all of us want to love our country. Now I understand that I love China but I don’t necessarily have to love the Chinese Communist Party. The backwardness of China is exactly the results brought by the dictatorship of the Chinese Communist Party.

After several years living and working in Canada, I learn and feel the advantage of the democratic society. I feel so proud to be a Canadian citizen, because of the fact that Canadians are allowed to believe in God and also because of their good moral quality. When I took my oath in my citizenship ceremony, I decided that I should do my efforts in safeguarding the peace and democracy of Canada.

The Epoch-times editorial of “Nine Commentaries on the Chinese Communist Party” brought me to see clearly the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party. The article in Global and Mail “Feeling the long arms of China” also helped me to see clearly the genuine purpose of the Chinese Communist Party that tries to influence the decision made by the local Canadian government officials. This is in fact interfering the Canadian internal affairs. Though this can be seen clearly from “Manifesto of the Communist Party”, this Global and Mail article woke us up. I believe there are still many other under-counter and unknown business going on such as the fact that the Communist Party has sent thousands of spies to Canada, threatening the safety of our society. I hope you can keep reminding our people and our politicians so that we can live a secure and peaceful life.

At the same time, I also hope that the Chinese people and the Chinese officials in Canada see clearly the situation: the collapse of the Chinese Communist Party is to be expected very soon. Only the western democracy can be the guarantee of the social stability.

In fact, the Chinese Consulate should be the window of spreading the Chinese traditional culture and learning the western democracy. It should not rely on the meals and the networking to export the influence of the Chinese Communist Party. Over the wave of quitting the Chinese Communist Party, the officials inside the Chinese Consulate should not be neglected due to their consulate jobs.

Sincerely yours,



【專欄】李衛平 : 一字之差