克萊瑞先生說,投誠者並不是叛國者,而是維持正義有原則的人,是當代的英雄。「我對那些能夠勇敢、無畏地站出來的人感到由衷的欽佩。」 克萊瑞先生在他的職業生涯中曾幫助過許多投誠者,他們都在澳洲開始了新生活,其中有一位現在是著名的餐館業主,還有一位是詩人,還有許多是教師、大學教授。
Legal Community to Aid Chinese Defectors
By Max Dobson
Jun 28, 2005
Hao Fengjun being interviewed (The Epoch Times)
A modern hero has many forms according to human rights lawyer, ex-diplomat and a former Attorney-General of the Australian Capital Territory, Bernard Collaery. He defines recent Communist China defectors as a 「special class of people who will change history.」
The concept of a defector may not be a colloquial term for Australians, according to Mr. Collaery. Western democracies call them 「whistle blowers,」 where as on the other side of the political spectrum you have defectors who risk their life. In the case of former senior Chinese diplomat Mr. Chen Yonglin and ex-state security police officer Mr. Hao Fengjun their future now lies in the hands of the Australian Government after their revealing of Chinese government espionage activities and human rights abuses.
Mr. Collaery said that defectors are far from being traitors but people of principle. 「I have the greatest admiration for those who stand up courageously and bravely.」 During his career he has helped many defectors who have then gone on to make a new life in Australia one as a prominent restaurateur, another a poet, teachers and university professors.
He is now currently the legal representative for Mr. Hao and he has witnessed a committed media campaign by the Chinese government to undermine Mr. Hao』s credentials and identity. Rather than comment on the existence of the 6-10 Gestapo office that Mr. Hao worked for, the Chinese Government is attacking Hao』s testimonial. The former secret police officer has also brought what Mr. Collaery described on ABC』s Lateline as a 「treasure trove」 of evidence of human rights atrocities occurring in China.
After 30 years of practicing law he says there has been a shortage of human rights lawyers in Australia. He admits for someone interested in taking up the challenge there are costs to family and friends, especially when representing a high profile or sensitive cases. Often there is little financial reward and occasional harassment.
With the increasing numbers of defectors and dissidents from China requiring legal help Mr. Collaery says there is unfortunately a lack of Chinese Australian lawyers offering assistance. Translation of documents, cultural differences, manpower issues are but a few of the challenges he faces. However he remains optimistic. In the months to come he predicts many more defections from China and with that will come support from fellow law professionals.
In his career Mr. Collaery has also been legal counsel for Australians with the Royal Canberra Hospital Implosion Tragedy, the 1987 Thredbo Alpine Disaster and the fatalities arising from the fire on board the HMAS Westralia and issues arising from a RAAF F111 crash in the South China Sea.