在今天我們要講的習慣用語裡,一個關鍵的字就是To blow. Blow這個字是一個非常勤勞的字,因為許多習慣用語當中都有這個字。你要想再找一個像blow用得那麼多的字恐怕還不容易。在以前的“美國習慣用語”節目中,我們也曾經講過幾個。
今天我們再給大家介紹兩個和blow有關的習慣用語,第一個是:To blow one’s own horn. To blow有好幾個解釋,但是在這個習慣用語當中應當解釋為:吹。Horn就是喇叭。To blow one’s own horn的字面意思是:吹自己的喇叭。但是,作為一個俗語,它的意思是:誇耀自己,或者是自吹自擂。喜歡誇耀自己的人一般都有這種吹牛的習慣。下面是一個學生在講一個愛吹噓的人。
例句-1: Do you know Joe Jones next door to me in my dorm? Nobody likes him – he’s always blowing his own horn about what a great athlete he is and how much the girls all chase him.
例句2: My cousin introduced my sister Lisa to Frank, a famous Harvard economics professor. He’s interested in her but Lisa says she can’t stand him because all he does is blow his own horn about his latest book on economics and how popular he is among his students.
在這次節目裡我們要講的第二個跟blow有關的習慣用語是:To blow the lid off. To blow在這裡也可以解釋為吹。Lid就是瓶子或罐子的蓋頭。要是你blow the lid off,那就是你把別人想方設法要保密的事情揭露出來。To blow the lid off這個說法給人腦子裡制造了一個形像,那就是好像突然發生的爆炸把盒子上的蓋子給掀掉了。這樣人們就可以看到盒子裡的秘密東西。在發現政府官員貪污腐化的情況下經常用to blow the lid off這個習慣用語。下面就是一個例子。
例句3: I hear that the newspapers are going to blow the lid off the mayor’s office – they have proof that he’s been taking bribes from building contractors to give them city business.
例句4: I’ve watched these strange people in and out of the house next door for some time. My neighbors and I suspect they’re a gang dealing in cocaine smuggled from Colombia or Mexico. I wonder if I ought to blow the lid off by reporting them to the cops.