
Beach Culture:From the Bush to the Snow to the Beach, it's all part of the culture that Aussies Enjoy!

Heidi Sibley 肖楠 譯 圖片提供:Heidi Sibley

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“Beach Culture” is fast becoming a popular Aussie expression, which for many Australians, both native and new, is now an intrinsic part of Aussie culture. Whether it is riding the waves in the early morning for the surfies or a suburban family’s day out, beach culture is now an entrenched part of Aussie culture. Yet of course, whether it’s a bushman with his swag boiling up the Billy, the outback, the bush or the beach, it’s all part of this wonderful landscape we call home, no matter which land we come from!


When I was a little girl, my parents moved back to Australia from Europe. My father, coming from a Swiss background, wanted to live in the Snowy Mountains to remind him of home, while my mother, an Aussie “born and bred”, preferred a warmer and more tropical environment. However, in the end, they settled where my father found work as a pastry cook for a Swiss bakery in Canberra. Canberra is only two and a half hours from the Snowy Mountains ski fields, and so skiing became a popular activity for our family in my childhood. As the years went on, however, my parents always talked about how nice it would be to move up to sunny Queensland, where we could enjoy warmer weather and the beach. They talked about it so much that I wondered if they would ever make the move or if it was simply “all talk”.

再後來我長大了,結婚了,也有了自己的孩子。有一天,父母到陽光海岸的努沙角(Noosa Heads)渡假。剛到那裏,他們就打電話給在堪培拉的我和丈夫。他們興奮地告訴我們,他們訂的房間比想像的要大許多,有好幾間臥房、兩個衛生間–兩個人住太浪費了!所以他們邀我們北上與他們一起度過那個星期。幸運的是,我和丈夫擁有自己的生意,所以我們可以跟客戶說,我們一星期後再回來。第二天早上,我們全家一起飛到了昆士蘭。

I grew up, got married and had children of my own. One day, my parents went on a holiday up to Noosa Heads on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland. Upon arrival, they rang my husband and I who were back in Canberra. They excitedly told us that the holiday accommodation they had booked was much bigger than they expected, having several bedrooms and two bathrooms-too much for just a couple! So they invited us to come up and spend the week with them. Fortunately, my husband and I had our own business and were able to tell all our clients that we would be back in a week. So, the very next morning, off we flew up to Queensland with the whole family.

在努沙(Noosa )的海灘呆了一個星期後,我們決定:陽光海岸才是我們想住的地方。一個星期的假期後,我們回家做了一切安排,兩個月後,我們就已經在昆士蘭了。父母驚訝地發現,我們居然先於他們搬了家!由於不想與孫兒們離得太遠,父母賣掉了他們的麵包店和房產,也搬到了昆士蘭!不久後,我82歲的老奶奶也從已住了一輩子的雪梨搬到陽光海岸,與我們在一起。兄嫂帶著他們的小寶寶也搬到了昆士蘭。

After spending a week at the beach at Noosa, we decided that the Sunshine Coast was where we would like to live. After one week’s holiday, we returned home to make all the arrangements, and two months later we were in Queensland. My parents were amazed to find that we had actually made the move before them! Not wanting to be too far way from their grandchildren, they sold up their family bakery business, the family home, and moved up too! A short time later, my 82-year old Grandma also moved up to be with us on the Sunshine Coast after having resided in Sydney all her life. My brother, sister-in-law and new little baby have also made the move.


Having enjoyed a wonderful summer of catching waves on our boogie boards and having family barbecues and picnics at the beach, I sit back in my beach chair watching our children build sandcastles and admiring the glorious ocean view. With waves extending to the horizon and a gentle sea breeze upon my skin, I am thankful for this beautiful place that we call home!@(//www.dajiyuan.com)

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