
人氣 2











中國公民 鄭貽春的家人

A letter to the President of USA(英譯文)

Nov 17, 2005

To : White House
Washington DC. USA

Respectful President Mr. George W. Bush:

Please allow me to say hello to you!

We are Chinese citizens from Yingkou City, Liaoning Province in Northeast China and we are also the family members of the independent Chinese writer and dissident Zheng Yi Chun who has been sentenced to seven years imprisonment for his political affairs commentary articles. It’s a good news to know that you are coming to visit China. You are welcome.

The reason why we write to you is based on the fact that the American government headed by you and the American people are justified. Honest. and kind and also the trust and friendship between the two peoples and the mutually accepted conception of the universal values.

Some of us have been to the USA for the sake of study and work. The American society and the people have impressed us so much. The reason why we decided to come back work in our motherland is due to our loyal devotion and compassion we owe to our country as patriotic intellectuals.

Our family member. Professor Zheng Yi Chun who is fond of the spirit of freedom and the value of human rights is but a pure scholar and an intellectual. He had been reading a lot and writing a lot before he was deprived of the right of freedom on Dec.3,2004. His three hundred articles and 1,000 pieces of poetry are mainly posted and published on the Chinese language websites on the Internet. Yet Zheng Yi Chun’s self acknowledged patriotic method of criticizing the society by means of writing articles has been judged by some local authorities as the crime of “inciting subversion” with 77 articles as the proofs.

According to the No. 35 clause of China’s Constitution : “the citizens have the right of freely making speeches”; the No.33 clause of China’s Constitution: the state respects and protects the human rights ; the No.41 clause of China’s Constitution the citizens have the right to criticize or suggest to the work of the governmental offices and officials,” Zheng Yi Chun’s writings are no violations against the Chinese Constitution. Yet some people in Yingkou, Liaoning have neglected the stipulations of the Chinese Constitution and insisted on “punishment on the thought and imprisonment on the speeches ” and therefore we can see what it is like today.

Honorable President: you are hoped to spare a few minutes to read this letter and pay concern to the issue of this independent Chinese writer Zheng Yi Chun. We are fully convinced that the Chinese government and people are friendly and kind-hearted to your American government and people. The Chinese people can never forget that the USA sent the heroic “fly tigers” to help Chinese people fight against the Japanese aggression; China can never forget that in 1972, your former American President- Mr. Richard Nixon acknowledged the People’s Republic of China and set up diplomatic ties with Chian; million of Chinese people have made homes in the USA and become part of American society; the Chinese lady Zhao Xiao Lan has been nominated by you and been working as the Chief of Labor Department; America has become the largest trading partner of China. Therefore by the very moment when Zheng Yi Chun’s lawyer Mr.Gao Zhi Sheng has just been deprived of the right of working as a lawyer by Beijing Justice Bureau and consequently Zheng Yi Chun has been cut off from the effective legal aid, we have to write to you in order to get your kind concern and help for the early release of the Chinese writer Zheng Yi Chun out of the miserable imprisonment.

And also your being kind concerned on the similar cases of Zhang Lin and Shi Tao might lead to the precious freedom of these writers who have been sentenced to long periods imprisonment of five, seven and ten years respectively.

You are welcome to visit China.

Thank you for your kind concern. Wish you and your wife good health.

God bless you

Family members of
Zheng Yi Chun(//www.dajiyuan.com)


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