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Former Taiwan president speaks in Washington hotel


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At a speech on Wednesday, the former Taiwan president Lee Teng-hui decries political opponents in Taipei who he said would have the island state absorbed by “authoritarian” China.
The former Taiwan president, 前任台灣總統,也可寫作The ex-Taiwan president,ex-是out的意思,就是說已經被out出去的總統,就是前總統,那麼ex-wife或ex-husband就是前妻或前夫了!

decries是decry的第三人稱單數,decry是公開譴責to blame publicly之意。新聞記者在表答「譴責」的訊息時,通常會用blame, blast, condemn, censure, denounce, decry, slam, slash, lash out, rap, rebuke這一組字。

之前的篇章中David老師也提過, 如果您那時記下來現在就會啦,不會也沒關係,現在記下來,以後記者不論換那個字,您就都會啦!
記的時侯也有訣竅,分成四組來記:blame, blast是一組,condemn, censure, denounce, decry 作一組,slam, slash, lash out是一組,rap, rebuke是一組。

absorb 是吸收(to drink in or swallow up)、接收(take over)的意思。authoritarian這個字可以當形容詞,也可以當作名詞,當形容詞就是「權威的、極權的」,當名詞則是指「權威主義者、獨裁主義者」。一般「極權」與「專制」是常常連帶提到的類義字,新聞記者還會用autocratic, tyrannical, dictatorial來表示。

The former Taiwan president Lee Teng-hui decries political opponents in Taipei.
The opponents would have the island state absorbed by “authoritarian” China.


He urges greater support among Americans for Taiwan’s continued self-reliance, democracy and freedom.
self-reliance, 自治,reliance是rely的名詞,rely是依賴depend 的意思,這大家應該都知道。自我依賴,也就是「自治」的意思,一般記者提「自治」,還會用autonomy這個字。

On a trip to Washington that has drawn official protests from Beijing, Lee argued that self-governing, democratic Taiwan should be accepted into the international community and treated like a “normal country.” “We hope that our American friends will understand and accordingly support the Taiwan people’s desire to be free and to choose our own future.”
前面的介係詞片語On a trip to Washington that has drawn official protests from Beijing,可以分解成下列兩個簡單句來理解:
Lee was on a trip to Washington.
The trip has drawn official protests from Bejing.

一般同學對according to「根據」,很熟悉,但對於accordingly就比較陌生,是「依照,適宜的 」( In agreement; suitably.)的意思 。


The 82-year-old former president stepped down in 2000 after 12 years but retains much influence in Taiwan, where he is venerated by some as the father of Taiwan’s democracy and remains a leading advocate of independence from China.
Step down,下台。Retain, 保留,保有。Venerate, 尊崇(regard with the highest respect.)。

advocate, 動詞是「呼籲」的意思,這裡作名詞,意思是「代言人,呼籲者」。這一句很長,如果分解成最原始的簡單句來看就容易多了:
The 82-year-old former president stepped down in 2000 after 12 years.
But (Lee still) retains much influence in Taiwan.
He is venerated by some (people) as the father of Taiwan’s democracy.
Lee remains a leading advocate of independence from China.



China views Taiwan as part of its territory and says the island must be reunited with the mainland, by force if necessary. It refuses to deal with the independence-leaning government of President Chen Shui-bian.
Lean是傾倒、倚靠(To bend over for support).的意思,所以independence-leaning就是傾向獨立之意,也可以寫成pro-independence支持獨立,其實記者常用的是pro-independence。

To deal with一般作「對付、處理」解釋,但也有「與….作生意」的意思,在這裡則作「往來」解釋較好,是說中國拒絕與陳水扁政府往來。


Lee was earlier feted at a reception on Capitol Hill attended by 25 members of the U.S. Congress, and met separately with Republican Rep. Henry Hyde of Illinois, chairman of the House of Representatives’ International Relations Committee, organizers said.
Fete, 宴請、款待之意(To entertain or honor with festivities.)不算新聞常用字。House of Representative, 眾議院,Rep. 就是 Representative的縮寫,眾議員之意。參議院則是Senate,參議員則為senator。

Lee was earlier feted at a reception on Capitol Hill.
The reception was attended by 25 members of the U.S. Congress.
Lee met separately with Republican Rep. Henry Hyde of Illinois, chairman of the House of Representatives’ International Relations Committee.



In the speech, Lee encouraged Taiwanese-Americans to “firmly object against Chinese absorption of Taiwan.”
Object, 反對 (To express disapproval of.), 另一個記者常用字是oppose。這裡介紹一下字根字首。Ob-這個字首是against, -ject這個字根是 to throw, 所以object就是to throw against,把東西丟過去對抗,所以是「反對」的意思。

同樣的,oppose這個字是由字根 –pose重複字首加上o所造出來的, –pose: to put之意,o-是against之意,所以to put against 就是「反對」的意思。



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