30多歲的查爾斯-李,中文名李祥春,醫學畢業,曾在哈佛大學做過研究,2000年搬到舊金山灣區,經營中成藥的生意。 中方目前為止還沒有正式提出指控。營救李祥春的法輪功發言人萊寧說,中方這次是想把李祥春和去年夏天發生在揚州的一次干擾衛星電視信號的事件聯繫在一起。李祥春和這件事毫無聯繫,這種懷疑是不符合事實的。萊寧說,法輪功學員的立場是,李祥春沒有犯罪,他是美國公民,中國政府應該立即將他釋放。
李祥春(Charles Li)未婚妻符泳青,是加州大學戴維斯分校畢業的軟件工程師。她正奔走華府展開營救。李祥春的未婚妻符泳青說,李祥春這次回去,原本是為了探親訪友,他在中國還有一家中成藥進出口公司,沒想到飛來橫禍。
我強烈敦促大家和我一起傳達我們對李先生的關心并且要求他被釋放。如果您要共同簽署這封信,請于2月13日前,与我辦公室的Arisbe Aguirre聯系。分机號為5-8104。[譯者注:直線電話應為:美國202-225-8104。]
安娜 G 伊蘇
我們對查爾斯-李的被捕和拘留非常關注。他是一名美國公民,也是加州Menlo Park的居民。李先生1月22日下机后立刻在廣州机場被拘留。李先生被控破坏電視和電台設備。沒有任何證据可以支持這一指控。李先生已經通過美國駐上海領館官員堅決否認了這些指控。他認為,他之所以被拘禁,完全是因為他是一位法輪功學員。
安娜 G 伊蘇
Join Me in Calling on China to Release Charles Li
February 5, 2003
Dear Colleague:
Please join me in sending the attached letter to the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, Yang Jiechi, regarding the imprisonment of Mr. Charles Li, an American citizen and a Falun Gong practitioner who has been accused of sabotaging television and radio equipment in China.
Mr. Li traveled to China to visit family members and was immediately detained at Guangzhou Airport on January 22nd. The Department of State has confirmed Mr. Li’s detention. The Chinese government alleges that Mr. Li broke into cable television networks and transmitted films protesting the Chinese government’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. These claims seem spurious at best. Mr. Li was residing in California at the time the Chinese government purports interference with its cable television network. If convicted Mr. Li could face up to 15 years in prison.
I urge you to join me in conveying our concerns about Mr. Li and requesting his release. To sign on to the attached letter or for more information, contact Arisbe Aguirre in my office by February 13, 2003 at 5-8104.
Anna G. Eshoo
February XX, 2003
The Honorable Yang Jiechi, Ambassador
Embassy of the People’s Republic of China
2300 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20008
Dear Ambassador Jiechi,
We are writing to express our serious concerns regarding the arrest and detainment of Mr. Charles Li, a U.S. citizen and resident of Menlo Park, California. Mr. Li was arrested shortly after his arrival at China’s Guangzhou Airport on January 22, 2003, on charges of sabotaging television and radio broadcast systems. No evidence of the purported crimes has been provided. Mr. Li has adamantly denied these charges through a U.S. consular representative in Shanghai and maintains he has been arrested solely because of his practice of Falun Gong.
We are extremely concerned about the religious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China who have been detained and tortured because of their beliefs.
We respectfully and urgently ask that you do everything possible to ensure Mr. Li’s safety and effect his immediate release.
Anna G. Eshoo
Member of Congress