23條“首讀” 美國白宮表達立場

人氣 1



(“We have seen the text of the proposed Article 23 National Security Legislation released on February 13 in Hong Kong. We were pleased to see that many of the concerns by people in the local and international community seem to have been met. It’s important that the Hong Kong people and the legislature have sufficient opportunity to examine the proposed legislation. It is also important that the people of Hong Kong continue to enjoy longstanding freedoms and civil liberties. We understand that the final version of the bill is scheduled for consideration on February 26. The Hong Kong government has said it will continue to listen to public concerns about the bill and consider further adjustments to the legislation.”)

家長做這4件事 幫孩子健康快樂度暑期
美最高院將裁決川普豁免權案 需關注五件事
24​​歲的MIT亞裔女博士生 騎車時被撞身亡