Starting early next week, at my order, the USA will be purchasing, from our Farmers, Ranchers & Specialty Crop Growers, 3 Billion Dollars worth of Dairy, Meat & Produce for Food Lines & Kitchens. “FARMERS TO FAMILY FOOD BOX” Great news for all!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
As you know, I designated this day to be a National Day of Prayer. As our Nation heals, our Spirit has never been Stronger!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
“Whether they became mothers through birth, adoption, foster care, or other means, these women are deserving of our unending gratitude and praise this day and every day.”
President ‘s Proclamation on Mother’s Day:
— The White House (@WhiteHouse)
● rancher,名詞/ˈræn.tʃɚ/牧場主人
英解:someone who owns or works on a ranch
例句:The rancher must always be on guard against the dangers that nature can create.(牧場主人必須時時戒備,大自然可能帶來的危險。)
用法:ranch 和 farm 的差異:通常 ranch(牧場)是牧養牛或羊為主的場地;而相對farm(農場)來說,它的經營就比較複雜與多元、涵蓋範圍較廣。
● worth,形容詞/wɝːθ/值…(多少)錢的
英解:having a particular value, especially in money
例句:Our house is worth 10 million NT Dollars.(我們的房子價值1千萬台幣。)
用法:值得去做…(be worth doing sth),例如:The Epoch Times is worth reading every day. (大紀元時報值得每天閱讀。)
● produce,名詞/ˈprɑː.duːs/農產品
英解:food or any other substance or material that is grown or obtained through farming
例句:We buy all our produce from the local truck farm.(我們從在地的小農,購買所需農產品。) 卡車(truck)在這裡的意涵是用卡車載貨就可以抵達的地方,意指規模小、在地、低碳、新鮮的農產品。
The barren land could produce little produce.(貧瘠的土地能夠生產的農作物很少。)
● designate,動詞/ˈdez.ɪɡ.neɪt/指(選)定
英解:to say officially that a place or thing has a particular character or purpose
例句:The park was designated as an area of outstanding natural beauty in 1997.(該公園於1997年被選定為優美的自然風景區。)
用法:類似用字:choose, pick, decide on, select, vote, etc.
● heal,動詞/hiːl/治癒
英解:If a bad situation or painful emotion heals, it ends or improves, and if something heals it, it makes it end or improve.
例句:The wounds were gradually healing (up).(傷口在逐漸癒合中。)
用法:Her mental scars will take time to heal.(她心裡的創傷需要時間才能治愈。)
She stitched up the cut and left it to heal.(她把傷口縫合了,並讓傷口自行癒合。)
● exceptional,形容詞/ɪkˈsepʃənəl/超凡的
英解:extremely good or impressive in a way that is unusual
例句:He showed exceptional musical ability.(他表現出非凡的音樂才能。)
This deadline will be extended only in exceptional circumstances.(只有在特殊情況下,截止日期才能延後。)
用法:分辨 except 和 excerpt。except(不包含),例:The museum is open daily except Monday(s).(博物館除了周一不開放外,每天都開放。)
excerpt(摘錄自),例:Can you excerpt something from the newspaper to explain?(你能從報紙上節錄一小段說明嗎?)
● unwavering,形容詞/ʌnˈweɪvərɪŋ/從不動搖的
英解:never changing or becoming weaker
例句:People obtain courage, unwavering and noble personality during the process of overcoming difficulty.(人在克服困難當中,會提升勇氣、毅力和心性。)
用法:waver, 動詞/ˈweɪ.vɚ/在(兩個)抉擇中猶豫,例:John is wavering between buying a house or renting an apartment?(約翰在買房還是租屋之間搖擺不定?)
● adoption,名詞/əˈdɒpʃən/(法定)領養
英解:the act of legally taking a child to be taken care of as your own
例句:There are strict regulations concerning the adoption of children.(關於領養兒童有嚴格的規定。)
用法:Amy was an underaged single mom and almost homeless, so she had no choice to put her baby up for adoption.(艾米是個無家可歸、未成年的單身母親,所以她別無選擇,將自己的孩子交付領養。)
● foster care,名詞/ˈfɑː.stɚ//ker/非親代(寄)養
自然發音:FOS-ter care
英解:used to refer to someone connected with the care of children, usually for a limited time, by someone who is not the child’s legal parent
例句:The children have been placed in temporary foster care.(這些孩子已被安置在臨時寄養中。)
用法:foster care 和 adoption 的主要不同處:前者只是短暫代為照顧,孩子可能回到原生家庭或更換寄養處;然而,後者是以法律程序正式成為該孩子的監護人,給予穩定的人生照顧。
● gratitude,名詞/ˈɡræt̬.ə.tuːd/感激之情
英解:the feeling or quality of being grateful
例句:Andrew made his mom a carnation card to show/express his gratitude on Mother’s Day.(母親節這天,安德魯製作了一張康乃馨卡片給媽媽,來表達感謝之意)
用法:英文有幾句常用的口語,來「表達謝意」。I really appreciate it. (我真的很感謝你!)I am very grateful.(我非常感激!)Thanks a million.(真是百萬個感謝!)I owe you big time.(我欠你超多!)What would I do without you?(沒有你,我該怎麼辦?)
● 美國國家祈禱日(The National Day of Prayer)
● 凡事講求科學、證據的美國,居然也信神?!聽說早在林肯總統開始慶祝感恩節時,就開啟了祈禱日的傳統。你信神嗎?「神」對你來說是什麼意義?
● 試討論「宗教」與「信仰」的差異?如何分辨「正信」與「迷信」?您可以試著分享周遭的案例,具體說明之。
● 今年的母親節,您有什麼替媽媽慶祝的方式?身為母親的妳,有什麼特別感觸的地方或是想對什麼人說些什麼呢?
相關單字:definition(名詞,定義)、religion(名詞,宗教)、faith(名詞,信仰)、righteous belief(名詞,正信)、misguided belief/blind belief/superstition n. (名詞,迷信)