發公開信要譚德塞道歉 宜蘭女孩挺身護台灣

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世界衛生組織(WHO)總幹事譚德塞(Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus)4月8日在新聞發布會上,針對記者問及美國總統川普(特朗普)前一天抨擊WHO把疫情「搞砸了」一事,發表長篇大論,威脅各國領導人說:「如果不想再增加屍袋,就不要把冠狀病毒(中共病毒)危機政治化」。



來自台灣宜蘭羅東在英國蘇格蘭學習傳染病的醫學生林薇(Vivi Lin)於8日發表「一封致譚德塞博士的公開信」,並錄製了4分多鐘的影片上傳到YouTube上。



「真的氣到睡不著! 花了整個晚上做這個影片」,她寫道,「僅以此公開信,要求譚德塞博士針對4/8記者會上對台灣的不實指控,提出道歉!」



林薇在YouTube上的影片,短短一天的點擊量超過14萬,網友Black Yeh留言說:「太令人感動,這樣一個年輕的女孩,如此義正嚴詞的為了自己的國家挺身而出發言。我們都該站在一起,台灣該與世界站在一起!!」


This is an open letter to Dr Tedros, the Director General of the WHO, in response to the accusations against Taiwan during the 8th of April WHO press conference.


Dear Dr Tedros,

I am Vivi Lin from Taiwan, a current undergraduate student studying Infectious Diseases in the UK.


我是Vivi Lin,一位目前正在英國念傳染病的台灣大學生。

Upon hearing your response in the press conference today, I was utterly shocked and saddened that such misleading allegations could come from a supposedly respected health professional and the head of the world’s most influential international health organisation.


As a student who has been working closely with Taiwanese and British Medical and Health-related NGOs, I can affirm that there has never been any disrespectful comments from our government and our diplomats towards you and the African continent due to race, culture or skin colour.


I am aware that there are various petitions online urging for your resignation from the WHO. However, none of the requests or criticisms were based on discriminations against your race or skin colour, nor people from the African continent.


Taiwan has been striving to contribute as much as possible to the international community and to be a part of the global team in combating this pandemic. Although we have been excluded from the WHO, we have never given up. Our government has done an exemplary job in containing the virus, a feat that has been praised by officials and health professionals from all around the world. And now, as we have some spare capacity, we are sending aid to our allies and other countries, including those in America, Europe and in Africa who have been harshly impacted by the outbreak.




According to our health professionals who used to  work closely with various countries in Africa, a temporary hospital has been built by Taiwan in Eswatini at the moment, and some important medical supplies sent by Taiwan are finding their way to Africa as well.


With all the aforementioned in mind, how can you, in a few sentences, attempt to smear Taiwan’s reputation with such irresponsible and false accusations?


In the past two days, WHO hosted webinars in regards to how we, as individuals or as health professionals and officials, should confront the current info-demic. Ironically, just right after the webinar, Dr Tedros, as the DG of the WHO, was accusing Taiwan with misinformation.



I firmly believe that health is a fundamental human right that should not be denied despite differences of any kind. Health for all, leave no one behind is also the core value that the WHO stands for. Please do not forget your dedication as a public health professional and the vows that you made when you ascended to the honorable position you are sitting at right now – health of people in the world comes first, not politics.




We are now facing the most challenging health crisis of our time. Taiwan cares about people’s health. We are willing to help, and we are helping now. Taiwan is a country that stands for progressive values, and we, as the Taiwanese people, are also known for our appreciation for diversity.  We have never criticised you nor your actions based on your race, culture or skin colour.



I, on behalf of my beloved country and people, am now asking for an apology from you under the current circumstance.


Thank you for your time.


Vivi Lin



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譚德塞再成為中共喉舌  美議員:信譽盡失
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