chinese army has invaded HK. The PLA is working hand-in-hand with the HK police to brutalize the protestors. They arrived August 1st and continue to multiply in numbers…US Travel advisory in HK.
— Kyle Bass (@Jkylebass)
Police wear mask & black T-shirt to pretend themselves as protestors. They hide in crowd & arrest other activist suddenly. Ridiculously tactics of riot police. It means that action that may not accept by soeciety from our side may come from police that dressed like protestor.
— Joshua Wong 黃之鋒 (@joshuawongcf)
This is how far would go on the Hong Kong protest. On Weibo, it said Hong Kong an rioter fired a M320 grenade launcher at police tonight. And netizen comments took it for granted. Did it bother to check with the HK police?
— FAN Wenxin (@xinwenfan)
對此,美國對沖基金大佬、海曼資本管理公司(Hayman Capital Management)創辦人巴斯(Kyle Bass)表示,這是中共安排的劇碼,「剛好」被拍攝到。
In Hong Kong, carrie lam(b) cheng yuet ngor has authorized lethal force against kids protesting for democracy and freedom. But here in the US, our president continues to think HK is 「sufficiently autonomous」. Shooting at point blank.
— Kyle Bass (@Jkylebass)
carrie lam(b) cheng yuet-ngor and xi have no respect for human life. Excessive force that pigs encourage against young students protesting for freedom and democracy. Trump – Where are you? Absolutely disgusting.
— Kyle Bass (@Jkylebass)