【大紀元2019年01月15日訊】Most of the Taiwanese people are from the Han ethnic group and speak Mandarin. We follow cultural customs of our mainland counterparts. While Chinese New Year, or also called the New Year’s Day, is one of the most important events in Chinese communities throughout the world.
The New Year’s Day begins on the first day of the first lunar calendar month. The year of 2019 falls on February 5th. It is the year of the pig, according to Chinese zodiac, or animal sign.
If you are interested in this family-reunioned holiday and enjoy everywhere decorated with gold or red color as a symbol of Xǐ Qì Yáng Yáng/喜氣洋洋/may happiness and luck full of you.
Follow us to celebrate and get to know what lucky phrases you can say, what must-do’s, and what must-not-do’s especially during this period of time.
● Hàn Zú/漢族/the Han ethnic group
● mainland counterparts,名詞/ˈmeɪn.lænd/ /ˈkaʊntə(r)ˌpɑː(r)t/大陸人民
● festival,名詞/ˈfestɪv(ə)l/節日(慶)
解析:The Moon Festival is celebrated on the fifteenth day of August based on lunar calendar.(黃曆八月十五日慶祝中秋節。)
● community,名詞 /kəˈmjuːnəti/社區(團、會)、界
解析:Drug trafficking is a matter of big concern for the entire international community.(販毒是整個國際社會都相當關注的問題。)
● lunar,形容詞 /ˈluːnə(r)/月亮的
解析:Apollo 11 lunar lander safely touched down on the moon.(阿波羅11登陸器,安全地降落在月球上。)
● Shí’ èr Shēng Xiào/十二生肖/Chinese zodiac(animal sign)
解析:in astrology(占星學), any of the twelve symbols that represent parts of the year。西方有12星座,對應東方的12生肖。例句:What is your star sign?(你是什麼星座?) What is your animal sign?(你屬什麼生肖?)
● decorate,動詞/ˈdekəreɪt/裝飾
解析:Have you decorated your Christmas tree yet?(你的聖誕樹裝飾,完成了嗎?)
● symbol,名詞/ˈsɪmb(ə)l/象徵
解析:A heart shape is the symbol of love.(心形是愛的象徵。)
● phrase,名詞 /freɪz/詞語
解析:lucky phrases 也可說 lucky words。中文裡常用的成語、俗諺(慣用語)、雙關語,英文我們可以用:idioms, sayings (proverbs), or puns。
Idioms(成語):通常無法顧名思義,英文例如:It’ll be a cold day in hell.(意指:決不會發生!);中文例如:汗牛充棟(指藏書眾多)。
Sayings or proverbs(俗諺或慣用語):普遍為眾人所知、所用。英文例如:Practice makes perfect.(熟能生巧);中文例如:天下沒有白吃的午餐(No pain, no gain.)。
Puns (雙關語):同音、多義的用語,暗指不同意義、趣味橫生。英文例如:Where do polar bears vote? The North Poll.(北極熊在哪裡投票?北極。)英文的 poll,指的是投票的地方。
● 2019年是豬年(The year of 2019 is the year of the pig.)
The Pig is the twelfth of all zodiac animals. According to one myth, the Jade Emperor said, let’s race to cross the river, and the place would be decided by the order in which you arrived to the destination. Pig was late because he overslept. When he arrived, he was the last one and could only take the twelfth place.
In Chinese culture, pigs are the symbol of wealth and that is probably the “Piggy Bank” invented and widely used among children.
● 生肖屬豬的性格(Characters and personalities of the pig)
Pigs might not stand out in a crowd. But they are very realistic. Others may be all talk and no action. Pigs are the opposite.(生肖屬豬的人,可能不會出類拔萃。但他們非常實際,多數人可能光說不練;屬豬的人則願意行動。)
Though not wasteful spenders, they will let themselves enjoy life. They love entertainment and will occasionally treat themselves. (他們雖然不至於浪費,但也會享受生活。喜歡娛樂,偶爾也會寵愛自己一下。)
They are a bit materialistic, but this is motivation for them to work hard. Being able to hold solid objects in their hands gives them security.(傾向物質主義,但這也是他們努力工作的動力來源。手中握有實物,會讓他們充滿安全感。)
They are energetic and are always enthusiastic, even for boring jobs. If given the chance, they will take positions of power and status. (即使工作再無聊,他們也是精力充沛、充滿熱情。一旦機會出現,他們將會掌握權力和地位。)
【Jí Xiáng Huà/吉祥話/Lucky Phrases】
(1)Xīn Nián Kuài Lè/新年快樂/Happy New Year
Meaning:Wish you happiness in the New Year
(2)Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái/恭喜發財/
Meaning:Hope you make a lot of money
(3)Cái Yuán Gǔn Gǔn/財源滾滾/
Meaning:Money Luck to roll in
(4)Xīn Xiǎng Shì Chéng/心想事成/
Meaning:Have all of your wishes come true
(5)Shēn Tǐ Jiàn Kāng/身體健康/
Meaning:Wish you good health
(6)Wàn Shì Rú Yì/萬事如意/
Meaning:May everything you wish go well
(7)Dà Jí Dà Lì/大吉大利/
Meaning:Have great fortune and favor
(8)Zhū Shì Shùn Lì/「豬」(諸)事順利
Meaning:May every matter you plan go smoothly
(9)Miào Yǔ Rú Zhū/妙語如「豬」(珠)
Meaning:May always speak with witty remarks
【Yī Dìng Yào Zuò/一定要做/Must-do’s】
(1)Putting up decorations
Every street, building, and house where New Year’s Day is celebrated is decorated with red and gold. Red is the main color for the festival, as red is believed to be an auspicious color. Red lanterns hang in streets and red couplets are pasted on doors. Places and buildings are decorated with red New Year pictures depicting images of prosperity.
【中譯】(1)Bù Zhì/佈置
(2)Eating reunion dinner with family on New Year’s Eve
Chinese New Year is a time for families to be together. Wherever they are, people are expected to be home to celebrate the festival with their families. The New Year’s Eve dinner is called ‘reunion dinner’, and is believed to be the most important meal of the year.
【中譯】(2)Chī Tuán Yuán Fàn(吃團圓飯)/除夕與家人一起吃團圓飯
(3)Firecrackers and fireworks
In traditional Chinese culture, firecrackers were originally used to scare away evil spirits. Today, lighting firecrackers and fireworks is a major activity to celebrate the coming of the New Year, and also a way to enhance the festive atmosphere.
【中譯】(3)Fàng Biān Pào(放鞭炮)/炮竹和煙火
(4)Giving red envelopes
At Christmas in the West, people exchange gifts to express care for each other, while, during the New Year’s Day, the most common New Year gifts are red envelopes. Red envelopes have money in, and are believed to bring good luck. They are given to children or those younger than you in the family. Employers often give red envelopes to employees on the first work day right after holidays.
【中譯】(4)Sòng Hóng Bāo/送紅包
【Jìn Jì/禁忌/Taboos】
(1)Don’t sweep or take out garbage
The act of sweeping on this day is associated with sweeping wealth away. Taking out garbage symbolizes dumping out the good luck or good fortune from the house. Normally, it has to wait until the fifth day of the New Year to clean up the garbage.
【中譯】(1)Bù Sǎo Dì(不掃地)/不掃地、不倒垃圾
(2)Don’t say bad words
Don’t use words with negative meanings. Stay away from terms with negative meaning relating to death, sickness, pain, ghosts, poverty, and especially the number four.
【中譯】(2)Bù Shuō Zāng Huà/不說髒話
(3)Don’t break anything
Breaking things, like bowls or plates, on the New Year’s day may result in losses or family rifts in the future. But if you do, the remedy is to say 歲歲平安 (Suìsuìpíng’ān). The first character sounds like the sound to “break” (碎), but in this case it is replaced with a homonym that means “age” (歲), and said twice means to live a long life and adds the words “peace” and “safety” (平安) at the end.
【中譯】(3)Bù Dǎ Pò Dōng Xī/不打破東西
(4)Don’t use sharp objects
Avoid using knives, scissors, and needles. It is said that the use of sharp, bladed objects during this festival will cut one’s good fortune and wealth.
【中譯】(4)Bù Yòng Jiān Ruì Wù/不用尖銳物
(5)Don’t have congee, or meat for breakfast
In the old days only the poor had to eat things like congee(Chinese porridge) for breakfast on New Year’s Day, so eating it suggests poverty. Instead, you should eat cooked rice to invite wealth to the family for the whole year. The morning of New Year’s day is also a time when all the gods are out and about, so out of respect, Chinese people have a vegetarian breakfast and do not put meat or fish on the table.
【中譯】(5)Zǎo Cān Chī Sù(早餐吃素)/早餐不吃粥或肉
(6)Don’t Take Medicine
Old people say, if you take medicine on New Year’s Day, you’ll be sick all year, including using preventive cures. Even the very ill should avoid taking medicine.
【中譯】(6)Bù Chī Yào/不吃藥
Last, say some “Jí Xiáng Huà” to people around you. Wish everybody “Xīn Nián Kuài Lè,” “Jí Xiáng Rú Yì,” and “Zhū Nián Xíng Dà Yùn.”