As I predicted all along, Obamacare has been struck down as an UNCONSTITUTIONAL disaster! Now Congress must pass a STRONG law that provides GREAT healthcare and protects pre-existing conditions. Mitch and Nancy, get it done!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
● 米奇.麥康奈(Mitch McConnell):現任參議院共和黨(多數黨)議長。全美有100個參議員(每州2位),目前以川普總統所屬的共和黨佔多數,擁有53席次。
● 南西.裴洛西(Nancy Pelosi):現任眾議院民主黨議長。2018年期中選舉,相隔8年後,民主黨成功奪回眾議院的多數席次。目前全美有435個眾議員。
The DEDUCTIBLE which comes with ObamaCare is so high that it is practically not even useable! Hurts families badly. We have a chance, working with the Democrats, to deliver great HealthCare! A confirming Supreme Court Decision will lead to GREAT HealthCare results for Americans!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
英解:in the same way
例句:As everyone knows, our company is facing a difficult time.(眾所周知,我們公司正陷困境。)
用法:當連接詞時,後接兩個句子(公式:As + 句子1, 句子2)
● predict,動詞/prɪˈdɪkt/預測
英解:to say what you think will happen in the future
例句:It’s still not possible to accurately predict the route of typhoons.(目前仍無法準確預測颱風路線。)
用法:同意字有:forcast, foresee, foretell, anticipate
● all along,副詞/ɔːl//əˈlɒŋ/一直
英解:from the very beginning
例句:I knew all along that you weren’t telling the truth. (我一直都知道你沒說實話。)
用法:也可說:all along the line 或是 from the (very) first
● strike sth down,動詞/straɪk//daʊn/裁定非法
英解:to rule that a law is illegal and should not be obeyed
例句:The judge has struck down a local law because it goes against the constitution.(因為違憲,法官已廢止了一項當地法律。)
用法:strike當動詞時,有攻擊(strike me on the head)或罷工(strike for better pay)等意思。strike sb down,動詞片語,被疾病擊倒(死去)。
The serious illness struck him down.(重病讓他病倒了。)
● unconstitutional,形容詞/ˌʌnkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃ(ə)nəl/違反憲法的
英解:not allowed by the constitution
例句:Mending the law in this way will be unconstitutional.(以這種方式修改法律是違憲的。)
● disaster,名詞/dɪˈzɑːstə(r)/災難
英解:(an event that results in) great harm, damage, or death, or serious difficulty
例句:Disasters will continue to strike if we don’t do anything to restore human morality.(如果不提升人類道德,災難將繼續發生。)
用法:類似單字:catastrophy = cataclysm = apocalypse = act of God (大災難)
● Congress,名詞/ˈkɒŋɡres/美國國會
英解:the elected group of people in the US who are responsible for making the law
例句:Both houses of Congress have reached an agreement on the issue of gun control.(國會兩院就槍支管制問題達成了協議。)
用法:包含參議院(the Senate)與眾議院(The House of Representatives),共同制定美國法律。
● deductible,形容詞/dɪˈdʌktəb(ə)l/扣除的
英解:A deductible amount can be taken away from a total
例句:Cost like bills on lunch meals are tax-deductible. (像午餐費等的花費,不用繳稅。)
● practically,副詞/ˈpræktɪkli/幾乎
例句:John attended practically every lecture when he was a graduate student.(約翰在讀研究所時,幾乎每門課都不缺席。)
● Democrat,名詞/ˈdeməkræt/民主黨員
英解:in the US, a member or supporter of the Democratic Party
例句:The Democrats suffered a crushing defeat in the last election.(民主黨在上次選舉中遭受慘敗。)
● deliver,動詞/dɪˈlɪvə(r)/產生
英解:to give
例句:The law will help deliver good healthcare services more efficiently.(這條法律能更有效地,提供良好的醫療服務。)
1.遞送,What would be the best time of day to deliver your package?
2.分娩,Agnes plans to deliver her second baby at home.
歐巴馬健保(Obamacare):原稱「保護病患與平價醫療法案」(Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,簡稱PPACA),是2010年3月23日,美國總統歐巴馬簽署的聯邦法案,主要為醫療改革立法。該法案要求所有美國公民,都必須購買醫療保險,否則將遭罰款,除非因宗教信仰或經濟困難而可豁免。
諸多的健保福利美意,例如:保險公司不得設立理賠上限、不得因客戶有病在身(pre-existing condistions)拒保、保單必須全面涵蓋各項醫療服務等,感覺上是政府替人民爭取,雖立意良善,但因為美國的醫療保險都為私人保險公司,羊毛出在羊身上,最後保險公司為了維持利潤,都紛紛將法案上的要求,轉嫁到投保人身上,所以才造成自付額(deductible)如此的「不平價」。
● 如果你是美國人,你希望保留歐巴馬健保?還是認為川普的提案更合適?為什麼?
● 台灣的健康保險費用,相較美國非常低廉,但可能衍生哪些問題?
● 台灣的全民健保,以及美國的醫療保險,有什麼不同?#