這個名叫卡浦爾(Nick Kapur)的男子是美國羅格斯大學(Rutgers University)的歷史學家,專攻當代日本史和美日關係。他曾在亞洲各地旅遊,其中包括日本、韓國、中國和台灣等。
卡浦爾所分享的第一張插圖是美國國父、亦即第一任總統華盛頓(George Washington,圖中手持弓箭者)。這本書將其名字翻譯成「話聖東」。
A thread of images from a Japanese illustrated history of America from 1861.
Here is George Washington (with bow and arrow) pictured alongside the Goddess of America. 1/
— Nick Kapur (@nick_kapur)
以下這張圖畫的是美國第二任總統亞當斯(John Adams)斬殺一條巨蛇。亞當斯是美國開國元勛之一。
And here is Washington’s “second-in-command” John Adams battling an enormous snake. 4/
— Nick Kapur (@nick_kapur)
這張圖描繪另一名美國開國元勛富蘭克林(Benjamin Franklin)徒手抱住火砲並進行攻擊。在一旁指揮他開砲的是亞當斯。
Here’s the incredibly jacked Benjamin Franklin firing a cannon that he holds in his bare hands, while John Adams directs him where to fire. 6/
— Nick Kapur (@nick_kapur)
And here is George Washington straight-up punching a tiger. 7/
— Nick Kapur (@nick_kapur)
Meanwhile, John Adams wants to get revenge on the snake that ate his Mom, so he goes to ask a magical mountain fairy for help! 12/
— Nick Kapur (@nick_kapur)
The mountain fairy does Adams a solid, and summons a gigantic eagle! 13/
— Nick Kapur (@nick_kapur)
Together, John Adams and the eagle kill the enormous snake that ate his Mom. The power of teamwork!!! 14/
— Nick Kapur (@nick_kapur)