10/10/2008 英文原版
10/10/2018 修改版及中譯版
本文為十年前我在看了CNN對中國總理溫家寶的採訪後用英文記下的感受, 並和一些學院與媒體作了分享。但當時並沒有引起什麼注意。十年後,我為美國副總統彭斯在哈德遜研究所的講話而感恩。沉默的大眾發出了聲音,美國人幡然醒悟。聽完副總統的演講,我重讀了十年前的隨筆,決定在原版基礎上稍作些文字上的調整,並翻譯成中文再次與大家分享。
「 孫子兵法」說, 「知己知彼,百戰百勝」;「不知彼不知己,每戰必貽」 。世界終於開始認清了中共的真實面目。正義必勝,邪惡必敗。自由世界正在聯合起來對抗中共這個專制政權,最後的結果則將取決於中國人民的意志。中國人必須決定是否要有一個徹底的改變來結束共產黨的極權統治,做一個真正的自由人還是繼續被奴役。
中共從來就是說一套做一套,這是他們的本性。比如,中共常說他們是「人民的政府」,是為「人民服務」的。事實上,人民究竟得到了什麼﹖人民的權利在哪裡﹖這個政權貌似拋棄了其原旨的意識形態,唯一剩下的目的就是保住統治者的權力與財富。專制與國家資本主義的結合對世界比原先的共產主義更加危險。ZAKARIA問溫家寶﹕「中國的發展速度為世界各國歷史上絕無僅有。什麼是你們成功的關鍵﹖什麼是你們的發展模式﹖」 一個極權國家的發展不須顧及人民的意願,當然比任何其他經濟模式的發展具有快速的效率。在德國的魏瑪共和國的廢墟上崛起的希特勒帝國的飛速經濟發展導致了第二次世界大戰即是另一個這樣的例子。ZAKARIA所感嘆的中國的發展模式給中國的土地和資源造成的破壞,給中國普通民眾帶來的巨大痛苦和損失便是中國的「繁榮發展和經濟奇跡」的支撐所在。(*1)
在中共的統治下,中國斥440億美元巨資主辦了史上最昂貴的奧運會。中共以民主社會無法想像的「高效」清空了舉辦奧運的城市以向來自世界各地的客人們展示一個美麗﹑現代,方便和乾淨的中國。他們能以高科技行走於太空,僅一件宇宙服便可耗資成百上千萬。而與此同時,他們對中國百姓的生活品質不聞不問。反而剝奪其基本權利,壓制打擊所有持不同政見者。 他們無視因簡陋的校舍而在地震中喪生的孩子們,不顧煤礦工人的死活與氾濫成災的有毒食品。
任何對中共起家史有所瞭解的人都知道,新聞媒體與文宣文藝是其兩個拿手好戲,在推翻「舊社會」建立「新中國」中發揮了巨大而成功的作用。對這一如今已向美國及西方大舉出口的「軟實力」現象,全世界所有擁抱自由的人們務必給予高度的重視,務必意識到這是一種迷惑人的國家力量。我們不應低估來自文化戰線的「冷戰」。這種「冷戰」就像一劑毒藥會漸漸地癱瘓人們的思想與精神, 最終傷害自由社會。要知道,控制人民,實際上控制一切本是中共自保的內在需求之一。
海外的中文媒體近日自豪地宣稱,中共以黨的名義第一次應國家民主研究所之邀參加了美國民主黨全國代表大會。這在歷史上是絕無僅有的。而用中共的話說,將中國納入美國政治表現了政黨之間合作的重要性。這一評述畫龍點睛地挑明瞭中共涉足美國大選的理由。這樣一來,中共便在被納入美國政治程式的結構中在國際舞臺上發出了「自己的聲音」。根據中共喉舌, 中共代表躋身於美國民主黨代表大會導向了這樣一個結論﹕「中國崛起是21世紀的重大事件,美國希望加強和中國的合作。」
有人說,沒有與外部世界的接觸和對話,中國就無法向民主社會邁進。可是東歐各國的民主進程卻並非如此。自二戰後,從共產主義向民主社會的轉型並非依賴於「敞開國門」與追求西方生活方式意識的覺醒。實際情況是,那些國家直到崩盤的那一刻仍在閉關鎖國。正是自由世界的堅持,努力和壓力對這些國家產生了至關重要的影響,最終導致了東歐共產主義的垮臺。如果任由它自我封閉, 中共難以避免重蹈同僚的覆轍而壽終正寢 。
「一廂情願」的落空– 誰影響了誰﹖
商業與道德 –「政經分離」﹖
在中國,中共事無巨細全面掌控。以政治櫥窗奧運會為例,中共把控制的觸角伸向了任何角落,甚至延伸到小女孩臉蛋的漂亮程度決定誰在臺上露面,誰在後台演唱。一切都是政治。 如果中國的體育像我們在北京奧運會上所看到的那樣被政治化,那麼經濟又如何可能與中國的政治分離?
當我們把這一荒謬絕倫的以提昇共產中國形像為目的的微觀掌控從奧運會的體育競賽上昇到經濟與貿易,我們就不難看到,這不過是中共在各個層面的一貫行為。顯而易見,類似奧運會上的微觀掌控在經貿領域裡為中共爭得了無本之木的虛假顏面。在CNN對溫家寶的訪談中,ZAKARIA謙卑地向這位中共領導人討教﹕目前美國所經歷的金融危機是否說明瞭我們才認識到的美國的經濟模式中存在的漏洞與破綻﹖這聽起來似乎是在請溫家寶賜教,我們應該向你們學習什麼樣的經濟模式﹖難道美國市場上「Made in China」的商品還嫌不夠,連經濟模式也要 「Made in China」嗎﹖
批評中共絲毫不會傷害中國人及所謂的」中國人民的感情」。「中共等於中國」是用於洗腦中國人民的宣傳口號。 自中共竊國以來,這種洗腦就一直不斷。 不僅中國人成為這種宣傳的目標,中共還試圖說服全世界即中共和中國完全是一回事。 當然,將一個政權或政府與一個國家等同起來實在是無稽之談。
中共正把「冷戰」 演變成一種被稱為「軟實力」的隱形新「冷戰」 ,其貌似無害實用心險惡。為此,美國與美國的媒體必須堅守原則,堅守普世價值,高度警惕這種新型戰爭。我們必須保持自由的聲音,繼續對中共獨裁政權施加壓力,支持中國人民的民主運動。 其最終也正是為了每一個美國人,為了我們執愛的美利堅的未來,以及全世界的自由與和平。
*(1) 此文寫作之後的這些年來,中國更具侵略性地大規模地從美國竊取知識產權與商業機密,大量間諜對美國各領域的滲透與攻擊已到達瘋狂的程度,使美國每年蒙受大約5000億美元的損失。這一毀滅性的經濟災難不僅體現在金錢上的虧損,還直接導致了美國工廠的倒閉,甚至整個產業地區的衰敗。一些經濟學家得出的結論是,幾乎整個近期中國的經濟發展都是通過這種掠奪來實現的。
*(2) 在寫作此文的2008年的之後的幾年,中共公開宣佈其首要目標是首先稱霸太平洋,然後稱霸全世界。
*(3) 在本文寫作後十年的2018年,互聯網巨頭GOOGLE表達了願為中共開發可為中共控制﹑審查,並蒐集用戶資訊的軟件,以供中共分類獎懲百姓。
Beware of the New 「Cold War」 Employing 「Soft Power」
10/10/2008 (original)
10/10/2018 (edited)
Ten years ago, I wrote about what concerned me after watching CNN’s
interview with China’s Premier Wen Jiabao. Then I shared my views with
some colleges and media. But, no one paid much attention at that time. Ten
years later I am very grateful for Vice President Mike Pence’s speech given
at Hudson Institute. The silent majority has spoken out. Americans are
finally waking up. After listening to Vice President’s speech, I reviewed
my 10-year old essay. I decided to share the essay again with some editions.
I also translated it into Chinese for the Chinese readers.
The 「Art of War」 says, 「if you know yourself and know your enemy, you
will gain victory a hundred times out of a hundred.」 And 「if you know
neither yourself nor your enemy, you will never be victorious.」 The world
now is beginning to recognize the true face of the Chinese Communist Party.
Justice will eventually prevail and the evil will be defeated. As the free
world is uniting to fight against this communist regime, the outcome will be
determined by the Chinese people. They must need to determine whether to
make the ultimate change to end the communist’s totalitarian rule, to
become free people or remain enslaved.
May God bless the United States, the greatest nation on earth. May liberty
shine upon the land of China in the near future.
Recently an American journalist asked me: “has the CCP (Chinese Communist
Party) purchased any English language media broadcasting or publishing in
the United States?” I shared my thoughts with him as I tried to answer his
The Chinese language news media in North America are almost all infiltrated
by the Chinese Communist Party. I do not know whether there is any actual
ownership of the English media, but because of business interests and
pressure through big companies, many US news media have also been influenced
by the CCP. In a recent CNN interview by Zakaria with China’s Premier Wen
Jia Bao, I was disappointed by some of the Zakaria’s unnecessarily
flattering soft questions. That interview gave the CCP another opportunity
to mislead the American people. If this free land were to be occupied by the
CCP, where on earth are we going to seek freedom?
Some say the “Cold War” is over and it is time for “cooperation” to coexist
peacefully. Some say the CCP does not believe in communism anymore. Are
these assertions really true? How long can democracy and totalitarian
states coexist in peace? Perhaps they can coexist for a short period of
time. Perhaps they can coexist longer for shortsighted interests. Long-term
coexistence is utterly unlikely. No matter how beautifully the CCP talks
about democracy as Wen Jia Bao does, no matter how noble the CCP tries to
appear now; as long as the CCP still stands for the “Chinese Communist
Party”, as long as Mao’s portrait is still hanging on the gate of Heavenly
Peace in Tiananmen Square and as long as the CCP retains one party rule, its
fundamental ideology will stay the same making the communist nature remain
the same. All the beautiful talk about democracy is an old trick for
staying in power. The world is still involved in a 「Cold War」 but in a new
and more insidious fashion.
” Magnificent Development and Economic Miracle”?
What the CCP says never matches what it does. This is one of the CCP’s
unwavering characteristics. For example, the CCP always proclaims that it is
the “people’s government”, that it is “serving the people”. In reality, what
do the people get? Where are the people’s rights? This regime appeared to
throw away its own original idealism. The only remaining mission is for it
to hold onto power and wealth. The present combination of totalitarianism
and state capitalism is even a bigger danger to the world than the pure
communism which preceded it. Zakaria asked Wen: “China has the fastest
growth rate of any country in history. What is the key to your success? What
is your model?”
A totalitarian state’s development unhampered by requirements for the
people’s consent can be much faster than that of any other economic
development model. Another example of such a thing is the rise of Hitler
from the ashes of the Weimar Republic and the rapid economic development in
Germany which ultimately led to World War II. The Chinese development model
resulted in much destruction to the resources and land of China together
with massive suffering and loss to China’s ordinary people; all to prop up
China’s ” magnificent development and economic miracle”. (*1)
The CCP has become rich through the exploitation and sacrifice of its own 1.
3 billion people. Foreign capitalists have been heavily involved in
financing this exploitation allowing the CCP to maintain and increase power
over the people. In particular, the money provided by the foreign
capitalists can be used to purchase United States bonds. This provides a
device to put pressure on American politicians whenever the CCP wants to do
- The CCP knows well that its ship of totalitarian rule will sink sooner
or later. That is why they tried to tie the free world to this CCP ship, so
that when the ship sinks, either we all sink with them, or we have to save
them in order to save ourselves.
While under the rule of the CCP, China hosted the most expensive Olympic
Games in the history of the world. The Beijing Olympic Games cost of over
$44 billion. The CCP cleared entire neighborhoods of a city with great
「efficiency」 to present a beautiful, modern, convenient and clean place
for entertaining foreign visitors from all around the world. They could
acquire the high technology to walk in space and spent millions on each
spacesuit. But at the same time the CCP doesn’t care about Chinese people’s
lives and quality of life. Rather, they deprive everyone’s basic rights and
suppress all the political dissidents. They failed to build decent school
buildings to prevent children from being killed by earthquakes; they
neglected and ignored coal mine workers’ tragedies and endless food
poisoning disasters.
“Rising Peacefully」?
Is communist China really “rising peacefully” as the CCP and some in the
West claim? What definition of “peace” are we talking about? Should killing
its own people directly and indirectly on a mass scale be viewed as peaceful
conduct? Does war only refer to a military action between countries? Even if
this is the case, the CCP maintains the largest land army in the history of
earth. A huge armed force is always used to threaten and eventually
prosecute a conventional war.
In these years of “peaceful rise” the CCP has invested a lot of effort and
money into so-called “soft power” in the United States and the rest of the
Western world. Examples of soft power are influencing and controlling press
media groups; establishing, training and expanding performing arts groups,
cultural organizations, associations and Chinese schools. All of this is
done under the rubric of “introducing Chinese culture and building
relationships between the two countries」.
Anyone who studies the history of the CCP knows that the press media and
performing arts are two favorite weapons used against others. These have
played a large and successful role in overthrowing the “old society” while
establishing the 「new China」. This 「Soft Power」 phenomenon is now being
exported by the CCP to America and throughout the world. All of the world’s
people who embrace liberty must be aware of this delusive state power. We
should not underestimate this 「cold war」 through culture which is a poison
that slowly paralyzes people’s minds and spirits. It ultimately damages free
society. To have control over the people, indeed to control everything, is
one of the CCP’s intrinsic needs for self-preservation.
“Collaboration and Openness” Led to Totalitarian’s Collapse?
Recently overseas Chinese news media proudly said that for the first time in
the name of the party, the CCP had accepted an invitation from the United
States National Democratic Institute to send delegates to attend the
Democratic Party Presidential Convention. This has never occurred before in
history. In the words of the CCP’s, the inclusion of China at an American
political convention emphasizes the importance of cooperation between the
political parties. This highlights the reason for the CCP participation in
an American political convention. The Communist Chinese Party’s voice was
heard in by the international community under the umbrella of inclusion in
the very fabric of an American political process. The CCP delegates to the
Democratic National Convention concluded, according to the CCP media, that
“China’s rising in the 21st century is a significant event. Therefore,
America hopes to strengthen cooperation with China.”
America supporting a developing country is one thing; supporting a
dictatorial ruling party is quite another. Democratic development in China
is dependent on the people’s effort, not on a ruling party that has never
been elected to power. This is especially true for a regime which has
without hesitation killed its own people to maintain its power; a regime
which has never apologized for any of the crimes it has perpetrated. The
free world should not trust or befriend this illegitimate dictatorial party.
Instead the free world should extend its support to true democratic forces
led by people who are fighting for freedom and democracy in China. Much as
was the fate of former Eastern European Communist countries, an unsupported
Chinese communist regime will collapse. Only then can China truly move
toward democracy.
The CCP’s sole purpose in opening China to the West and pushing for swift
economic development is survival and power, is not to benefit the Chinese
people, and China as a country. Is it reasonable to ask whether the CCP
would have already failed and then vanished if Kissinger and Nixon had not
opened the door to China? If this is the case, did the Nixon initiative save
the CCP? Otherwise, would China have already become a true part of the free
world after the CCP collapsed from within?
Some people argue that without outside contact and communication China could
not move toward a democratic society. However, when we consider Eastern
European countries we find that post-World War II conversion from communism
to a democratic society was not contingent on a process of “opening up” and
awakening to a better way of life as found in the West. What actually
happened was the communist countries remained closed until they imploded. It
was the free world’s persistence, efforts and pressure that had a vital
impact on these countries and eventually caused fall of communism in Eastern
Europe. It is likely that the CCP would have followed the same route and
perished if simply left isolated.
The Fall of ” Delusional Fantasy” — Who Influenced Who?
Observing the failure of Eastern European communist states, the CCP began
talking about 「democracy」 loudly to the world. Regrettably the CCP said
nothing about democracy to the people of China itself. The CCP put on a
peace mask in an attempt to lull the world into forgetting its ruthlessness
and illegitimacy. The CCP is trying to overpower the Western free world and
become the single 「superpower」 in order to dominate the world. (2*)
The response from the West has been suggestions to work together so that
communist China can learn from us. This mainstream thinking implies a kind
of 「delusional fantasy」: that once communist China learns from us they
will become more like us. In response to this, the CCP has turned this
initiative upside down. For example, communist China has instituted internal
and external countermeasures where Western technology has been adopted as a
weapon to silence and persecute political dissidents within China. A
flagrant example of this was when Yahoo! cooperated with the CCP to provide
two dissidents’ private emails and account information to the communist
authorities. Both dissidents were then sentenced to 10 years of jail for
simply expressing their contrary or different political opinions on Yahoo!.
If you mix muddy and clean water, what kind of water will you get? The West
may not totally oppose doing business with communist China. But when we do
business with a regime bereft of morality and respect for human rights, we
have actually sacrificed our principles and any reasonable possibility of
affecting China in a positive way. In fact, the Chinese pollution, food
poisoning, poor quality products etc. have all been reflected back to us.
The West and in particular the United States now has a lower standard of
living than it could have had. Who influenced who?
Business and Morality — 「Politics and Economics Can be Separated」?
The CCP tries to convince people that 「economics and politics can be
separated」. They encourage people to develop economic trade with them
without challenging their political ideology and power. Some say we can work
on economic issues first, and worry about political problems later. We can
let the CCP be happy. We can get the business we want. In spite of
assertions by the CCP to the contrary, even the most ordinary person
recognizes that politics and economics cannot be separated.
The CCP controls everything from the smallest to the largest in China. As an
example, the Beijing Olympics, which was in reality a political showcase,
took resources from everyone in China. The CCP extended control to every
issue, no matter how small. It even judged the beauty of a little girl’s
face to determine who was on the stage pretending to sing and who was
actually singing but hidden in the background. It was all politics. If
sports in China are politicized like what we have seen in the Beijing
Olympics, how could economics be separated from politics in China?
When we expand our thinking from the sports of the Olympics to commerce in
general we recognize the micromanagement done to enhance China’s image with
the Olympics is a much more general symptom. It becomes apparent that all of
commerce is similarly micromanaged to produce the best possible image of
China without any real substance to back up that image. The CNN interviewer
Zakaria humbly asked the CCP leader’s opinion about whether the current
American financial crisis was because: “the American model has many flaws
in it that we are just recognizing now.” This statement begs the question of
what economic model we should learn from the CCP. Are we trying to import
more than manufactured products with the label “Made in China”? Did Zakaria
also want us to import the communist economic model as it was 「Made in
Short-term interests and greed without consideration of long-term
consequences seem to dominate our interaction with China. This is a very
unhealthy process. We must act now to change our attitude and priorities in
doing business with China. If we remain blindfolded, play dumb, put
differences in principle aside, ignore the fundamental problems, and only
care about seizing the short-term opportunities and quick monetary rewards,
we are actually preparing for a greater and much more serious crisis in the
future. Both our generation and our children will be damaged. If we want to
be responsible we must insist on applying our moral principles when doing
business. Although there may be some short-term losses, we will be rewarded
with true victory in the end. Before it is too late, Americans must
understand the consequences of not standing firmly on principles.
「The CCP Equals China」?
Criticism of the CCP does not hurt the Chinese people nor does it hurt their
「feelings」. The Slogan, “the CCP equals China” is propaganda continuously
used to brainwash Chinese people. This brainwashing has occurred ever since
the CCP seized power. It is not only the Chinese people who have been a
target of this propaganda. The CCP has tried to convince the entire world
that the CCP and China are exactly the same thing. Of course, it is always
nonsense to equate a type of regime or government with a nation.
When we are dealing with the CCP, it is essential to keep in mind that this
regime is not elected by the people nor does it represent the people’s
interests. Ordinary Chinese have no voice which can be heard. Any statement
about China from inside of communist China is manipulated and then released
as propaganda by the CCP. For over half of a century the CCP has
misappropriated the name of China, and hijacked the people of China. The
free world must take care not to further enhance this crime perpetrated on
the largest nation on earth.
The CCP has taken the “Cold War” and morphed it into a stealthy new form
called “Soft Power” which appears innocuous but in fact is quite sinister.
Therefore, America and American media must stand firmly on principles and
universal values, and to be highly vigilant in this new type of warfare. We
must keep the free voice alive to continue pressure on the CCP dictatorship
and to support Chinese people’s democratic movements. Doing so is
ultimately for the sake of every American, the future of our beloved United
States, and the freedom and peace around the world.
(1*) In the years since this essay was originally written, China has
aggressively stolen both manufacturing capacity and intellectual property
from the United States. The penetration and attacks of a large number of
spies on various fields in the United States have reached a level of
madness. The financial loss to the United States for just the theft of the
intellectual property is thought to be almost half a trillion dollars per
year. The destruction caused by the theft of manufacturing capacity has
resulted in not only similar dollar losses but also in the loss of many
manufacturing cities and even regions throughout the entire United States.
Some economists have concluded that almost the entire recent economic
development of China has occurred through this pillage.
(2*) In the years since this essay was written in 2008, the CCP has openly
announced its primary goal is first Pacific Ocean domination and
subsequently world domination.
(3) *Another 2018 example is the willingness of Google to develop special
software for China. This software will allow the CCP to track the behavior
patterns and interests of Chinese people enabling the CCP to classify them
for privilege or punishment.