iPhone 7/7 Plus正式亮相 精彩亮點看過來

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【大紀元2016年09月08日訊】9月7日,蘋果如期召開秋季新產品發布會,在介紹了新款Apple Watch後,發布會開始一個小時以後,期待已久的iPhone 7正式亮相了。新的iPhone 7 Plus具有高解析度的雙鏡頭。蘋果稱這是公司史上最好的一代iPhone。


iPhone 7和7 plus預定時間從9月9日開始,在9月16日正式開賣,涵蓋28個國家。iPhone 7起價649美元,容量32GB、128GB、256GB;iPhone 7 plus售價769美元,容量和iPhone 7相同。

新的iOS 10則於9月13日推出。


SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 07: Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller speaks on stage during a launch event on September 7, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. is expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the iPhone 7. The tech giant is also rumored to be planning to announce an update to its Apple Watch wearable device. (Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
新版iPhone擁有雙鏡頭、防水、立體聲揚聲器、更長的電池壽命等功能。(Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
新版iPhone擁有雙鏡頭、防水、立體聲揚聲器、更長的電池壽命等功能。(Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
新版iPhone擁有雙鏡頭、防水、立體聲揚聲器、更長的電池壽命等功能。(Stephen Lam/Getty Images)

iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus有IP67防水防塵能力。

iPhone 7除了鏡面黑之外,還有霧面黑,以及銀、金、玫瑰金等選擇。重新設計了Home鍵,變成Force Touch。Home鍵同時變成「固態」,可以減少損壞機率。

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 07: Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller speaks on the new Apple iPhone 7 during a launch event on September 7, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. is expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the iPhone 7. The tech giant is also rumored to be planning to announce an update to its Apple Watch wearable device. (Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
iPhone 7正式亮相。(Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 07: (EDITORS NOTE: Image was created using a tilt-shift lens) Apple CEO Tim Cook speaks on stage during a launch event on September 7, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. is expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the iPhone 7. The tech giant is also rumored to be planning to announce an update to its Apple Watch wearable device. (Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
新版iPhone擁有雙鏡頭、防水、立體聲揚聲器、更長的電池壽命等功能。(Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 07: Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller speaks on stage during a launch event on September 7, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. is expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the iPhone 7. The tech giant is also rumored to be planning to announce an update to its Apple Watch wearable device. (Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
iPhone 7比6s多約兩小時的電力,iPhone 史上最長。(Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 07: Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller speaks on stage during a launch event on September 7, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. is expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the iPhone 7. The tech giant is also rumored to be planning to announce an update to its Apple Watch wearable device. (Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
新版iPhone擁有雙鏡頭、防水、立體聲揚聲器、更長的電池壽命等功能。(Stephen Lam/Getty Images)

iPhone 7使用新處理器A10 Fusion,64bit、四核心,比A9快40%。兩個核心是高性能核心可幫助用戶在保護電池壽命同時,完成手機功能;新的六核圖形處理晶片,比A9快50%。iPhone 7比6s多約兩小時的電力,iPhone史上最長。

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 07: Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller speaks on stage during a launch event on September 7, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. is expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the iPhone 7. The tech giant is also rumored to be planning to announce an update to its Apple Watch wearable device. (Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
iPhone 7使用新處理器A10 Fusion,64bit、四核心,比A9快40%。 (Stephen Lam/Getty Images)

AirPods基本上就是拿掉線的EarPods,內建「W1」晶片,用紅外線偵測是否在耳內,在的話才播音樂。還配有加速感應器,點兩下可以啟動Siri。充滿電可以用五小時,充電盒可以延長到一共24小時,打開充電盒手機就會出現「連線」的按鍵,按了就完成連線。Beats 也會推出使用W1晶片的產品。

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 07: The newly announced Apple AirPods is seen during on a screen a launch event on September 7, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. is expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the iPhone 7. The tech giant is also rumored to be planning to announce an update to its Apple Watch wearable device. (Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
蘋果公司正式拋棄耳機插孔,引入無線耳機AirPods。(Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 07: Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller speaks on stage during a launch event on September 7, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. is expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the iPhone 7. The tech giant is also rumored to be planning to announce an update to its Apple Watch wearable device. (Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
蘋果公司正式拋棄耳機插孔,引入無線耳機AirPods。(Stephen Lam/Getty Images)

iPhone 7和iPhone 7 Plus的相機都有光學防抖,不再是Plus的專利,具有以下特點:

-Live Photo新增防抖和編輯功能
-可以輸出RAW DNG文件
-iPhone 7 Plus內建雙 12MP相機,一個是廣角、一個望遠。

SAN FRANCISCO, CA - SEPTEMBER 07: Apple Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing Phil Schiller speaks on the new Apple iPhone 7 during a launch event on September 7, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Apple Inc. is expected to unveil latest iterations of its smart phone, forecasted to be the iPhone 7. The tech giant is also rumored to be planning to announce an update to its Apple Watch wearable device. (Photo by Stephen Lam/Getty Images)
新版iPhone擁有雙鏡頭、防水、立體聲揚聲器、更長的電池壽命等功能。圖為iPhone 7的鏡頭。(Stephen Lam/Getty Images)

此外,新款iPhone面板比前代亮25%,3D Touch當然不會少的。內建立體聲雙喇叭(一個在頂部,一個在底部),音量是前代的兩倍。#


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