美國夢幻男籃二連勝 44分差大勝委內瑞拉

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委內瑞拉開賽就給美國隊帶來不少壓力,開賽10分鐘,美國隊就出現9次犯規和6次失誤,考辛斯(DeMarcus Cousins)個人包辦兩次犯規,委內瑞拉一度以16:15取得領先,雙方最後18:18平手進入第二節。

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - AUGUST 08: Jhon Cox #6 of Venezuela shoots the ball over Demarcus Cousins #12 of United States in the men's preliminary round group A game 19 on Day 3 of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at the Carioca Arena 1 on August 8, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo by Bryn Lennon/Getty Images)
開賽10分鐘,美國隊就出現9次犯規和6次失誤,考辛斯(DeMarcus Cousins)(左)個人包辦兩次犯規,委內瑞拉一度以16:15取得領先。( Bryn Lennon/Getty Images)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - AUGUST 08: Jhon Cox #6 of Venezuela shoots the ball over Demarcus Cousins #12 of United States in the men's preliminary round group A game 19 on Day 3 of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at the Carioca Arena 1 on August 8, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo by Bryn Lennon/Getty Images)
開賽10分鐘,美國隊就出現9次犯規和6次失誤,考辛斯(DeMarcus Cousins)個人包辦兩次犯規,委內瑞拉一度以16:15取得領先。(Bryn Lennon/Getty Images)

不過美國夢幻隊在第二節開始甦醒過來,讓委內瑞拉在5分鐘內只投中一球,安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)率隊反擊,本節還有3分59秒時,以33-22取得兩位數差距,在半場結束前歐文(Kyrie Irving)還命中三分,取得48-26領先,單節打出30:8奠定勝基。

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - AUGUST 08: Carmelo Anthony #15 of United States looks to pass against Gregory Vargas #5 of Venezuela during the Men's Priliminary Round between the United States and Venezuela on Day 3 of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at Carioca Arena 1 on August 8, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)
安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)率隊反擊,本節還有3分59秒時,以33-22取得兩位數差距。(Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - AUGUST 08: Carmelo Anthony #15 of United States boxes out Nestor Colmenares #43 of Venezuela during the Men's Priliminary Round between the United States and Venezuela on Day 3 of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at Carioca Arena 1 on August 8, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)
安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)率隊反擊,本節還有3分59秒時,以33-22取得兩位數差距。( Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)
安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)率隊反擊,本節還有3分59秒時,以33-22取得兩位數差距。( Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)
安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)率隊反擊,本節還有3分59秒時,以33-22取得兩位數差距。( Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)

下半場美國隊完全控制局面,委內瑞拉未能縮小到20分以內,決勝節巴特勒(Jimmy Butler)開場就連砍5分,一波14-2的攻勢後,分差拉開到89:53,喬治(Paul George)還在比賽將結束時還表演了霸氣的單手暴扣,最終以44大比分差距輕鬆獲勝。

美國隊有5人得分破雙,喬治攻下全場最高20分、巴特勒和杜蘭特(Kevin Durant)分別有17和16分進帳,安東尼攻下14分,喬丹(DeAndre Jordan)也有14分的表現。

RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - AUGUST 08: Paul George #13 of United States handles the ball against Dwight Lewis #2 of Venezuela during the Men's Preliminary Round between the United States and Venezuela on Day 3 of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at the Carioca Arena 1 on August 8, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)
美國隊有5人得分破雙,喬治攻下全場最高20分(David Ramos/Getty Images)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - AUGUST 08: Paul George #13 of United States goes to the basket during the Men's Priliminary Round between the United States and Venezuela on Day 3 of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at Carioca Arena 1 on August 8, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)
美國隊有5人得分破雙,喬治攻下全場最高20分。(David Ramos/Getty Images) Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - AUGUST 08: Demarcus Cousins #12 of United States jumps for the opening ball in the men's preliminary round group A game 19 on Day 3 of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at the Carioca Arena 1 on August 8, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo by Pool/Getty Images)
擁有NBA眾多明星的美國夢幻男籃,首節出現大當機,還好第二節穩住防守後,打出30:8,從此絕塵而去,最後以113:69大勝委內瑞拉,取得二連勝。(Pool/Getty Images)
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - AUGUST 08: Kyrie Irving #10, Demarcus Cousins #12 and Carmelo Anthony #15 of United States joke around on the bench during the Men's Preliminary Round between the United States and Venezuela on Day 3 of the Rio 2016 Olympic Games at the Carioca Arena 1 on August 8, 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images)
美國夢幻男籃二連勝 ,44分差大勝委內瑞拉。Kyrie Irving(左) 考辛斯(Demarcus Cousins)(中)和安東尼(Carmelo Anthony)(右) 欣喜擁抱。( David Ramos/Getty Images)


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