Dux College — 拿到HSC高分的加油站

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【大紀元2016年06月04日訊】Dux College成立於2009年,致力於為高中段9-12年級學生提供專家級輔導並注重成效,使他們能夠取得優異成績並成功考入具高度競爭力的大學專業。Dux College的輔導老師在他們各自的教學領域內都堪稱專家,都是曾經取得ATAR 99分以上或其所教授的學科曾在全省獲得學科狀元的。這使他們能夠針對學生的能力有效地運用教學方法。我們的教育覆蓋整個悉尼地區。

Dux College採用小班教學、熟練製作資源及高技能輔導老師,使得學生最大限度地提高HSC成績、排名及ATAR成績。豐富的HSC學科知識及良好的學術背景使我們的輔導老師能夠為學生提供10年級學科選擇建議,為11及12年級做準備。 除了每週課程之外,我們還為學生提供課外輔導幫助他們完成家庭作業。

我們的教師團隊通過考試模塊及題目測試為學生們提供持續更新的課程內容, 就會使學生的ATAR成績最大限度地提高並達到自己的既定目標。我們保證每個學生在這裡都會得到一對一的教學,不會讓學生孤軍奮戰。這裡還設有輔導老師主持的定期講座,學生們可以與輔導老師自由溝通,同時著手自主學習的活動。

Dux College高考補習學校
Dux College高考補習學校

Dux College已擁有很多成績優異的學生,他們都是尖子生。
● 我們81%的學生ATAR成績都超過90分
● 我們有76%的學生在他們選學的學科中成績都屬於Band 6
● 我們的數學 (Extension 2) 學生ATAR中位成績為99分
● 我們97%的畢業生考入了前2個志願的大學專業


丹尼爾.塔赫(Daniel Taha)

丹尼爾初到Dux College時是打算優化他的數學成績。由於他具備的優秀學術印象,深厚的職業道德及與人相處的中肯態度,他被Dux聘用為英語(Advanced)教師。

他在HSC English Advanced教學中獲得的出色成果使他成為我校王牌師資的重要一分子。作為ATAR成績計算內的學科,關鍵是利用我們教師的技巧確保學生獲得了最好的教育。丹尼爾對於大量教學模塊的牢牢把握及他對學生的認真態度也是他自己在Dux College學習期間的所得。丹尼爾一直把時間和精力集中在每個學生身上以使他們在英語學科取得潛在的最好成績。他的才能是對我們的學生取得進一步成功無價的資產。他在人文方面的天賦使他進一步在法律領域擴大自己的知識,目前他正在UTS攻讀法學博士。

Dux College高考補習學校
Dux College高考補習學校

丹尼.鄧(Danny Deng) 

丹尼是2014年進入Dux College學習初步經濟學的,當時他正在精英中學——北悉尼男子中學就讀。作為一名成績穩定的高材生,丹尼在Dux學習時頗有建樹,他回答問題活躍,這使他獲益匪淺。由於他取得了優異的HSC成績,並獲得了ATAR 99.95的高分,新南威爾士大學精算學及工商學專業為他提供了優厚的獎學金,而他的第一志願——悉尼大學外科醫學/學士和商業學士專業優先錄取了他,他在自己所選專業中繼續表現出色。

拉胡爾.梅楠(Rahul Menon) 

拉胡爾曾經是Dux College的學生,他在這裡學習了數學(Extension 2),化學和物理等HSC中的8門課程。拉胡爾在精英中學——Penrith中學就讀,輔導課使他在學校中的成績出類拔萃。他在HSC考試中的出色成績使他的ATAR成績高達99.95分,並考入新南威爾士大學攻讀外科醫學學士專業。

萊昂納多.馬(Leonard Mah)

萊昂納多是我們Bondi分校數學Extension 2、物理及化學老師。萊昂納多曾經就讀於悉尼男子中學,目前正在新南威爾士大學攻讀醫學研究學士及醫學博士。他當年在Dux學習時,他的ATAR成績為99.95,且成績在多個省名列前茅,包括:數學第五名(2014年),化學第一名(2015年)及物理第七名(2015年)。

預訂免費試學課程班 電話: (02) 8007 6824

Email:[email protected]


Dux College has held HSC students get high results

Dux College Helps your dreams come true

Established in 2009, Dux College is results-driven and dedicated to providing an expert tutoring service to high-school students in Years 9-12, that lead to outstanding results and successful entry into highly competitive university courses. The tutors at Dux College are experts in their respective fields, having achieved an ATAR greater than 99 or coming top of the state in the subject(s) they teach. Extensive knowledge of what it takes to top the state allows our tutors to effectively tailor their teaching methods towards the abilities of our students. We educate students from all over Sydney studying for their HSC across a broad range of subject areas.

A mixture of small class sizes, expertly crafted resources and highly skilled tutors allow us to maximise the student’s HSC mark, their ranks and their resultant ATAR. . Their strong knowledge of scaling  and well established academic backgrounds allows our tutors to provide students with advice on subject selection in Year 10, in preparation for Years 11 and 12. In addition to the weekly classes, we provide afterhours support for our students as they require homework help throughout the week.

Our team of tutors provide our students with constant revision of course content, through module exams and topic tests, will assist the student in maximising their ATAR and ensuring that their goals are met. In the event that a student appears to be struggling with a topic, workshops are offered at Dux to ensure that the student is no longer struggling with the content. We ensure that the student works alongside a tutor in a one to one setting to enhance understanding of the topics at hand. Also on hand are forums regularly monitored by tutors that are available for students to communicate with tutors whilst embarking on self-directed learning activities.

Our Past Students

Dux College has produced high-achieving students who are at the forefront of their education. We have established a strong history of high-achievers.

The results our students receive are of the highest standard. Some of our many impressive statistics include:

Dux College
Dux College
  • 81% of our students attaining an ATAR that is >90
  • 76% of our students scoring a Band 6 in their given subject(s)
  • Our Mathematics (Extension 2) students attaining a median ATAR of 99
  • 97% of our graduates gain entry into a university course within their top 2 preferences

Below are profiles of our past students.

Daniel Taha

Daniel originally enrolled at Dux College to fine-tune his knowledge on Mathematics. As a result of his impressive academia, a strong work ethic and pertinent attitude towards the humanities he was hired at Dux as an English (Advanced) tutor. His outstanding achievements in has led him to becoming one of our most valuable assets in the education of students in the English syllabus. As a subject that automatically counts towards the calculation of the ATAR it is crucial to utilise the skills of our tutors to ensure that the students gain the best possible education. Daniel’s firm grasp on the innumerable modules and his commitment to his students are both valuable skills he had gained from his own education at Dux College. Daniel consistently focuses his time and effort on each of his students in order to produce the best possible result in English, his versatility being a priceless asset towards the further success of our students. His talent in the humanities has led him to further expand his knowledge into the field of Law, as he is currently completing his postgraduate Juris Doctor at the University of Technology, Sydney.

Danny Deng

Danny began his study in Preliminary Economics at Dux College in 2014, whist studying at the selective North Sydney Boys High School. A consistently high-achieving student, Danny was instrumental in his education at Dux, actively answering questions and ensuring that he attained the best from his tutoring experience. As a result of his outstanding HSC results, and achieving a maximum ATAR of 99.95 he was offered numerous scholarships at the University of New South Wales for Actuarial Studies and a Cadetship for Commerce. His first choice – Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery and a Bachelor of Commerce program at the University of Sydney – took priority, and he continues to excel in his chosen field.

Rahul Menon

Rahul was a student at Dux College, being tutored in Mathematics (Extension 2), Chemistry and Physics, totalling 8 units of his HSC. Rahul also attended the selective Penrith High School, topping his school academically. His attainment of outstanding results in the HSC led to his achievement of a maximum ATAR of 99.95, and saw his admission in a Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery at the University of New South Wales.

Dux College
Dux College

Leonard Mah

Leonard is a Maths Extension 2, Physics and Chemistry tutor at our Bondi branch. Leonard attended the selective Sydney Boys High School and now studies a Bachelor of Medical Studies/Doctor of Medicine at the University of New South Wales. Being DUX of his year, high achiever Leonard has scored a perfect ATAR of 99.95 as well as scoring multiple state ranks including 5th in Mathematics (2014), 1st in Chemistry (2015) and 7th in Physics (2015).

Please contact us on for free lesson (02) 8007 6824

Email:[email protected]




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