「無聊熊貓」(Bored Panda)網站最近便選錄了一些為人丈夫者在推特發表的幽默推文,以下摘譯幾則:
1.推特用戶「Abe Yospe」寫道:「當我太太在公共場所睡著時,我就會搖搖她,然後大叫:『別死在我懷裡啊!』當她醒來時,人們總是會鼓掌。」
When my wife falls asleep in a public place, I shake her a little and yell, “DON’T YOU DIE ON ME!” People always clap when she wakes up.
— Abe Yospe (@Cheeseboy22)
2.「Grant Tanaka」的一則推文說:
Wife: It’s like every man on earth has to share one brain
Me: [can’t think of a good comeback because it’s not my turn to use the brain]— Grant Tanaka (@GrantTanaka)
3.「Exploding Unicorn」發文說,有一次他與妻子外出,聽到小孩在哭。他說:「有個小孩在哭。」妻子回答說:「不是我們家的小孩。」隨後,兩人頂拳(拳頭碰拳頭,原為打招呼的方式之一,在這裡似乎有高興、如釋重負之意)。
[out in public]
Me: A kid is crying.
Wife: It’s not one of ours.
[we fist bump]
— Exploding Unicorn (@XplodingUnicorn)
4.「Boyd’s Backyard™」寫道,當他提早下班回家給妻子驚喜時,他喜歡她用幾個非常特殊的字詞跟他打招呼:「你被炒魷魚了嗎?」
I love when I leave work early to surprise my wife at home and she greets me with those three very special words… Were you fired??
— Boyd’s Backyard™ (@TheBoydP)
5.「Kent Graham」似乎很無奈地說:「我不了解上帝如何以十誡規範全世界,而我太太光是給我們家的戒律就有152條。」
I don’t understand how God can have Ten Commandments for the whole world, and my wife can have 152 just for our house.
— Kent Graham (@KentWGraham)
6.「Kent Graham」另發一文說:「當我從車禍中醒來、全身纏著繃帶躺在病床上時,我太太在床邊告訴我說,分娩比這更痛苦。」
When I awoke from the car accident in a full bodycast, my wife was right at my bedside to let me know that childbirth is still more painful.
— Kent Graham (@KentWGraham)
accountant: “youre basically broke”
wife: “he keeps spending money on stupid stuff”
me: “lets ask the dog if he thinks his jeans are stupid”— k e e t (@KeetPotato)