羅格斯大學250年校慶 奧巴馬出席畢業典禮演講

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【大紀元2016年05月18日訊】(大紀元記者姬承羲美國新澤西報導)5月15日(星期日)中午,新澤西州立大學羅格斯(Rutgers University)在新布朗斯維克市(New Brunswick)的Busch校區的高點體育場內舉行了第250屆畢業典禮。當天,共有約1萬2千名畢業生、超過4萬名學生親友出席。典禮邀請美國第44屆、即現任總統奧巴馬擔任特別來賓,為畢業生致詞。這是羅格斯歷史上第一次邀請到在任的美國總統擔任畢業典禮嘉賓。為此,校方甚至進行了長達三年的遊說,寄出了大量的郵件、信函、推特,甚至連學生會代表們的祖母也都致信奧巴馬,這才打動了這位總統。




NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - MAY 15: Students listen to U.S. President Barack Obama while he speaks to students and attenders after receiving an honorary doctorate of laws during the 250th anniversary commencement ceremony at Rutgers University on May 15, 2016 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Obama is the first sitting president to speak at the school's commencement. (Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
5月15日,奧巴馬總統出席新澤西羅格斯大學250周年校慶和畢業典禮並做演講。圖爲會場。( Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - MAY 15: U.S. President Barack Obama waves to the crowd during the 250th anniversary commencement ceremony at Rutgers University on May 15, 2016 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Obama is the first sitting president to speak at the school's commencement. (Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
5月15日,奧巴馬總統出席新澤西羅格斯大學250周年校慶和畢業典禮並做演講。( Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - MAY 15: U.S. President Barack Obama receives an honorary doctorate of laws while attending the 250th anniversary commencement ceremony at Rutgers University on May 15, 2016 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Obama is the first sitting president to speak at the school's commencement. (Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
5月15日,奧巴馬總統出席新澤西羅格斯大學250周年校慶和畢業典禮並做演講。圖爲羅大授予奧巴馬總統榮譽法律博士學位。( Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - MAY 15: U.S. President Barack Obama (L) reacts after receiving an honorary doctorate of laws from President of Rutgers University, Robert Barchi during the 250th anniversary commencement ceremony at Rutgers University on May 15, 2016 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Obama is the first sitting president to speak at the school's commencement. (Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
5月15日,奧巴馬總統出席新澤西羅格斯大學250周年校慶和畢業典禮並做演講。圖爲羅大校長巴奇(Robert Barchi ,右)授予奧巴馬總統榮譽法律博士學位。( Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - MAY 15: Students scream to U.S. President Barack Obama while he speaks to students and attenders after receiving an honorary doctorate of laws during the 250th anniversary commencement ceremony at Rutgers University on May 15, 2016 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Obama is the first sitting president to speak at the school's commencement. (Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
5月15日,奧巴馬總統出席新澤西羅格斯大學250周年校慶和畢業典禮並做演講。圖爲與會羅大學生。( Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ - MAY 15: Students scream to U.S. President Barack Obama while he speaks to students and attenders after receiving an honorary doctorate of laws during the 250th anniversary commencement ceremony at Rutgers University on May 15, 2016 in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Obama is the first sitting president to speak at the school's commencement. (Photo by Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)
5月15日,奧巴馬總統出席新澤西羅格斯大學250周年校慶和畢業典禮並做演講。圖爲與會羅大畢業生。( Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images)

