1.用戶「Wendy S.」說:「我不在乎你的孩子有多可愛。當你在半夜醒來,看到他們站在你的床邊,他們就很嚇人。」
I don’t care how cute your kid is. When you wake up in the middle of the night and see them standing next to your bed, they are terrifying.
— Wendy S. (@maughammom)
My 14yo made fun of me this morning because I had to go to work while he had a snow day, so I changed the wifi password.
— Rock (@TheMichaelRock)
Daughter: You’re invading my personal space
Mom: You came out of my personal space
— Moe (@_Mo_lee_)
4.「James Breakwell」與5歲的孩子仰望夜空。他說:「你可以對著任何一顆星星許願。」不料他的孩子回答說:「哪一顆是死星(Death Star,《星際大戰》系列電影中的虛構太空要塞)?」
[looking up at the night sky]
Me: You can make a wish on any star you want.
5-year-old: Which one is the Death Star?
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn)
5.「James Breakwell」的另一則推文說,他4個孩子中有2人哭了起來。一名經過的女士問道:「小女孩,你們為什麼在哭呢?」他則打趣地說:「你認為她們哭一定有理由,真是可愛。」
[two of my four kids burst into tears]
Random lady walking by: Why are you crying, girls?
Me: It’s cute that you think there’s a reason.
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn)
6.「James Breakwell」還分享了另一件趣事。他說,他的2歲女兒拿了一個糖果棒給他。他以為她終於學會了與別人分享,於是感動地擁抱她。沒想到,她只是希望他幫忙打開包裝而已。
My 2-year-old handed me a candy bar.
I hugged her for finally learning how to share.
Turns out she just wanted me to open it.
— James Breakwell (@XplodingUnicorn)
7.「Rich Cromwell」寫道,他的6歲女兒告訴他說:「爹地,我在生你的氣。」他問道:「為什麼?」他的女兒回答說:「我不要告訴你。」於是他下結論說,她已經是個女人了。
6: Daddy, I’m mad at you.
Me: What for?
6: I’m not telling you.She’s already a woman.
— Rich Cromwell (@rcromwell4)
8.「Aaron Aryanpur」分享說,他跟4歲的孩子說,他認為自己吃太多了,而他的孩子卻回答說:「對,而且不光是今天。」
Me: I think I ate too much.
4yo: Yeah, but not just today.— Aaron Aryanpur (@aaroncomedian)
9.「Beau Coffron」認為,孩子們的耳朵很奇特。「撿起玩具」要說7次,他們才聽得到,但他們卻可以聽到50碼之外打開一包洋芋片的聲音。
Kids’ ears are amazing. It takes 7 times to hear “Pick up that toy” yet they can hear a bag of chips open at 50 yards.
— Beau Coffron (@lunchboxdad)
10.「Danielle Herzog」在孩子的學校擔任課後話劇社團的指導老師。有一名一年級的學生問道:「你能不能教我,如何在我爸講話時,演得像有在聽那樣?」
I lead the after-school drama club at my kid’s school. A 1st gr said, “Can you teach me how to act like I’m listening when my dad talks?”
— Danielle Herzog (@martinisandmini)