【大紀元2012年09月28日訊】A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓練班! 我是楊琳!
B: 我是Mike! 楊琳,趕快來告訴大家今天都要學甚麼?
A: 沒問題! 今天,咱們要來去體驗一下野外露營,聊聊學外語有甚麼竅門,還要告訴你怎麼說新一代!
B: Leaning a foreign language? You know I’m the expert on this right…
A: 又臭美! 不過我覺得啊,學外語就得大膽說, 不怕錯才行!!
B: Yeah I definitely agree with that. Also it’s helps a lot immerse yourself in the language environment, that way you will be forced to think and use that language! That’s why I went to China three times!
A:沒錯! 咱們現在就來浸泡式學習! 趕快進入第一個單元,Learn a word!
Learn A Word1555 next-generation
今天我們要學的詞是 next-generation. next-generation is spelled n-e-x-t, next, and g-e-n-e-r-a-t-i-o-n, generation, generation. Next-generation 下一代的,新一代的。Possible images of the next-generation iPhone keep popping up online. 網絡上不斷出現可能是新一代蘋果手機的圖片。Intel is committing $4.1 billion to the research of next-generation chip technology. 因特爾公司保證投入41億美元,用於新一代芯片技術的研究。Toyota will debut the next-generation of their Lexus LS full-sized luxury sedan on July 30th. 豐田汽車公司將在7月30號首次展示他們的雷克薩斯LS豪華轎車。
好的,今天我們學習的詞是 next-generation, next-generation, next-generation…
A: Speaking of next-generation, did you hear that i-Phone 5 is going to come out this year? I CAN’T wait!!!
B: Yeah definitely! Not only will Apple roll out the i-phone 5, but they are also set to release iPad 3 and iPad Mini. So excited to see them!
A: 對呀! 不過這麼一來,咱倆的iPhone 4豈不是就成得變成過時沒人要的東西了?
B: Yeah, I think that would mean that the iPhone 4 is going to fall by the wayside. Some expert actually say now is the best time to get rid of your old iPhone since their prices are still high.
A: 對對對,我看咱倆就得趕快幹這事! 不過你剛才提到了一個很好的詞兒,fall by the wayside, 我們趕快來學學這個習慣用語的用法!
Words and Idioms 980
美國習慣用語第 980講。我是楊琳。
M:我是Dan Markus.
M: Fall by the wayside. Fall is spelled f-a-l-l, and wayside; w-a-y-s-i-d-e. Fall-by-the-wayside. Fall by the way side.
Wayside 意思是路邊,fall by the wayside 整個詞組跟道路其實沒甚麼關係,它的意思是終止,不在繼續下去了。就像上面的例子中,智能手機用戶越來越依賴於手機的其他功能,而用打電話的功能的人反而越來越少了。The population of folks talking on a phone appears to FALL BY THE WAYSIDE more and more. 下面例子裡的這個人從小就想當建築師,他能不能從事自己理想的職業呢?我們來聽一聽:
M: “From the time I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming an architect. But my school counselor informed me that the unemployment rate for that choice is quite high. That explains why interest in architecture has FALLEN BY THE WAYSIDE. Maybe I should be investing in a more successful career like nursing or teaching.”
這段話是說:[我從小就夢想做一名建築師。但是學校的指導老師告訴我,建築師行業的失業率特別高。這就解釋了為甚麼現在想當建築師的學生越來越少。或許我應當選擇一個更有前途的職業,比如護士或者教師。 ]
為現實被迫放棄自己的夢想真是無奈。我的一個鄰居就面臨特別現實的問題。她是一名圖形藝術家,可是隨著電腦技術的發展,普通人只要使用電腦技術就能繪製各種圖形,她也就很難找到工作了。Consumers’ need for her products and services FELL BY THE WAYSIDE. 她所提供的產品和服務,對消費者來說已經越來越沒有吸引力了。好的,讓我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:
M: “From the time I was a kid, I dreamed of becoming an architect. But my school counselor informed me that the unemployment rate for that choice is quite high. That explains why interest in architecture has FALLEN BY THE WAYSIDE. Maybe I should be investing in a more successful career like nursing or teaching.”
上面我們講到fall by the wayside有停止的意思。在下面的例子中,一名餐廳老闆要談談擴建餐廳的計劃,讓我們來聽聽看:
M: ” No one expected our top chef to leave. After all, the popularity of her dishes was the reason why we had decided to open another restaurant. Despite her departure, we’re determined to go ahead with our plans. We aren’t going to allow them to FALL BY THE WAYSIDE. “
這種態度很積極正面,肯定會幫助餐館老闆成功的。話說,我最近有個朋友失戀了,他的態度特別悲觀,對所有事情都失去了興趣。As a result, his sales number are FALLING BY THE WAYSIDE. 他的銷售業績大幅下降。其實想開了,沒有甚麼過不去的坎兒。好的,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:
M: ” No one expected our top chef to leave. After all, the popularity of her dishes was the reason why we had decided to open another restaurant. Despite her departure, we’re determined to go ahead with our plans. We aren’t going to allow them to FALL BY THE WAYSIDE. “
今天我們學習的習慣用語是fall by the wayside,意思是停止,不再繼續下去。好的,這次[美國習慣用語]就到此結束,我是楊琳,我是Dan Markus。謝謝各位的收聽。
B: You know what, this episode reminds me of when I was hiking with my dad one time….
A : 嗯? 甚麼意思?
B: So when I was twelve I had gone hiking with my dad in colorado. While we were resting, I forgot our tent by the wayside….I didn’t realized it until we were already two hours away….
A: Oh gosh… 我要是你爸,肯定恨死你了!
B: Haha, yeah, pretty much ….We spent another two hours going back to search for the tent, and my punishment was no dinner for the night!
A: 哈哈,對於你這麼愛吃的人,不讓你吃真是對你最大的懲罰!
在今天的Go English裡,Daphne就和Roger正在露營,咱們去看看膽小的Roger 咱們一起去聽聽吧!
Hiking: Intermediate
Professor: That’s right, Winnie. You know, being out in the woods at night can be pretty scary if you’re used to city life.
Daphne: Isn’t it great being out in nature, Roger? I love breathing the fresh air and exercising.
Roger: Sure …. I guess it’s not so bad. Daphne, you don’t think there are bears in these woods, do you?
Daphne: Of course there are! But don’t worry, bears are pretty shy and won’t hurt us. They only want to eat our food.
Roger: But Daphne, what if the bears think that I am food?
Daphne: Don’t worry, Roger, I know wilderness first aid.
Professor: That’s right, Winnie. What does Daphne say to make him feel better?
Daphne安慰Roger,說自己會wilderness first aid – 野外急救!
Professor: Winnie, somehow I wouldn’t be very comforted by that if I were Roger!
Daphne: I know, Roger. We can tell ghost stories to take your mind off the bears.
Roger: Ghost stories? I don’t know. It’s already pretty scary being out here in the dark.
Daphne: Oh Roger, there is nothing to be afraid of out here! You’re not scared of the dark, are you?
Roger: Of course I’m not afraid of the dark. What I’m afraid of are all the things that are hiding out there in the dark!
Roger 在山裡過夜本來就緊張,他才不會想聽甚麼ghost stories–鬼故事呢! 對了,professor, Daphne說,講故事可以 take Roger’s mind off the bears, 這是甚麼意思呢?
Professor: When you take your mind off something, that means you stop thinking about it. For example, “After studying really hard for three days, I went to the movies to take my mind off the exam for a couple hours.”
哦,take your mind off something,就是暫時不去想某件事。Daphne想通過講故事來轉移Roger的注意力,這樣,Roger就不會總想著自己會被熊吃掉了!
Daphne: OK, I’ll tell the first story. You know, some people say these woods are haunted and ……
Roger: What?? They’re haunted? Daphne, why have you taken me to these haunted woods? We have to get out of here, fast.
Daphne: Roger! Calm down. It’s just a story. The woods aren’t really haunted.
Roger: Are you sure there aren’t any ghosts? I keep hearing really strange noises out in the dark!
Daphne: Of course there’s no such thing as ghosts. It’s probably just some hungry bears.
Roger: Ah!
Professor: Winnie, why does Roger get so scared?
Daphne講鬼故事,說這片樹林 are 「haunted」–鬧鬼。結果Roger就信以為真了! 把他嚇個半死! Professor, Daphne 說”there’s no such thing as ghosts”, 這句話的意思是「世界上根本沒有鬼」麼?
Professor: Exactly. For another example, I could say that “There are lots of ways to help slow global warming, but there’s no such thing as a perfect solution.”
Daphne: Roger, I don’t think you’re cut out for camping.
Roger: I know. Next time you want to do something fun, let’s do something in the city. I’ll be happy to buy your movie ticket as long as we don’t have to go camping again.
Daphne: Sure, next time we’ll go see a movie. But Roger …. will there be a next time? Do you think we will survive the night?
Roger: I sure hope we survive, just so I have a chance to get even!
Daphne說,Roger is not cut out for camping—天生不是露營的料! Professor, Roger說,他一定要survive the night–捱過這一晚,這樣他才能 get even。Get even是報仇的意思麼?
Professor: Right! What do you think Roger will do to get even with Daphne?
嗯….我倒很想知道呢! 我們下次接著聽吧!
A: 原來,Roger特別害怕自己被黑熊吃掉,Daphne跟他聊天,想take his mind off bears, 讓他暫時不去想熊這件事。不過她選題不夠好,She said the woods are haunted, 這片森林裡鬧鬼,結果把Roger 嚇得半死! 他發誓要get even, 報仇雪恨!
B: Haha, Roger is a wimp. I mean, black bears are actually more scared of you than you are of them. If you even see one, just stand up and wave your arms and you can easily scare them off.
A:哇,你說的真輕鬆! 我看要是真看見了一隻熊你肯定也嚇得半死!
B: Well, you need to remember I’m the hiking expert! As long as you have a fire, wood and water with you, you’ll be fine!
A: 誒? 你怎麼又是hiking expert了! 今天節目開始的時候你不是還說自己是學習外語的專家呢麼?
B: Well, I mean, I’m kinda good at a lot of things…haha kidding kidding. But learning a new language is like doing a long hike, you going to feel tired along the way, but the view at the end of the trail makes it all worth it!
A: 哇,這個比喻怎麼讓我想到了小時候媽媽的鼓勵? 今天在Business Etiquette裡, Penny跟Robert就聊起了學習外語的話題,咱們一起來聽聽看!
禮節美語 – Becoming Fluent in English Part I
來自中國的僱員 Penny 跟同事 Robert 聊天兒。
Penny Liu: Hey, Robert! I was listening to you speak Chinese at the presentation yesterday! You’re fluent!
Robert: Oh, that’s kind of you to say, but in reality I’m just able to hold a conversation.
P: You are too modest. Seriously, I was really impressed. I actually wanted to know how you did it because I really want to take my English to the next level.
P: But your English is fantastic.
P: Yeah, it’s pretty good. But I’m aiming to become completely fluent. Do you have any tips?
Penny 稱讚美國同事 Robert 中文說得流利,fluent,給她留下了深刻印象。I was really impressed. Penny 問 Robert 學習語言有甚麼竅門,因為 I really want to take my English to the next level. 我想讓自己的英語水平更上一層樓。Robert 有甚麼建議呢?
R: Well, I studied at a major university in Taipei before coming to Beijing. And I lived in Hong Kong for over a year as well.
P: So you’re saying I’ll have to live in an English-speaking country?
R: It certainly doesn’t hurt. But there are some things you can do if that is not an option.
P: For example?
R: When I first began studying Chinese, I found that watching Chinese movies was a really big help. Turn off the subtitles and watch and listen closely.
原來,Robert 在中文環境中生活過一段時間。這對提高語言水平當然是有百益而無一害。It certainly doesn’t hurt. 可如果沒有這種條件,If that is not an option, Robert說,看電影會有很大幫助,並建議關掉字幕,turn off the subtitles, subtitles is spelled s-u-b-t-i-t-l-e-s, subtitles 是字幕的意思。
P: But they speak so fast in movies! Will I be able to understand?
R: You could watch a movie you have already seen before…but no subtitles. That way you can pick up the rhythms of speech.
P: What about vocabulary? Should I just try to memorize more words?
R: Memorization can’t hurt, but it’s sometimes hard to learn words that have no context. Many times when I learn a new Chinese word, I don’t really understand it until I hear or see how it’s used in a sentence.
P: So I need to find a context for the words.
R: Right!
電影對白速度太快,跟不上怎麼辦。Robert 建議 Penny 選擇以前看過的電影,然後關掉字幕。That way you can pick up the rhythms of speech. 這樣就能慢慢找到語言的節奏。詞彙量 vocabulary 不夠怎麼辦?Robert 說,死記硬背固然沒有害處,Memorization can’t hurt. memorization is spelled m-e-m-o-r-i-z-a-t-i-o-n, memorization. 可有時候少了上下文,context, 單詞的意思是很難準確理解和掌握的。
Robert 對提高英語水平還有哪些好的建議,我們下次繼續聽。
A: Robert給Penny提了些學好外語的竅門, 首先,要多看外國電影,而且要turn off the subtitles, 關掉字幕,如果跟不上,就選原來看過的電影, that way you can pick up the rhythms of speech. 而且don’t just memorize the words, 不要死記硬背,find a context for the words that you want to learn. 根據上下文來理解單詞。
B: Yeah, I definitely agree with Robert. Also I always try to read a Chinese book or magazine, and guess the meaning of the words I don’t know based on the context. It’s a great way to learn new words and expose yourself to the new culture.
A: 對! 我就特別喜歡看電視劇,比如friends 呀, big bang theory呀, 哦對對,還有how I met your mother! 看來看去我都能背下來了! 好了好了,不說咱們了,我們還是接著去聽聽Robert給了Penny怎樣的建議吧!
禮節美語 – Becoming Fluent in English Part II
MC: Robert 正在向中國來的同事 Penny 介紹理解和掌握單詞的經驗。
R: You could buy an English-language magazine about news or fashion. Read through the articles and underline and look up the words you don’t know. Then read the article or sentence again after you know what the words mean.
P: So the sentence will help my brain remember the word?
R: Yes, I think it does.
P: I sometimes have a hard time with grammar. I just can’t remember all the verb tenses and other little rules.
Robert 建議 Penny 看英文雜誌,把不認識的單詞劃出來,查字典,underline and look up the words you don’t know. 知道意思以後再回過頭來重讀一遍。Penny 說有時覺得語法很難,I sometimes have a hard time with grammar. 這裡說的 have a hard time with something 就是覺得一件事情很難的意思。Robert 有甚麼好辦法嗎?
R: You know something? I’d say forget about grammar in the beginning. Focus on understanding and communicating. To tell you the truth, I’m still fuzzy on quite a few English grammar rules myself.
P: But eventually my grammar will improve, right?
R: Certainly. Through reading and speaking you will sort of pick it up automatically. And you know something else? Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn, grammar included.
P: Ah…but it’s so embarrassing!
R: Exactly! Getting embarrassed helps us remember things!
Robert 讓 Penny 上來先不要管語法,通過閱讀和交流,語法自然會慢慢掌握。You will pick it up automatically. Robert 兩次說到,You know something? 意思是告訴你吧。他覺得,出錯是學習的最佳途徑之一,Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. Penny 說,那多丟人啊。It’s so embarrassing. Robert 居然說,這樣以後才不會忘。
R: And one more thing: some people try to translate from their mother tongue while speaking. I’ve found this is a bad idea. It slows you down. Languages are usually quite different from each other so it’s not really a help.
P: So I should just say it. Even if it comes out wrong, right?
R: Yep. You can also keep a notebook and when you hear or see something you don’t quite understand, write it down and look it up later.
P: Ah, I already have a great dictionary in my cell phone! I use it everyday.
Robert反對說英語的時候從母語 mother tongue 直接翻譯過來,因為這樣做只會 slow you down 放慢你的速度。歸根結底就是,you should just say it. Even if it comes out wrong. 大膽說,不要怕出錯。Robert 還建議 Penny 隨身帶個筆記本,把聽到看到的生字記下來回去查。Penny 說她手機裡就有字典,而且每天都在用。
B: Making mistakes is the best way to learn! 楊琳,shall I tell the audience about the famous mistakes that you’ve made?
A: 不行! 不許說! 要是說了,我好不容易塑造的優秀形象不就毀了?!
B: REALLY?, hmmm, How much is that perfect image worth to you? I think I sense some hush money coming my way….哈哈,因為你是我好朋友, 我只收你三百元封口費!
A: 你……!!! 等會再跟你算賬!