
美語訓練班 第57課

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A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓練班! 我是楊琳!

B: 我是Kat! 楊琳,快説説咱們今天都要學什麼?

A: 好! 今天,咱們要去吃個快餐,繼續看看Harry倒楣的一天,學學怎麼表達隱瞞證據,還要告訴大家怎麼用美語説”花美男”和”一夜成名”!

B: 一夜成名? 我年輕的時候也這麼想過…

A: 哈哈,stop daydreaming there…. 咱們先趕快來進入第一個單元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word undermine

今天我們要學的詞是undermine. Undermine is spelled u-n-d-e-r-m-i-n-e; undermine. Undermine 是“削弱,損害”的意思。The U.S. State Department says deep cuts to its budget proposed by Congress will undermine America’s security and global leadership. 美國國務院表示,國會提出的大幅削減國務院預算的計劃會傷害美國的安全,並削弱美國的全球領導地位。Afghanistan’s president has warned that civilian casualties caused by NATO air strikes could undermine the recently-signed cooperation agreement with the US. 阿富汗總統警告説,北約空襲造成的人員傷亡可能會動搖最近跟美國簽署的合作協議。好的, 今天我們學習的詞是undermine, undermine, undermine.

A: I’ve had this problem on my mind lately- One of my best friends is dating this guy, but I feel like I have a responsibility to undermine their relationship….我不能讓他們就這麼發展下去。

B: Wait what? Why would you do that?

A: 其實那個男的也是我的朋友,可他是個花花公子! He’s a womanizer! I don’t want my friend to get hurt.

B: Oh I see. Yeah, you might want to tell her about that, but you’ll be sure to cover your tracks when you warn her about that guy, right?

A: 是啊! 咱們先想想辦法,不過你提到了一個很有用的詞兒: cover one’s track, 咱們一起來聽聽這個短語的用法!

Words and Idioms

現在播送<美國習慣用語>第 966講。我是楊琳。

M:我是 Steve Baragona.


M: Cover one’s tracks. Cover is spelled c-o-v-e-r; and tracks; t-r-a-c-k-s. Cover-one’s-tracks. Cover one’s tracks.

Cover 意思是隱瞞,掩飾,tracks 軌跡。連起來,to cover one’s tracks, 意思就是掩蓋行蹤,隱瞞證據。上面的例子中,The accountant was able to COVER HIS TRACKS for a long time before his scheme was finally discovered. 這位會計長期隱瞞證據,直到他的陰謀被發現。下面的例子裏,一名罪犯越獄之後是如何掩飾自己行蹤的呢? 我們趕快來聽聽看:

M: “The prisoner escaped weeks ago. The police had a hard time finding her because she COVERED HER TRACKS. She was careful not to use her real name and she kept traveling from one state to another. When her photo appeared on TV, a viewer reported seeing her. And she was finally captured.”


現在高智商犯罪真是越來越普遍! 很多犯罪分子不但聰明,還會利用高科技手段來掩蓋自己的所作所為。我還記得前幾年大熱的美劇: Prison Break 越獄,裏面的男主角Michael就是這樣,He was able to cover his tracks with a complicated underground maze. 他挖了一條複雜的地下迷宮來掩飾行蹤。好的,言歸正傳,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: “The prisoner escaped weeks ago. The police had a hard time finding her because she COVERED HER TRACKS. She was careful not to use her real name and she kept traveling from one state to another. When her photo appeared on TV, a viewer reported seeing her. And she was finally captured.”


M: “Mom and dad have no idea that we’re organizing a party to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. So far we’ve been pretty good at COVERING OUR TRACKS. If we let them think that we and the other guests have other plans that weekend, they won’t find out what’s really happening. Then it’ll be a big surprise!”


所以説,cover one’s tracks 也不一定都是幹壞事。我同事有一次也給了我這樣一個驚喜。他們計劃了一次特別的午餐會慶祝我晉陞,但是卻騙我説這是一次編輯會。They carefully covered their tracks so I didn’t find out about the surprise lunch party! 他們小心掩飾,所以我一點也沒發現,原來那是一次驚喜午餐會! 好的,讓我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: “Mom and dad have no idea that we’re organizing a party to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. So far we’ve been pretty good at COVERING OUR TRACKS. If we let them think that we and the other guests have other plans that weekend, they won’t find out what’s really happening. Then it’ll be a big surprise!”

今天我們學習的習慣用語是 cover one’s tracks,意思是“掩蓋行蹤,隱瞞證據”。好的,這次[美國習慣用語]就到此結束,我是楊琳,我是 Doug Johnson。謝謝各位的收聽。

B: Ooh! Ooh! I have an idea, 楊琳! You can try to get your friend to see that guy’s true colors by showing her all the pictures of him with other girls on 人人!

A: 嗯,也行, 這樣我就什麼都不用説,讓她看事實就行了! 我覺得她就是喜歡他的外表,this guy takes GREAT care of himself! I bet he spends more money on his hair than I do! 就是咱們老説的花美男!

B: Oooh- he’s one of those, eh? I know that kind- sometimes I think they’re prettier than me!! 在今天的美語怎麼説裏,咱們就來看看花美男這個詞怎麼説!

How to say it in American English

JESSICA 在北京學漢語,她的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼説的詞,就會來請教她。今天是楊林要問的:花美男。

YL: JESSICA,你發現沒有,現在有一種男人,皮膚比女人還好,比女人還愛打扮,穿得特時髦,都跟從偶像劇裏走出來似的。我們叫他們“花美男”,flower-pretty-man! 呵呵,我瞎翻的,美語中不會也有類似的稱呼吧?

JESSICA: Actually, there IS an English equivalence. It’s “metrosexual” m-e-t-r-o-s-e-x-u-a-l, metrosexual.

YL: metro– “大城市”,加上 sexual– “性別的”。那 metrosexual 跟中文裏説的“花美男”指的是一種人嗎?

Jessica: Well, Metrosexual men live in big cities, know all the trendy places in town and pay great attention to their appearances.

YL: 沒錯! 花美男就是住在大城市裏的時尚達人,特別注重外表和打扮!要這麼説,花美男就是 metrosexual man!

JESSICA: I guess being a metrosexual man means you’re doing your homework on the latest trends. You need to be up-to-date on the hottest fashion!

YL: up-to-date on the hottest fashion? fashion是時尚的意思,up-to- date 是跟上潮流,所以,up-to-date on the hottest fashion 就是“緊跟最新時尚”吧?

JESSICA: That’s right! But Yanglin, I would say the real fashionable people are not those who follow the trends, but the trend setters!

YL: trend setters? t-r-e-n-d, trend 是趨勢的意思,setter, s-e-t-t-e-r 是設定者,所以 trend setter 就是開創時尚的真正潮人!

JESSICA: 沒錯! Now let’s see what you’ve learned today!

YL: 第一,注重打扮的“花美男”是 metrosexual men;

第二,緊跟流行時尚是 be up-to-date on the hottest fashion;

第三,領導時尚的潮人叫 trend setter!

B: You might joke, but you know what? I like metro guys! They are always clean and don’t let themselves get smelly like other guys!

A: 但是我覺得男的太娘了也不好吧! 像我有個朋友,大男人天天要保持身材,從來不吃快餐,每天沙拉水果….

B: It’s good to be healthy, but everyone needs to indulge themselves once in a blue moon!

A: 對啊! 有時候我就特別想吃不健康的! 薯條,漢堡,奶昔! 好吃又肥胖,哈!

B: 好啦好啦楊琳,等會咱們就可以一起去吃個冰激淋! Even better, in America, we have an extremely convenient way of buying fast food- the drive through! Let’s listen to today’s Go English and learn more!

GoEnglish: Food (Beginner)


Doug and Liz 正開車去超市買菜,可Doug忽然覺得餓了,想順道先去快餐店買個漢堡吃。

Professor: Winnie, do you ever get hungry when you go shopping?


Doug: Hey Liz, I’m really hungry. Let’s stop and eat something.

Liz: Alright, where do you want to eat?

Doug: There is a McDonalds nearby.

Liz: Fast food is so unhealthy. But if you are really hungry, we can go through the drive-through.

Doug: No, let’s go inside. I don’t want to spill my drink in the car.

Professor: So Winnie, did you hear where Doug wants to eat?


Professor: Exactly! Why doesn’t Doug want to use the drive-through?


Professor: That’s true. I guess there are two ways eating fast food can kill you.

MC: 説得對! 吃太多快餐垃圾食品會把身體搞垮,如果邊開車邊吃還可能讓你出車禍!

Cashier: Welcome to McDonalds! May I take your order?

Doug: Yes, I’d like two hamburgers, a large Coke and a large fries.

Cashier: Do you want anything, mam?

Liz: No thanks, I’m on a diet.

Cashier: For here or to go?

Doug: For here.

Cashier: Alright, that will be 11 dollars and 50 cents.

Liz 説,she is on a diet, 正在節食,所以不吃這些高熱量的快餐。Doug 真應該向 Liz 學學。

Professor: Yes, fast food has a lot of fat in it. But Winnie, does Doug want the food “for here” or “to go”?

MC: Doug 説for here, 也就是在餐廳裏吃。如果説 “to go”,就是打包帶走的意思。

Professor: Yes. When you take food home from a restaurant, you can also say the food is for “take out.” Now Doug and Liz are eating their food. Let’s listen.

Doug: Do you want to eat my tomato? I don’t like them. The only topping I like is ketchup.

Liz: Sure, I love tomatoes. They’re a healthy food.

Doug: That’s true. Are you sure you don’t want anything?

Liz: Well I know the French fries are very unhealthy, but they look so good.

Doug: Come on Liz, try one. It won’t kill you.

Liz: Well alright, I’ll have just one.

Doug: Great! I’m going to get a refill of soda.

看來, Liz 的決心動搖了。雖然她一直在説快餐多沒營養,可是一看到Doug的薯條,也忍不住要吃上一根。

Professor: That’s right. And did you hear what topping Doug likes, and which one he doesn’t like?

MC: Doug 説, 在漢堡的所有佐料中,他只喜歡ketchup–番茄醬, 還説他不愛吃番茄。真奇怪,番茄醬不就是番茄做的嘛?

Professor: That’s right. What does Doug say he is going to do at the end?

他説他要去refill他的飲料. Professor, refill, r-e-f-i-l-l, refill 就是續杯的意思吧?

Professor: Correct. When you go to a restaurant, you can ask the waiter, “Do you have free refills?”


Professor: Now let’s see what Doug says when he returns to the table.

Doug: Liz, where are all my fries? Did you eat them all?

Liz: I’m sorry, Doug. They were just so good! Once I started eating them, I couldn’t stop.

Doug: Don’t worry Liz. If I’m going to get really fat, you should get really fat too! We will look really cute together.

Liz: Wow, that is a really scary thought. I need to exercise right now!

啊? Liz 趁Doug不在,居然把他的薯條都吃了!不過,她顯然不想和Doug一起變成胖子,所以説要馬上去健身。不過首先,希望他們在超市能買些健康食品!

Professor: Well listen next time to find out!

A: 我就是這樣! Once I start eating french fries, I can never stop! 我一定會把一包都吃完!

B: Haha, well it’s okay as long as you remember that eating fast food too often is not good for you either, girl….

A: 我可沒天天吃,不過有時候心情不好的時候,塞個漢堡,馬上覺得全身都溫暖有力了耶!

B: Hahah, totally! We all want comfort food on bad days! 下面的例子裏,倒楣的Harry接著講他倒楣的一天,咱們一起去聽聽看!

禮節美語— A Really Bad Day II

Harry告訴同事Cindy, 他這一天真是倒了血霉了。早上起晚,上班遲到,忘了取送去幹洗的西裝,所以只好穿著T恤和牛仔褲來公司上班,不僅如此,錢包還被人偷了。Cindy聽後很同情地説,

Cindy: Wow, Harry…this might just be the worst day of your life!

H: I know! (beep, beep sound) Well…when it rains it pours! Now my cell phone is out of power! And of course…I left my charger at home.

C: (sniffs) Hey…what’s that smell? it’s kind of nasty.

H: Yeah, you’re right….it does stink. Oh! Look at my shoes! I stepped in dog poo!

C: (chuckle) It’s almost funny. Well, you know…when life brings you troubles you can either laugh or cry. Maybe you should go buy a lottery ticket! One of my Chinese friends told me that when you step in doggie poo, you might win the lottery!

正聊著,Harry手機又沒電了。When it rains, it pours! 這種説法是指不管好事還是壞事,要來的時候就會接二連三,在這裡可以理解為禍不單行。這時,兩人都聞到有臭味,It stinks. 原來是Harry不小心踩到了狗屎,dog poo. Cindy説,她的中國朋友告訴她,踩到狗屎應該去買樂透lottery,沒準能中大獎。

H: Ha! Even if I wanted to…I don’t have any money! I don’t even know how I’m getting home tonight.

C: I can lend you some money.

H: Thanks, Cindy…that’s very kind of you.

C: Not at all! Did you cancel your credit cards?

H: Not yet.

C: You better get on the phone and do that ASAP…you don’t want some thief going on a shopping spree with your cards.

H: No, I certainly don’t. Do you think I should report the theft to the police?

別説買樂透,Harry錢包丟了,今天連回家的路費都沒有著落呢。Cindy安慰Harry, 説可以借錢給他,還問他有沒有 cancel your credit cards.把信用卡都關掉,否則的話,小偷可能會拿著Harry的信用卡,go on a shopping spree 去瘋狂購物。Harry説自己這就去,還問Cindy,自己要不要向警察報案。Cindy説:

C: Well…to be honest, the chances of getting your wallet back are low…but you might want to report it anyway. Maybe the cops will eventually catch the guy.

H: Ok…I’ll go do that during my lunch break. Wow…what a day!

C: Keep your chin up, Harry. I know it’s been a rough day for you, but someday you’ll be able to laugh about this.

H: I hope so. Thanks for being a good friend.

C: Of course! What are friends for? Let me buy you lunch today…ok?

H: Cindy…you’re an angel.

Cindy覺得,to be honest 老實説,錢包找回來的可能性很小,但她還是建議Harry去報案。Cindy還鼓勵Harry説,keep your chin up! 抬起頭來,別那麼沮喪。Harry誇Cindy夠意思。Cindy回答説,What are friends for? 直譯為“要朋友幹嘛用的?”意思是這是朋友應該做的,她最後還説,要請Harry吃中飯。

A: 説起吃飯,我今天好想吃熱狗啊! 咱們等會去吃好不好!

B: Wow, I’ve never realized that you are a total fast food lover, girl!

A: 熱狗多好吃啊,肉又多,我最愛吃肉了,哈哈!

B: Hmm Yanglin, I’ve got an idea! You should enter a hot dog eating competition and then you can become famous overnight! And I get to be your manager, of course.

A: 哈哈,沒錯沒錯! 在下面的美語怎麼説裏,咱們就來看看這個竄紅的美語説法!

How to say it in American English

Donny 在北京學漢語,他的中國朋友要是遇到了不知道用美語怎麼説的詞,就會來請教他。今天是吳瓊要問的:竄紅。

Donny: Wuqiong,你看什麼雜誌呢, and who’s the girl on the cover?

WQ: 這是最新一期的時尚週刊。這個女生現在可紅了。你肯定猜不到,她是我高中時的好朋友! 拍了一部電影,一下就竄紅了!

Donny: No kidding! Introduce her to me! 對了,你説她“竄紅”,什麼意思啊?

WQ: 就是紅得很快,suddenly 她就 famous了!

Donny: I got it. She became famous overnight.

WQ: overnight,我知道,o-v-e-r-n-i-g-h-t, overnight 就是一夜之間。To become famous overnight 就是“一夜成名”!

Donny: That’s right. You can also say “she’s an instant hit”. Instant is spelled i-n-s-t-a-n-t, hit is spelled h-i-t.

WQ: 哦,説一個人火速竄紅還可以用 an instant hit.

Donny: Yeah. In the case of this old friend of yours, you can say “her exceptional performance in the new movie made her an instant hit.”

WQ: 對,我這個同學特別會演戲,電影一齣來,她馬上就竄紅了。

Donny: WQ, I just thought of another way to put it—She catapulted to fame with her first movie!

WQ: cata 什麼?怎麼拼?

Donny: catapult, c-a-t-a-p-u-l-t, catapult, 有“彈弓”的意思,as a verb, it means to launch.

WQ: 我明白了,catapult 是彈弓,所以 catapult to fame, 就是“一炮而紅”! 我這個朋友演了一部電影就紅了,所以説 She catapulted to fame with her first movie.

Donny: That’s right! Now, WQ, tell me what you’ve learned today!

WQ: 第一,to become famous overnight,一夜成名;

第二,to be an instant hit, 火速竄紅;

第三:to catapult to fame, 就是“一炮而紅”!

A: 快查查今年的吃熱狗大賽是什麼時候,I’ll be an instant hit! 一炮而紅!

B: 好吧…等會下班給你查…

A: 一言為定! 好了同學們,這次節目時間就到這裡。 如果你對我們的節目有什麼建議,或者想提什麼問題,請發電子郵件到meiyu@voanews.com.

B: And don’t forget to tune in next time for American English Mosaic!

A: See you next time!

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