A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓練班! 我是楊琳!
B: 我是Mike! 楊琳,來告訴大家今天都要學甚麼?
A: 沒問題! 今天,我們要去eBay上賣個東西,看看怎麼解決信用卡的巨額欠費,還要告訴你怎麼說難以想像!
B: I was a huge eBay fan when I was in college. Sometimes I would skip class just to make sure I won an auction I had bid on!
A: 哈哈,yep! I think Internet is the second best invention in the whole world!
B: What’s the best one?
A: Duh, it’s glasses of course! 我這個小瞎子,要是沒有眼鏡我不就完了? (笑) 好了,我們言歸正傳,趕快先來進入第一個單元,Learn a Word!
Learn A Word – 1589 unthinkable
今天我們要學的詞是 unthinkable. Unthinkable is spelled u-n-t-h-i-n-k-a-b-l-e, unthinkable. Unthinkable 意思是無法想像的。U.S. companies are preparing for the once-unthinkable, that Greece might leave the eurozone. 美國公司為希臘可能離開歐元做準備,這本來是無法想像的事情。美式足球NFL的很多後衛球隊一貫以大塊頭著稱。然而如今,體重對身體的壓力讓很多球員難以承受。
Many super-sized NFL players are now doing the unthinking: they are on a diet. 很多大塊頭的NFL球員如今開始控制飲食,這在以前本來是無法想像的。好的,今天我們學習的詞是unthinkable, unthinkable, unthinkable…
A: Speaking of unthinkable, the first thing that popped into my head is the Gangnam Style! Who would ever think that it could become so popular?
B: I know! when I first heard it, it was unthinkable that it would become so popular across the globe!
A: 對啊! 我還聽說有人的婚禮就用Gangnam Style來做裡面的舞曲! 這太搞笑了! They might think it’s funny now, but what about in 20 years? They are going to think they were crazy!
B: Ha, yep. Did you see that we even have a Gangnam style burrito in our cafeteria? (兩人笑) But as with all the pop music, I think it will gradually fizzle out.
A: Yeah I guess that’s true for all pop music. 不過你剛提到一個很好的詞兒, fizzle out! 咱們現在就來學學這個習慣用語的用法吧!
Words and Idioms 986
美國習慣用語第 986講。我是楊琳。
M:我是Steve Baragona.
M: Fizzle out. Fizzle is spelled f-i-z-z-l-e, fizzle. Fizzle out.
Fizzle 這個詞本身的意思是失敗,而fizzle out, 作為一個詞組,意思是”歸於失敗,漸漸消失”。有一項調查顯示,很多法學院的學生都是這樣。Once they discover how consuming that profession is, their enthusiasm seems to FIZZLE OUT. 當他們了解到律師行業有忙後,他們此前的熱情就會漸漸退去。在下面的例子裡,我們要來聽聽一對情侶Chris和Sandy的故事:
M: “Chris and Sandy started dating months ago. All of our friends thought they made a great couple. Soon they moved in together and there was talk about them getting married. What Chris hadn’t realized was that Sandy had an uncontrollable temper. Soon their relationship FIZZLED OUT. We were sad to learn that another promising lover affair came to an end. “
[這段話是說: 幾個月前,Chris和Sandy開始約會。朋友們都認為他們很合適,沒過多久,他們就搬到一起住了,還有人聽說他們快要結婚了。Chris不知道的是,Sandy脾氣很不好,後來他們的感情就慢慢淡薄了。我們很失望地看到,本來特別有希望的一對情侶並沒走到一塊兒。]
結婚前發現不合適,總比結了婚再離婚好吧! 我有一個朋友就是這樣,她經常在網絡上認識人,聊天交友。可是真見了面,總髮現那個人根本就不是網上說的那麼回事! The dates often fizzle out and my friend goes home depressed. 約會經常不了了之,我朋友還特鬱悶。所以說,尋找另一半得靠運氣。好的,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:
M: “Chris and Sandy started dating months ago. All of our friends thought they made a great couple. Soon they moved in together and there was talk about them getting married. What Chris hadn’t realized was that Sandy had an uncontrollable temper. Soon their relationship FIZZLED OUT. We were sad to learn that another promising lover affair came to an end. “
在美國,經常有組織馬拉松或是各種比賽來為抗擊癌症募捐的活動。不過下面的例子裡,一個競賽組織團隊的資金慢慢枯竭了。這是為甚麼呢? 咱們一起來聽一聽:
M: “Hundreds of races take place every year to raise money to fight lung cancer. But one organization has been having trouble getting contributions. That’s because its president was recently caught stealing and then lying about it. No wonder funding is FIZZLING OUT! “
[這段話是說:每年都會有幾百個競賽項目為抗擊肺癌籌集資金。但是其中一個組織今年募集的資金特別少。結果有人發現這個組織的主席挪用公款,而且還撒謊! 難怪他們籌集的資金越來越少!]
基金的經營出現問題後,一旦主要支持者退出,其他人就會跟著退出。這就好像去參加一個派對,一旦有人開始離開,慢慢大家就會接二連三跟著回家,the party begins to fizzle out. 派對就會慢慢結束。不過我們的節目可不會 fizzle out! 好的,言歸正傳,我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:
M: “Hundreds of races take place every year to raise money to fight lung cancer. But one organization has been having trouble getting contributions. That’s because its president was recently caught stealing and then lying about it. No wonder funding is FIZZLING OUT! “
今天我們學習的習慣用語是fizzle out, 意思是歸於失敗,漸漸消失。好的,這次[美國習慣用語]就到此結束,我是楊琳,我是Steve Baragona。謝謝各位的收聽。
A: So Mike, 節目剛開始你說你大學時成天在eBay上買東西,你都買了甚麼嘛?
B: I bought everything there. Books, my I-pod, clothes, computers, I even got my jeep from eBay!
A: 啊? 在網上買吉普車? 你也太牛了….
B: It’s actually really convenient. I just saw an ad and went to see the jeep…and…it was love at the first sight! But then eBay started to fizzle out, and now Amazon and Craigslist have basically replaced it.
A: 原來是這樣! 不過呢,網上購物現在是越來越方便,大家也經常在網站上賣自己不要的東西! 今天的美語三級跳裡,我們就要跟著Chole一塊來在網上貼廣告。咱們趕快來聽聽吧!
Computers: Intermediate
Professor. That’s right, Winnie. Let’s hope Matt is more helpful selling things than he was fixing the Internet.
Matt: Chloe, you are really lucky that I am here to help you sell this stuff online. I am an expert at this!
Chloe: Well you also said you were an expert at fixing my computer, but you couldn’t do that at all.
Matt: Believe me, this time I mean it. I am going to help you sell your things for a lot of money.
Chloe: I guess I have to trust you. I’ve never posted an advertisement on the Internet before. What should we do first?
Matt又來了,說自己是上網賣東西的行家!他一定又在吹牛!對了,Professor, Chloe 說,她想在網上 post一則廣告。post這個詞在這是登的意思吧?
Professor: That’s right. You can also “post” pictures on a website, or “post” comments on a blog.
在網上登廣告、發照片、寫評論都可以說 post.
Matt: The first thing we have to do is decide where to post the ad. Do you want to auction it on eBay?
Chloe: Yeah, that sounds good. How do I do that?
Matt: Well first you will have to create an account. Then you will have to write a description of the item and upload some pictures. What are you selling?
Chloe: I’m selling my bike. I don’t ride it very often anymore, but it’s still in good condition.
Professor Bowman, auction, a-u-c-t-i-o-n, 是“拍賣”的意思麼?
Professor: That’s exactly right, Winnie. What does Matt say Chloe has to do to auction her bike online?
他說,Chloe可以去拍賣網 – eBay,先註冊一個account – 帳號,然後就可以賣她的自行車了。
Professor: Winnie, you can also create other kinds of accounts on the Internet, such as an e-mail account. Matt also says Chloe needs to “upload” some pictures. Do you know what that means?
這個我知道! upload 上傳,跟download下載正好相反,賣東西當然最好有照片,所以要upload some pictures 上傳一些照片。
Matt: You know what else you can do? You can post a link to the bike company’s Web site so that people can find more information about it.
Chloe: That’s a great idea. But how much do you think I should sell it for?
Matt: We can search the advertisements for other bicycles on eBay, and see what the asking price is.
Chloe: Hey, great idea! You know Matt, you’re a lot better at selling things online than you are at fixing computers.
Professor: So Winnie, what does Matt say Chloe should post on her advertisement?
Matt說,Chloe應該在廣告中放個link – 鏈接,接到自行車廠家的網站,這樣,感興趣的買主就能更多地了解這輛車的情況。
Professor: Right! You can also use the word “link” as a verb, too. For example, you can link from one page to the next by clicking on the link.
哦,link還可以當動詞用。對了,professor, 甚麼是asking price?
Professor: It’s the original price you ask for, before you start negotiating.
哦,asking price就是賣家開出的要價。
Chloe: Well, it looks like we are finished posting the ad. Do you think I will get many responses?
Matt: Maybe. It would also be a good idea to post a link to your ad on your personal Web page.
Chloe: Oh yeah, I’ve got a MyFace page. Maybe some of my friends would want to buy my bike.
Matt: Well, post the link and see what happens. MyFace gets a lot of traffic.
Professor, Matt說 MyFace這個網站gets a lot of “traffic.” “traffic”不是指馬路上的車麼?
Professor: Yes, but you can talk about Internet traffic too.
哦, Internet traffic應該就是網站的訪問量! Professor, Matt 這次好像沒吹牛,的確幫了Chloe不少忙。希望Chloe的自行車能很快賣出!
Professor: Listen next time to find out!
A: 原來, Chloe要賣自己的自行車,她準備先register for an account on eBay, 註冊賬號,然後upload some pictures, 上傳一些照片,給出asking price, 賣家要價,而且還要跟她的個人網站連起來 to attract more traffic, 增加點擊量。 看來這次,Matt 還幫了她蠻多忙的嘛!
B: Yep, I definitely prefer buying things on eBay and Amazon over shopping in the mall. A) it’s more convenient and B) you can find a better deal on the Internet!
A: 對啊! 好像很多理財專家都說,其實很多東西都沒有必要買新的,二手的跟新的一樣好,而且價錢還便宜非常多!
B: There you go! Shop smart and you won’t be in debt!
A: Exactly! 在今天的business etiquette裡, 負債纍纍的Jane正在請教公司的財務專家Vincent和Anna怎麼擺脫債務,我們一塊來聽聽吧!
禮節美語 – Getting Out of Debt – Part I
Jane找上司Vincent, 可不是為了工作。
Jane: (knock knock) Hi, Vincent…got a second?
Vincent: Sure, Jane…come in. Grab a seat. What’s on your mind?
J: Well, I know this doesn’t fall under your responsibilities, but I really need some advice. Do you mind?
V: Not at all. Shoot.
J: Ok…I’ll just say it: I’m quite heavily in debt and I need advice on how to get out of this hole I’m in.
Jane 問Vincent有沒有時間 got a second? 請別人坐,可以說 grab a seat. Vincent 讓 Jane–shoot. Shoot 在這兒不是開槍,而是“說吧”。原來,Jane 是因為債務纏身,heavily in debt, 讓Vincent 幫她出主意,to get out of this hole 擺脫困境。
V: I see. Is this mainly credit card debt?
J: Yes. But there’s a mortgage and car payments as well.
V: You know what? I’m going to ask Anna Wang to join our conversation. She’s our company’s financial expert.
(Picks up phone) Anna? Would you mind joining me for a second? Thanks.
J: Oh. I don’t want to be a burden.
V: No…it’s really no problem. Millions of people have fallen into debt and it’s great that you are trying to take positive action. Oh, hi Anna. This is Jane.
Anna: Hi Vince. Hi Jane.
Jane 不光信用卡欠了很多錢,還有房貸和車貸。Vincent 請公司的財務專家 Anna 來諮詢。注意聽,Jane欠了多少錢。
V: Jane wants advice on how to get out of credit card debt.
A: Ah. That’s a popular problem these days. Can I ask how much you owe?
J: Um…it’s kind of embarrassing…but Ok…25,000 dollars.
A: Jane, I’m going to be blunt: if I were you, I’d cut up all my credit cards today.
J: All of them?
A: Well, you might keep one for emergencies, but the point is: stop using the cards.
Jane 一共欠了兩萬五千美元。Anna說,I’m going to be blunt 我直話直說:要是我,今天就把信用卡都剪碎。The point is: stop using the cards 關鍵是:不能再刷卡了。
V: I never used to pay attention to the fine print, but one day I looked up the details from my bank and I discovered I got charged 14% interest!
A: Yes, you really have to read the fine print. In Jane’s case though, I’d recommend actually canceling the cards.
J: Can’t I get the bank to lower my interest rates?
V: Sure, but you also want to stop new spending. When you buy something with a credit card, you think you are paying what the price tag says. But really there are a lot of extras.
消費者一定要注意信用卡的 fine print 合同細則,Vince的銀行就收他14%的利率。刷卡購物,你以為付的是商品標價 the price tag, 可實際上有很多額外收費。a lot of extras。Jane 具體該怎麼做?我們下次繼續聽。
A: 原來,Jane is heavily in debt, 債務纏身,請Vincent和Anna幫她出主意,to get out of this hole,擺脫困境。Anna說, 她的建議是把信用卡都減碎, stop using the cards, 不能再刷卡了。而且,用信用卡一定要注意read the fine print, 閱讀合同細則,Jane的銀行就收取她14%的利率,there are a lot of extras, 有很多額外費用。
B: That’s why Warren Buffett said that everyone only need one credit card. The more credit cards you have, the more you will spend. Sometimes people just lose track of their spending. Then next thing you know they’re in major debt.
A: 沒錯! 刷信用卡老讓人覺得沒花錢似的,其實零零碎碎加起來一點也不少! 現在就有很多財務顧問建議大家開始使用cash,現金! 你看,我們中國人民多麼聰明,一直使用!
B: Haha, I agree with you on that. On average Chinese households save around 25% of their salary, while Americans save less than 10%. We need to learn from you guys in that aspect!
A: 不錯不錯! 先給老師端一杯茶來! (笑) 好了不開玩笑了,我們還是接著聽聽Anna給了Jane甚麼建議吧!
禮節美語 – Getting Out of Debt – Part II
Jane 向上司Vincent和財務專家Anna請教,如何才能擺脫信用卡債務。Anna建議說:
A: You have to freeze everything and reevaluate your position. Figure out exactly – to the dollar – how much you owe and who you owe it to.
J: How can I get the credit card companies to stop calling me a hundred times a day?
V: (chuckles) They can be quite persistent, can’t they?
A: They need to be convinced that you’re serious about getting your finances in order. You will probably need to go down and speak with a bank representative.
V: Your bank should be willing to reduce your debt if you can work out a repayment schedule.
Anna 建議 Jane “freeze everything and reevaluate your position”凍結一切財務活動,對現狀重新評估,看自己到底欠誰錢、欠多少錢。要想讓信用卡公司別沒完沒了地打電話催債,stop calling me a hundred times a day, 就要讓他們相信,你真心想把債務付清 get the finances in order。Anna 還建議 Jane 去找銀行,work out a repayment schedule 就如何分期分批還清債務達成協議。
J: I think I made a bad decision with my car as well. I chose the five-year payment plan, but with the interest, it’s actually much more expensive than the three-year plan.
A: It’s very important that you do the math before you sign any papers. Can I be blunt with you?
J: Yes. I can take it.
A: You can’t be financially healthy if you’re lazy. Many people make really bad decisions just because they’re too lazy to really figure it out.
V: I’m sure guilty of that.
J: Yes. I agree. I’m going to start paying better attention.
沒錯,在任何貸款協議上簽字之前一定要 do the math 把帳算清楚。Anna 說,很多人在財務上犯錯誤都是因為懶得去算這筆帳。
Vincent 承認,他就是這樣的人,I am sure guilty of that. 言歸正傳,Anna 要還清債務,具體有哪些步驟呢?
V: So let’s see if I can summarize the plan. One: Stop spending. Two: Talk to the banks and work out a deal … and three: Pay closer attention to the fine print.
A: That’s pretty much it. Becoming a financially healthy person is possible, but it takes exercise.
J: So basically my brain needs to go to the gym.
A & V: (mild chuckle)
J: Thank you both very much. I appreciate your good counsel.
第一:不能再隨便花錢﹔第二:跟銀行談,work out a deal 設法達成還錢的協議﹔第三:以後務必注意財務協議的細則。Anna 打比方說,要做一個財務上的健康人是可能的,但需要練習。Jane 也開玩笑,說要讓自己的大腦去去健身房。
A: See Mike, you can’t be lazy if you want to be financially healthy, you need to be as hardworking as I am! So before I give you any more important tips, I need a cheesecake and a cup of latte….
B: Cheesecake? Tell you what, when you get fiscally fit, I’ll get stop being lazy with my finances.