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A: 歡迎大家來到這期的美語訓練班! 我是楊琳!

B: 我是Mike! 楊琳,來告訴大家今天都要學什麼?

A: 沒問題! 今天,我們要帶你去看看在美國看病有什麼不同,聊聊怎麼為工作面試做準備,還要告訴你怎麼説精挑細選!

B: Yep. You were complaining about going to hospitals in China, but actually I think here is way worse. It’s significantly more expensive, especially if you don’t have insurance.

A: 可不是嘛! 有一回等我約到醫生,病都好了! 不過這個咱們等會再討論,現在我們先來進入第一個單元,Learn a Word!

Learn A Word – 1570 outsell

今天我們要學的詞是 outsell. outsell is spelled o-u-t-s-e-l-l; outsell. Outsell 銷量超過。“格雷的50道陰影”這套書熱賣。The Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy is outselling the seven Harry Potter books to become the best selling book series on Amazon.co.uk.“格雷的50道陰影”三部曲銷量超過哈裏.波特的七本書,成為英國亞馬遜網站上銷量最好的系列書籍。Outsell 的過去時是 outsold. 電子書ebook的銷量繼續呈上升趨勢。Publishers are reporting that in 2011, e-book versions of novels aimed at adults outsold hard covers for the first time. 出版商説,2011年,成年人小説類書籍的電子版銷量首次超過精裝本銷量。好的,今天我們學習的詞是 outsell, outsell, outsell….

A: 説起outsell,最該提的就是iphone5了! iPhone 5 outsold all other smart phones! 我也特想要一部呢!

B: Yeah, Apple said it got 2 million pre-orders for the iPhone 5 in just 24 hours. That nearly doubles the sales record of the previous version!

A: 正好,你不是前兩天在健身房馬大哈把手機摔了嗎? 你也去換個新的嘛!

B: Well as you know, I like to be unique. I don’t want to use the same phone as everybody else. So I’ve been trying to ferret out which smart phone I should get by reading all the comments on tech web sites.

A: Oh you’re so smart! 你剛才提到了一個很好的詞兒 ferret out, 咱們來聽聽這個習慣用語的用法吧!

Words and Idioms-983

現在播送美國習慣用語第 983講。我是楊琳。

M:我是Steve Baragona.


M: Ferret out. Ferret is spelled f-e-r-r-e-t. Ferret-out.

Ferret 作為動詞,意思是搜尋,尋找。Ferret out 作為一個片語,是通過全面搜尋而搜尋出來的意思。在上面的例子裏,通過網上的顧客評論: I can FERRET OUT the poor service providers from the good ones. 我能很容易找到好的和差的服務。在下面的例子裏,一名男子堅持要參加訓練最嚴酷的特種部隊,我們來聽聽他爸爸是怎麼説的:

M: “I support my son wanting to enlist in the military. But he’s determined to join one of the toughest units in the world. Their basic training involves physical, mental and emotional challenges that nearly impossible to endure. They FERRET OUT the weaker candidates within days.”


這人説的一定是那些在泥裏爬,冰水裏游泳,然後每天只睡四個小時的特種部隊。我真不明白人類怎麼能忍受這些。我記得,原來我去參加一個鋼琴比賽的選拔,The judges quickly FERRETED OUT everyone but the most exceptional talents. 評委們很快就挑選出了最傑出的人才。好了,讓我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: “I support my son wanting to enlist in the military. But he’s determined to join one of the toughest units in the world. Their basic training involves physical, mental and emotional challenges that nearly impossible to endure. They FERRET OUT the weaker candidates within days.”


M: “It was announced that some workers got paid overtime that they hadn’t worked. The accounting department is reviewing all recent records. They’re FERRETING OUT any fraud. The employees responsible can expect to be punished.”


幹了缺德事,總是會被發現的。我記得原來大學在一間旅遊公司實習,人們發現一些導遊強行多收了遊客的錢。It didn’t take long for the boss to FERRET OUT abuses and fire those employees. 老闆沒過多久就發現了這種行為,炒了那些導遊的魷魚。好的,讓我們再來聽聽剛才那段話:

M: “It was announced that some workers got paid overtime that they hadn’t worked. The accounting department is reviewing all recent records. They’re FERRETING OUT any fraud. The employees responsible can expect to be punished.”

今天我們學習的習慣用語是ferret out, 意思是“搜尋出來,搜尋出來”。好的,這次[美國習慣用語]就到此結束,我是楊琳,我是Dan Markus。謝謝各位的收聽。

B: Speaking of ferret out, one of the reasons medical care is so costly in America is because medical school is so hard and expensive. It’s extremely hard to get in, and they are constantly trying to ferret out the weaker candidates during the four years of study.

A: 這樣才能保證最後出來的醫生都是最優秀的呀! 不過我覺得美國呢,尖端醫學確實特別發達,可是普通人要去看病可太貴啦!

B: For sure. The worst part is that even with insurance sometimes the cost of medical care can be in the thousands.

A: 就是! 記得嗎,上回Helen也不想看醫生,可病一點沒好,所以這回不得不去了。咱們跟著她去看看美國醫生有什麼高招!
B: Let’s listen!

Health: Intermediate



Professor: That’s right, Winnie. In this first part, Helen is describing her symptoms to the doctor. Let’s listen.

Helen: I hope you can help me doctor. I really haven’t been feeling well the past few days.

Doctor: I see. Can you describe your symptoms for me?

Helen: I’ve had a persistent pain in my stomach, and I’ve been getting really bad headaches too.

Doctor: Can you describe the stomach pain? Is it a dull pain or a sharp pain?

Helen: It’s mostly a dull pain. No matter what I do, nothing seems to make it go away.

Professor, Helen説她的頭疼和胃疼都是persistent是什麼意思?

Professor: You can call a symptom persistent if it won’t go away. For example, “I get a persistent headache every afternoon as soon as my children come home from school.”

哦,persistent pain就是持續的疼痛。

Professor: Exactly. And do you know what sharp and dull pains are?

我知道,dull pain就是隱隱作痛,而sharp pain是劇烈疼痛。

Doctor: Do you have a history of these kinds of symptoms?

Helen: Well I’ve had stomach aches and headaches before, but never this serious and for so long.

Doctor: Right. How long have you been feeling ill? Is it every day?

Helen: It’s been on-and-off for a few months. I’ve tried taking aspirin to lessen the pain, but it doesn’t help.

Professor: So Winnie, how long has Helen had these symptoms?


Professor: That means that sometimes she has them, and sometimes she doesn’t.

哦,on-and-off 就是説有時候疼,有時候不疼,時好時壞。

Professor: Right. You can use this phrase for other things too. For example, “Chris and Tammy keep breaking up, but then getting back together. Their relationship has been on-and-off for the past year.”

哦,形容戀人的關係是on-and-off,就是説他們總是分分合合。Professor, 醫生還問Helen是不是有a history of these symptoms,這就是問她是不是有這個病史,是不是老毛病吧?

Professor: Right again! The doctor might also ask if you have a “family history” of a disease, meaning that other people in your family have had the same thing.

Family history of a disease? 也就是家族病史。

Doctor: I’m not sure what the problem is. I need to do some tests before I can diagnose you.

Helen: How long will that take?

Doctor: It will take about a week for the test results to come back. Until then, I can give you some pain killers to help alleviate the pain.

Helen: Thanks doctor. I think that would be really helpful.

看來,醫生一時也不能判斷Helen到底有什麼病,所以要 do some tests 做一些化驗,看看結果再説。

Professor: Yes, Winnie. And what does the doctor say he will do to help Helen alleviate the pain while they are waiting for the test results?

醫生説先給Helen開一些pain killers–止痛藥,希望這樣能alleviate–緩解她的疼痛。

Doctor: I have just one last question. Have there been any big changes in your life that have affected your mental health?

Helen: Actually, my dog died a couple of weeks ago, and I’ve been really sad about it.

Doctor: You know, sometimes when you are under a lot of mental stress, it can cause physical health problems. Have you thought about talking to a therapist?

Helen: No, I haven’t. Do you think that would help?

Doctor: It might. You should think about it.


Professor: That’s right. Usually when Americans mention “therapist”, they refer to someone who you talk to about your mental health, but a “physical therapist” is someone who helps people recover from physical injuries.

哦,therapist一般指心理治療師, “physical therapist”,就是物理治療師了。Professor, 你説Helen會去看therapist麼?

Professor: Let’s listen next time to find out!

A: 醫生問Helen身體有什麼不適,她説她一直have a dull pain in her stomach, 肚子隱隱作痛,而且幾個月來一直on and off, 時好時壞。醫生問她有沒有 a history of these symptoms, 家族病史。了解到沒有之後,醫生説得做些檢察,先給了Helen一些止痛藥來 alleviate the pain, 減輕疼痛。

B: Yeah, she also mentioned that she’s under a lot of mental stress. I guess that also contributed.


B: Not necessarily, a lot of cities have special clinics call “Urgent Care Centers” where you can just walk in and see a doctor. No one wants to get sick, especially when you have something important to do. I remember once I got really sick before an important interview, and it nearly killed me! I was too dizzy to follow what the interviewer was saying!

A: 啊? 要是我肯定就先取消了嘛!

B: Well, sometimes you get sick suddenly and there is no time to cancel or maybe the interview is extremely important and you can’t cancel.

A: 也對也對! 在今天的Business Etiquette裏, David得到了他一直夢寐以求的面試機會,咱們去看看他是怎麼準備的!

禮節美語-Prepare for Job Interview-part I

MC: David 興高彩烈地來找 Peter。讓我們聽聽他有什麼好消息。

David: Peter! Have I got news for you!

Peter: Wow, David…I’ve never seen you so excited. What’s the occasion?

D: Ok…you’ve known me for years, right?

P: Uh huh.

D: What’s the one job I’ve been dreaming of having my whole life?

P: You’ve always wanted to work as a writer for PLAYERS Magazine.

David 説,Have I got news for you! 在這裡不是問句,而是要加強語氣,意思是我有事要告訴你!So What’s the occasion? 是什麼重大消息呢?Peter 故意賣關子,暗示 David ,跟他多年來的理想有關,那就是給 Players 雜誌撰稿。

D: That’s right!! And I landed a job interview with them!!! I go in to meet the boss next Tuesday!!

P: Wow, man! I’m so happy for you! Good for you!

D: But, truth be told…I’m terrified of the interview. How can I ace it?

David 喜出望外地告訴 Peter, I landed a job interview with them. 他得到了面試的機會。Land, l-a-n-d, 在這裡是動詞,意思是得到。但是 David 承認,truth be told,説實話,他很怕,所以讓 Peter 給他出主意,怎樣才能 ace it. Ace it 是一種很口語化的説法,意思是得滿分,一舉拿下這次面試。

P: Awww, everyone is terrified of job interviews, but there are some things you can do to help prepare.

D: Such as?

P: Well, for starters, you should do as much research as possible on PLAYERS Magazine.

D: Yeah…I’ll need to review some of their older issues and brush up on the magazine’s history. I need to know that company inside and out!

P: That’s right. Bosses like the guy who does his homework.

如何為面試做準備?Peter 説,for starters, 首先,要對 Players 雜誌有一個徹底的了解。David 説,他準備回去 brush up on the magazine’s history. 重溫一下這份雜誌的歷史,brush up on something 的意思是溫故知新. David 還説,I need to know that company inside and out. 意思是把這家雜誌從裏到外了解個底兒透。Peter 表示贊成,因為 bosses like the guy who does his homework. 老闆都喜歡認真的人。do one’s homework 做好功課,就是事先做好準備工作的意思。

D: I was thinking about asking you to play the role of the interviewer so I can rehearse my performance. I’ve already done it front of a mirror like a hundred times.

P: (chuckle) Sure…I’ll play the boss. But you know…you’re going to have to fight to stay calm. It doesn’t look good if you go into the interview too hyper. You gotta look calm and in control.

David 讓 Peter 扮演面試考官,play the role of the interviewer, 幫他模擬面試,so I can rehearse my performance. Rehearse, r-e-h-e-a-r-s-e, 是綵排的意思。Peter 建議 David 不能過於激動 too hyper, h-y-p-e-r, hyper 是高度興奮的意思。You gotta look calm and in control. 要顯得鎮定自若。

A: David得到了夢寐以求的面試機會,他決定好好準備,brush up on the magazine’s history, 熟悉雜誌的歷史,know the company inside and out, 透徹了解這家公司。Peter 説去面試的時候不能hyper,過於興奮,要 look calm and in control, 鎮定自若。

B: Those are all good tips. I think preparation is key. If you are fully prepared, you will have more confidence, and it will show through your gestures and words.

A: Yep. 而且我覺得穿著和舉止也特別重要! 一定得穿自己最舒服最自信的衣服,一走進去就讓面試官感覺到你的自信!

B: Yep, it’s better to be over-dress than under-dress! Let’s continue to listen and see what kind of advice that Peter has for David!

禮節美語-Prepare for Job Interview-part II

David 要去面試,他準備穿什麼呢?我們一起聽聽他跟好朋友 Peter 的對話。

D: I’m going to get there early and make sure I have my best outfit all washed and ironed way ahead of time. If I wait for the last minute, I know I’ll panic!

P: Yeah, preparation is key. Remember to call the interviewer by their name. People like to hear their name spoken out loud. But don’t over-do it. Ok…so what are you planning on wearing next Tuesday?

D: Well, I want to look good, but I don’t want to look too stuffy. I was thinking about nice jeans and a sports coat.

David 準備提前到達面試地點,早早把要穿的衣服洗好、熨好。way ahead of time 意思是早早的。If I wait for the last minute, 如果等到最後一分鐘的話,就會 panic, p-a-n-i-c, 意思是感到慌亂。Peter 提醒 David 要稱呼面試官的名字,但是 don’t over-do it. 不要做得太過頭。David 説,他不想顯得乏味,古板,too stuffy, s-t-u-f-f-y, 所以想穿牛仔褲和休閒西裝上衣去面試。

P: Ummm…I’d recommend erring on the conservative side when it comes to clothes. I read somewhere that 55% of another person’s perception of you is based on how you look. I’d say go with a suit and tie.

D: 55% huh? Then I guess it’s better to be over-dressed than under-dressed.

P: Yeah. I’d say a dark suit with a conservative tie.

Peter 建議 David 選擇相對正式的西裝和領帶。to err on the conservative side, 意思是寧可保守一點,因為別人對你的印象有百分之55都是根據你的外表得出的。It’s better to be over-dressed than under-dressed. 寧可穿得過於正式 over-dressed,也不要穿得過於隨便 under-dressed。

P: But the one main thing that I can’t stress enough is confidence. Look the person in the eye. If you need a clarification on something, speak up and ask…but don’t turn into a blabbermouth.

D: Do you think I should tell him how terrible it is working at Shimomatsu Publishing? I bet he’d get a kick out of that!

Peter 強調説,要 look the person in the eye 看著對方的眼睛。有什麼問題儘管問,但不要喋喋不休 don’t turn into a blabbermouth. B-l-a-b-b-e-r-m-o-u-t-h 是多嘴多舌的意思。David 想告訴面試官自己對現在的工作不滿意。I bet he’d get a kick out of that. 我想他聽了一定很高興。

P: Actually, when I interview people, I hate it when they badmouth previous employers. I think it’s bad form and I also think “Is this what you’re going to do to me one day?”

D: Good point. Peter, you are a true friend and I value your input.

P: Call me right after the interview and tell me how it went, OK?

D: Absolutely.

Peter 覺得,最好不要 badmouth previous employers 説以前老闆的壞話, badmouth 是説別人壞話的意思,因為 it’s bad form 這是一種粗魯的表現,form 在這裡是舉止行為的意思。

A: 聽到沒有,絕對不能説老闆或者同事的壞話! So you need to stop being mean to me!

B: I’m not being mean, I’m just being honest…

A: There will be some serious consequences for your action mister! You just wait and see!

B: HA! ok, I’ll be waiting right here.

A: 好了同學們,這次節目時間就到這裡了。

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