

Jianyi shi, David Lee
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Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Comp 2011: Chestnut Victorious


1. mettle :[ˋmetl] n. 勇氣
2. mighty : [ˋmaiti] a. 巨大的
3. coveted : [ˋkʌvitid] a. 夢寐以求的
4. subtle : [ˋsʌtl] a. 微妙的
5. mob : [mɔb] n. 民眾
6. heroic : [hiˋrəuik] a. 英雄的
7. pierce : [piəs] v. 穿過
8. separate : [ˋsepəreit] v. 分隔
9. carnivore : [ˋkɑ:nivɔ:] n. 食肉者
10. vegetarian : [͵vedʒiˋtɛəriən] n. 素食者

July 4th, 2011! 235 years of American history has all lead to this moment. Nathan’s Annual Hot Dog Eating Contest.

The greatest eaters in the world have gathered to test their mettle against the mighty hot dog. Four-time champion Joey Chestnut returns to defend his title, but his competitors are hungry for their chance at the coveted Mustard Belt.

There’s a change in the air. A subtle stir. Something electric moves through the crowd. As mobs shout for their favorite heroic eater, flags pierce the sky in joyous celebration. It’s time to eat!

This is the moment that separates the men from the boys, the carnivores from the vegetarians.

11. contemplate :[ˋkɔntem͵pleit] v. 注視
12. neck and neck : phr. 平分秋色
13. victorious : [vikˋtɔ:riəs] a. 勝利的
14. emerge : [iˋmə:dʒ] v. 出現
15. sustain : [səsˋtein] v. 支持, 鼓舞
16. contest : [ˋkɔntest] n. 競爭
17. self-aggrandizement : [ˋselfəˋgrændizmənt] n. 自我擴張
18. farce : [fɑ:s] n. 鬧劇
19. delusionment : [diˋlu:ʒənmənt] n.妄想
20. crown : [kraun] v. 為…加冕

Chestnut pauses, contemplating the hotdogs before him—and then it begins! But who’s that to Chestnut’s left? Does the champion face a new challenge in number-two man, Patrick “Deep Dish” Bertoletti?

Chestnut and Bertoletti are neck and neck. This is no longer a competition about eating, but a test of will.
切斯納和深盤Bertoletti並駕齊驅。 這不再是關於吃的競爭,而是意志的測試。

But it’s a hot-dog-eat-hot-dog world out there, and there can be only one champion. When the dust and hotdog bits settle, Chestnut emerges victorious, 62 hotdogs fallen.

[Bad Lands Brooker, Competitive Eater]:
What can I say about Joey George Chestnut? He’s just awesome. He was the one who pushed Kobayashi, who we thought was unbeatable, and bring it home to America and sustain it, and we’re all just trying to catch up to be like Joey.
競爭者 Bad Lands Brooker說:“關於喬伊‧切斯納,我可以說什麼呢?他就是令人敬畏。是他趕走小林(譯按:先前的日本人冠軍),我們認為是打不敗的,把獎牌帶回美國的家,並且延續它,我們都想試者趕上像喬伊一樣。”

[Frank, Audience Member]:
“He represents the USA. He took it from Kobayashi in ’07. Kobayashi has been winning from 2001-2006. He brought it back here to the US.”

Kobayashi has been banned from Nathan’s competition, so he held his own match on the rooftop of a Manhattan bar during the contest, where he ate 69 hotdogs.

But not everyone was impressed.

[George Shea, Chairman of Major League Eating]:
“What Kobayashi did today was an exercise in self-aggrandizement, and it was a farce. He put a tin crown on his head and he calls himself king. You know what I mean, that’s delusionment.”

[Joey Chestnut, Hot Dog Eating Champion]:
“He did a little thing on his own. It’s no different from when I do a practice on my own and I’m able to beat a record in my house.”

[George Shea, Chairman of Major League Eating]:
“The world champion is crowned in Coney Island since 1916 and forever, it will always be.”

Also crowned in Coney Island this year: the first champion of the new women’s category.

Sonya “Black Widow” Thomas, who enjoyed the sweet taste of victory. She ate a Women’s world record—40 hotdogs in just 10 minutes.

本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw

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