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India Holds Annual Vintage Car Rally in Tamil Nadu

Jessie Chen, David Lee


1. hold[hold]: v.舉行
2. annual [ˋænjʊəl]: adj.每年的
3. vintage car[ˋvɪntɪdʒ] [kɑr]: n.老式汽車
4. along with[əˋlɔŋ] [wɪð]: ph.與…在一起
5. take part in[tek] [pɑrt] [ɪn]: ph.參加
6. festival: n. [ˋfɛstəv!]慶典
7. hill station[hɪl] [ˋsteʃən]: n. 山中避暑地
8. golden oldie[ˋgoldn] [ˋoldɪ]: ph.風靡一時的老歌、老唱片、老電影
9. major[ˋmedʒɚ]: adj.主要的
10. attraction[əˋtrækʃən]: n.吸引物
11. vimprove[ɪmˋpruv]: v.改善
12. flag: [flæg]在…上豎旗子

Around 50 vintage cars, along with motorcycles and jeeps from across India, took part in the eighth annual vintage rally on Thursday. The rally was part of a summer festival at Ootacamund, a hill station in India’s southern state of Tamil Nadu.
Among the classic golden oldies were the Austin, Buick, Morris, Dodge, Chevrolet, Studebaker, Plymouth, Fiat, Ford and Landmaster.
其中經典款的老車有Austin(Austin), Buick(別克), Morris(莫里斯), Dodge(道奇), Chevrolet(雪佛蘭), Studebaker(史蒂倍克), Plymouth(普利茅斯), Fiat(飛雅特), Ford(福特)以及Landmaster。

[Babu, Rally Organizers]:
“It’s the eighth successful car show, which we are holding in Nilgiris today, and around 50 cars have come from Andhra, Kerala and Karnataka. In this you will see Wellesley, Austin, Plymouth, Dodge, and Cowley brands. These vehicles are English, American, German and Russian. We are very proud to hold this rally.”
「這是成功的第八次車展,我們今天在尼爾吉里斯縣舉行,大約50輛來自Andhra, Kerala and Karnataka。在這你可以見到Wellesley, Austin, Plymouth, Dodge,和Cowley品牌的車。這些是英國、美國、德國和俄羅斯的汽車。我們為舉行這次集會感到很光榮。

The annual vintage car rally is a major attraction for tourists from across the country, and has been improving every year.

[Srinivas, Tourist]:
“I have been coming from the very beginning, from the first year to the seventh year. We have come with our family. Every year they are developing cars and bikes. The first time they only had 22 vehicles and then the next year it became 36. Now they have 56 cars in it. And the bikes and two wheelers as well, nearly 50 vehicles. Next year I think it will be 100.”

本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw

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