【大紀元2011年08月18日訊】之前的文章我們介紹了一些冠詞的用法,如「a/an」和「the」。今天我們來介紹一下關於「the」的其他用法。在英語中定冠詞「the」被用於一些地名前面,通常在複數的國家名字前,河流,海洋,山脈(一座山不包括在內)。有一個簡單的助記辦法,你可以記憶為「PROMS」(Plural countries, rivers, oceans, mountain chains -but NOT individual mountains,seas。「PROMS」為這些單詞的第一個字母的縮寫)。下面我們來按照「PROMS」的順序來看一下這些名稱。
Plural countries(複數的國名):the United States(美國), the Philippines(菲律賓), the Netherlands(荷蘭)
Rivers(河流): the Nile River(尼羅河), the Amazon River (亞馬遜河)
Oceans(洋):the Pacific Ocean(太平洋), the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋), the Indian Ocean(印度洋)
Mountain chains(山脈):the Himalayas(喜馬拉雅山), the Alps(阿爾卑斯山), the Rocky Mountains(落基山脈)
Seas(海):the Mediterranean Sea(地中海), the Red Sea(紅海), the South China Sea(中國南海)
另外,還有一些地名也需要使用定冠詞「the」,比如海峽(straits), 沙漠(deserts),以及部分常見的建築(towers),同樣的助記辦法為「DeToSt」
Deserts(沙漠):the Sahara Desert(賽哈拉沙漠), the Mojave Desert(莫哈威沙漠)
Towers(高大建築): the CN Tower(CN 塔), the Eiffel Tower(艾菲爾鐵塔)
Straits(海峽): the Strait of Gibraltar(直布羅陀海峽), the Bering Strait(白令海峽)
安大略湖: Lake Ontario ; 加拿大: Canada ; Yonge街: Yonge Street ;安省: Ontario ;加利福尼亞: California ; 哈德森灣: Hudson Bay
1. The Nile River flows through Egypt.
2. _______ Cuba is located in _______ Caribbean Sea.
3. _______ Eiffel Tower is a famous tourist attraction in _________ Paris.
4. ______ Tagalog is the official language of _________ Philippines.
5. _______ Alps are located in _________ Switzerland.
6. ________ Black Sea borders ________ Russia, _______ Turkey, __________ Bulgaria,
________ Romania and __________ Ukraine.
7. __________ Dutch is the official language of _________ Netherlands.
8. ___________ Amazon River is located in ____________ South America, in the country of
_______ Brazil.
9. Mt. Everest is located in ____________ Himalayas, which border ___________ China and ________ India.
10. ________ Canada is bordered by three oceans – _________ Arctic, ___________ Atlantic
and __________ Pacific.
11. _________ CN Tower, the world』s tallest free-standing structure, is located in _________ Toronto.
12. ___________ Sahara is the world』s largest desert.
13. Because it』s located on ________ Lake Ontario, summers in _________ Toronto are often somewhat humid.
14. _____Jasper and _______ Banff are popular Alberta tourist towns in __________ Rockies.
15. ________ English is the official language of _________ Bahamas.
16. ________ Spanish is the most widely spoken 2nd language in _________ United States.
17. ________ Strait of Gibraltar is located at the entrance to _________ Mediterranean Sea
between _________ Morocco and _________ Spain.
18. _________ Broadway is a famous street in _________ New York City.
19. _________ Yangtze River is the longest river in ___________ China.
20. ___________ Rhine River flows through ___________ Germany.
2. ____ , the
3. The, ____
4. ____ , the
5. The, ____
6. The, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____
7. ____, the
8. The, ____, ____
9. the, ____, ____
10. ____, the, the, the
11. The, ____
12. The
13. ____, ____
14. ____, ____, the
15. ____, the
16. ____, the
17. The, the, ____, ____
18. ____, ____
19. The, ____
20. The, ____
邁克(Mike Tiittanen)是應用語言學博士,從1993年開始致力於成人「英語第二語言」(ESL)的教學工作,同時他還兼任多倫多Seneca社區學院針對教師的培訓項目(TESL)的講師,是一位資深的英語語言專家。更多學習資料請訪問://doctormikeenglishcenter.wordpress.com/
[邁克博士英語一角] 「The」 與地名
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