

Daniel Chen, David Lee
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Hard to Breathe in Beijing’s Heavy Smog

1. Smog: [smɑg] n. 煙霧
2. Strain: [stren] n. 壓力
3. Outpatient: [‘ɑʊtp,eʃənt] n. 門診病人
4. gloomy: [ˋglumɪ] adj. 陰暗的
5. hazardous: [ˋhæzɚdəs] adj. 危險的
6. righteousness : [ˋraɪtʃəsnɪs] n. 公理;正義
7. take the initiative: ph. 採取主動
8. factor : [ˋfæktɚ] v. 把…作為因素計入

Heavy smog has continued in Beijing for more than a week, and the city’s hospitals are feeling the strain of extra patients with breathing difficulties.

[Beijing Children’s Hospital]:
“There are a large number of patients with breathing problems at our hospital, everyday we have about seven or eight-thousand out-patients, seven or eight-thousand per day. We have over 900 beds and all of them are full.”

One resident whose home is less than a mile from the Beijing TV Tower says it’s difficult to leave the house.

[Beijing Resident]:
“You go out and you can’t breathe, taking medicine doesn’t help, you’re all blocked up, after walking you’ll be sweating all over. You cannot see the TV tower. It’s all grey. You can’t see anything. The atmosphere is really gloomy.”

Others are also having breathing problems.

[Mr. Liu, Beijing Resident]:
“Today I went out for probably two hours, when I came back I felt my nose was especially blocked, my body felt really uncomfortable.”

Authorities have insisted the smog is just fog and not pollution, but the pollution index broadcast hourly via Twitter from the US Embassy in Beijing says otherwise. The index has frequently shown ‘hazardous’ or ‘unhealthy’ readings all week.

Local authorities are measuring larger particles, so they get a healthier reading.

[Dr. Zhu]:
“Corruption, environmental pollution, many issues, when they are brought out on to the table and discussed, they say you are arousing fear, influencing the ‘harmonious society,’ going to extremes. People don’t have the ability to sort it out, and what the officials are protecting is not righteousness and knowledge, not the country and the people, but their own benefits.”

Now many residents are taking the initiative to measure the air quality themselves.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection says it will factor smaller particles into its data, but only after 2016.


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