
Hello英語(第四十七課):在銀行裏 (三)

At the Bank (Part III)
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對話 (一)
A= And how much money did you want to deposit into your checking and savings today?
B= Let me see how much money I have. How about five hundred dollars?

A= Okay, and you want to put some in your savings account as well?

B= Can I do that?
A= Sure.
B= Okay.

A= We can put three hundred in your savings and two hundred in your checking. Is that okay?
B= Okay, sure.

A= Alright, I’ll just take the money up to the tellers. And there is your I.D. back. And I’ll be right back with your receipt.
B= Okay, thank you.

B; 我看看我有多少錢。五百元怎麼樣?

A: 好,你也想往你的儲蓄帳戶裏存些錢嗎?

B: 我可以那樣做嗎?
A: 當然。
B: 好。

A: 我們可以在你的儲蓄帳戶裏放三百元,在你的支票帳戶裏放兩百元。 行嗎?
B: 行,當然了。

A: 好, 我把錢那拿給出納員。這是你的名片,給你。我馬上就把你的收據拿來。
B: 好,謝謝。

teller 銀行的儲納員
I’ll be right back.我馬上就回來。
receipt 收據

* * *

A= Okay, and here are your receipts. This is your receipt for the checking account. That’s two hundred dollars in your checking account today. And here’s three hundred dollars put into your savings account today.
B= Okay.

A= Here is everything. Here is all your account packet. Here is everything we talked about. Your checking and savings account, your ATM card, and also your checks, and also your first value membership. And if you have any questions, this is my card. I’m the manager here.

B= I can call you?

A= Definitely you can call me if you have any questions regarding your account and I’ll be glad to answer them for you. Is there anything else I can do for you today?
B= No

A= Alright, well it was nice meeting you.
B= Nice meeting you.

A= And thank you for choosing First Virginia.
B= Thank you very much.

A= Alright.
B= Bye-bye

A= You have a good day.
B= You too. Bye-bye
A= Thank you.

A: 好,這是你的收據。這是你支票帳戶的收據,那是你今天存到支票帳戶裏的兩百元錢。這是你今天存到儲蓄帳戶裏的三百元錢。
B: 好。

A: 所有的都在這呢,這是你的帳戶資料,這是我們剛才說的,你的支票和儲蓄帳戶、你的取錢卡,還有你的支票、還有你的一級會員證。 如果你有什麼問題,這是我的卡片。我是這裏的經理。

B: 我可以給你打電話嗎?
A: 如果你對你的帳戶有什麼問題,你當然可以給我打電話,我會很高興地為你回答問題。我今天還能為你再做點什麼嗎?
B: 不用了。

A: 好,見到你很高興。
B: 見到你很高興。

A: 謝謝你選擇第一佛吉尼亞銀行。
B: 非常感謝你。

A: 好。
B: 再見

B: 你也一樣,再見。
A: 謝謝

Here is everything. 所有的東西都在這呢
packet 小包裹,一打文件
Account packet 帳戶的文件
value 值,價值
membership 會員
Question 問題
Definitely 當然的,肯定的,無疑的
Regarding 關於
Glad 高興
Answer 回答
Choose 選擇

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